Almost 5 Years Strong

Nov 21, 2008

It has been an amazing 5 years. I have reached the top and felt nothing but joy and confusion and I have hit Rock bottom and felt lost and alone. I have had some bad days but I can truly say they don't out weight my good days.  I have Lost -100 pounds, gotten married, pregnant 7 months post-op, 2 kids,almost 30+ pound weight gain, extreme anxiety, 3 cars, 3 jobs, Unemployeed, dropping -80 pounds since Sept. 2009 and being an SAHM with a new at home business. I could say I wish I could go back and change some of the things that have happen in the past 5 years but doing that would guide me away from what God has planned for me, for US(my beautiful family). I always hear about couples getting divorced post-op or their family being turned upside down and I just feel so blessed to STILL BE STANDING and Standing right side my KING and My 2 Angels.  I know I am still picking myself up but know failure is not gaining the weight back or eating bad or not exercsisng, it is falling and never attempting to get back up and Try again.  In life we all don't catch onto things the first time but at some point that light will go off. Maybe it will be when you have sucken so far down you are crawling your way out or life is going GREAT and you realize just how far you have come and Blessed you truly are.  When that moment comes, embrace it, feed on it everyday to see you through. Pass some of your experience on with a friend or Stranger who may need to hear your struggling to pick them selves back up.

I know it has been awhile since I have come back to update but I make sure even if it is once a year I come back and put up new pictures or offer a little support because I never want to forget here is what got me through a lot of dark days and even helped me celebrate the good ones. Even though many have moved on, I still think of many of you to this day.I wish you all Peace, Love, Understanding, a New Found strength within your self and a Wonderful Journey in Life.

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