Lapband surgery 2.5 monthes ago

Oct 24, 2007

Despite the rough surgery, I'm glad I did the lapband. I have had minimal problems and I think Iam on the road now to weight loss. Nobody wants to be fat. I spent my 20's as a thin person, very attractive, popular. I married and right after my first child i started having problems with my body and weight. I went on Jenny Craig and lost alot of weight. It all seemed to creep back on. I was on Prednisone for years and that didn't help. A couple of years ago I was diagnosed with a tumor on my thyroid. My thyroid and metabolism were not working. I had my thyroid removed and now i take synthroid everyday.
I wish I could say I could lose the weight completely by myself. I guess we all wish that. I needed a tool and I think the lapband is the wls for someone who doesn't want to do something to drastic, but needs help. No one wants to be fat. I remember years ago watching Oprah and there was a group of fat women on the show. They were all saying how great it was. I just saw one of the women on Oprah recently. She had Gastric Bypass and looked great. No one want to feel uncomfortable in their own skin. I wanted to look better, live longer, be more active, and have a healthier life. You don't appreciate things when you feel tired, sluggish, or fat.  I wish I could of done this sooner instead at age 37. I'm blessed my insurance covered me and everything has worked out thus far. 
I do not eat very much at all right now. I'm trying to make the food i eat count protein wise, etc. I have completely cut out diet pepsi, which i have had in my life for 15 years!! I now drink Lipton green tea and crystal light, water. 
Another important thing about this surgery is it changes your life. The friends I had before the surgery I don't have anymore. The support person I had went to all the classes with me. Right before I was scheduled to have the surgery she stoppped talking to me. I do not know If it was jealousy or what. She went to the seminar and had them bill her insurance, but was denied. I personally don't think she could handle the discipline because she eats a ton of food. I feel better off as I want true friendships. If it had been one of my friends I would of been happy for them. 
I love that I can now fit into my smaller clothes and the scale is going down. I cannot wait until i lose 50lbs!!
I hope everyone has great success in finding what they need to do to improve their life.

2nd fill

Oct 09, 2007

My 2nd fill was on Oct. 4th.(2cc). I was able to drink water at the Dr. office, but when I got home i was miserable. I drve 1.5 hours for my fill so i decided to wait it out and see how i felt. I was still miserable on Sat so i drove back to the office to have some taken out. It took Dr. Yarbrough a few tries to find the port. I was miserable! Afet he took some out i felt much better. I can finally swallow liquids! I believe he reduced it to about 1.5 cc. My band holds 4cc, but he said it will not hold it. 
After all that I have been through since Aug. 1st, I can now say it has been worth the ride! The surgery and hospital was terrible. I didn't do good with pain meds and pain. I have a narrow stomach so the lapband was alot harder to place.
I can now feel the band starting to work. Im full fast. There are some things i cannot eat at all. If I crave something I get it. After a couple bites I'm done.
I now use my treadmill and weights. I do 2 miles a day on the treadmill and arm weights. I will gradually add more. I would like to avoid the plastic surgery route as I do not see another surgery in my future. Time will tell. I guess it is like having children. After a while you forget.
I decided to get the lapband after my son's 8th  grade graduation. I took pictures. After i saw myself in them I was horrified. I did not want to be the person I was seeing. I quickly deleted all the pictures. I had researched the lapband and went to the seminar. This was my final decision maker. I have lost about 17lbs so far. To me that is great. I have no thyroid so i take synthroid. If I can lose weight I'm excited. I hope the exercise will increase the loss. It is important to not lose muscle mass. If you do you will look like a deflated balloon. That reminds me everyday to work out!!
I cannot wait to buy new clothes. Save me a seat on the losers bench!!! 

1ST fill

Sep 15, 2007

I just had my first fill on Sept. 12th. The fill was uncomfortable, hard to find the port. I believe my Dr. filled it to 1 cc, Since the fill I feel more hungry and I don't really feel restriction or full. I wonder if this is normal for anyone else? I have to wait two weeks to get another fill.

About Me
salem, OR
Jul 25, 2007
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Lapband surgery 2.5 monthes ago
2nd fill
1ST fill
