June 8th 2004

Talked with the surgeon's office today. Found out that the upfront cost was 350.00 for the pre-op consult, the nutritionist consult, the 2,4,6,8,10, and 12 week post-op visits and the pre and post-op vitamins...Not too bad I think. I was pleased to hear that my insurance pays for 100% of procedure itself plus 1 reconstructive surgery a year after the surgery. I am very happy to be getting my life back. Dr. Way's office is very helpful and i am pleased to have found a doctor relatively easy. I will keep everyone posted on my progress...

June 16th 2004

Had my consultation with the doctors office today...Went EXTREMELY well...I also had my psychological eval appointment today as well...My nutritionist appointment is the 25th...My surgery date is scheduled for the 29th if all paperwork is in on time...If not, then the 1st...I will let you know how things get as the date gets closer...

June 21st 2004

Well, Father's Day was nice...Had some interesting news today...See, at first I had my heart set on having the surgery laparoscopic...My surgery, however, would not cover it due to the cost over "open"...After much tears, and soul searching, I came to the realization that although The thought of coming out of this surgery with the least amount of scarring possible seemed VERY appealing, that I wasnt doing this process for vanity purposes in the first place...It took awhile to really come to tearms with this, but I did...Well, I have a date now, and all is well in my world...Today my world got turned upside down...The doctor's office called and said that as of July 1st, a new company takes over and I might be able to have it Lap after all...The catch however is that first, the papers wouldnt even be able to be submitted until the 1st, then the approval process all over again, then the scheduling of the dates, and last but not least, no idea of when the date would even be...Could be months down the road while they "settle in"...Well, wouldnt be so bad if my husband wasnt leaving for Djoubouti (horn of Africa) in August for his 8-12 month deployment...So, as I sit in wonder of this, and how I could have such a dilemma put on my plate, I can only offer this in reflection...I have decided to go ahead and continue on my path of the "open" surgery method...My husband's leave has been approved and we are on our way!!...Who knows, maybe a cute butterfly tattoo on my tummy, after the abdominoplasty of course, will hide the scar pretty well anyways...Wish me luck...

June 26th 2004

I had my appointments with the nutritionist, the doctor himself, and the anesthesiologist today...All went very well...Still shooting for the 29th, but if the paperwork isnt done until monday, the it will be the 1st...still, thats very good considering i have been trying for this for less than a month...I must admit that the feelings of anxiety and tension are steadily getting worse...I cant seem to shake the knot in the pit of my stomach...I wish i could just wake up tomorrow and the surgery be over...well, soon enough...

June 28th 2004

Well, the hospital called me today and my surgery is scheduled for 8:00am tomorrow morning!!!...I am more excited than I can possibly put into words...now the nervous feeling has set in though...I knw that God will see me through this...Someone sent me a very nice letter that ended with "If God get you too it, he will see you through it"...it was the greatest thing I have ever heard...not just for this, but for life in general...Wish me luck, and save me seat on the losers bench...

July 3rd 2004 WEIGHT: 241.7 (morning of surgery)

Well, Im home...surgery went great...I dont remember anything at all about the surgery...I remember getting my IV, then waking up in my room...I thought that the pain was really terrible, until they took out the JP drain...then the incision wasnt so bad...it is however, longer than I expected, but thats just vanity talking...incision site is doing well though...no signs of infection...going to heal nicely I think...Thank you for all of your kind words of support and encouragement...

July 15th 2004 WEIGHT: 223.5

I am sorry that it has been awhile since I updated this, I have been so busy...I am 2 weeks (and 2 days) post-op...The incision is completely sealed up and all looks VERY good...Have not cheated in my food at all...I am allowed to add milk, pudding, yogurt, and my favorite, cream soups...I have eaten cream of chicken soup every day for 3 days...I love it...a little salt, pepper, and garlic and its good to go...I love the yogurt...I thought this part would be so hard, but when you have no "hunger trigger", its not so bad at all...In 3 days I can start on pureed foods...That will be fun...Not looking forward to that at all...Probably will stick to what I am doing now...Stuff that is SUPPOSED to look runny...I have 2 1/2 weeks til I am back on "normal" foods...that will be nice...Anyways, I am doing well...No problems at all to report...

July 30th, 2004 WEIGHT: 210.0

Well, I guess I am not very good at updating this thing like I thought I would be...I am down 31 pounds in 5 weeks...I feel ok I guess...The swallowing air thing is getting REALLY old...It feels like my chest is going to explode...I have resorted to taking mylicon BEFORE I eat AND after I eat to try and curb the air pain...absolutely cannot eat pureed food...the texture alone makes me gag...not because of the surgery, just in general...so I am forced to remain on full liquids for another week now...I am really starting to miss just being able to just tear into a double cheeseburger from burger king, but I hope once things return to normal, that will pass...

August 11th 2004 WEIGHT 204

I am updating now because I am 6 weeks post-op now and I am doing pretty well...I am down 37.7 lbs in 6 weeks...May not seem like a lot, but according to the doctor I am right on track because I didnt start out as big as most people...As far as my food goes, I am starting to experiment with different things...I am having trouble with chicken right now, but hopefully that will pass...Cheese is great...I am eating (shaved) turkey and roast beef lunchmeat with baby swiss cheese and mustard right now and its great...Doing GREAT with my protein drink that I bought...Its called Nectar...I bought the Roadside Lemonade and the Fruit Punch flavors...0 fat, 0 carbs, 0 sugar...And its whey protein, not whole protein...its a fruit drink and not a thick shake, so it goes down like water...I really like it...and its 23 grams of protein per 8 oz...I drink like 4 a day...other than that, nothing really different...I will update in 2 weeks and let everyone know how things are going...

September 1st, 2004 WEIGHT: 188.5

Well, I am feeling better than ever...I am down 53.2 pounds in 9 weeks...I still have a problem eating meat, but its not really affecting me because I get all of my protein from my protein drinks and things like cheese, almonds, and egg beaters...Had my period this week, so I am actually surprised that I am still losing right now, with all the water I have been retaining...HA HA HA....Anyways, even though I know that the weight loss will slow down, the thought that I am OVER halfway to my goal in only 9 weeks feels REALLY good...Well, more updates later...

September 27th, 2004 WEIGHT: 174.0

Still losing pretty steady...Still felling good...had my 12 week nutritionist appt. last Monday...Lost 22 inches...7 from my chest and back, 6 from my waist, and 9 from my hips...that was nice to hear...losing 68 pounds so far seems surreal...Its weird to think that I only have 39 pounds left to lose and Im only 13 weeks out...well, hope everyone else is doing great also...

November 10th, 2004 WEIGHT: 160.0

Well, I am only down 14 lbs since my last update, but I am down 82 pounds total in 4 1/2 months...Thats pretty cool...I am in a size 12 comfortably and a lot of things have gotten better...I am the happiest person in the world...I wouldnt trade having this surgery for anything...I was even a Harem Girl Belly Dancer for Halloween...I was showing off my new tummy (I have a 29 inch waist now) and all I did was cover my scar with a little make-up...Nobody even knew I had a scar...It was great...

December 30th, 2004 WEIGHT: 142.0

I DID IT!!! I have lost 100lbs...I feel REALLY good...I am wearing a size 9-10 now and I couldnt be happier...I have stopped losing hair and can eat pretty much ANYTHING I want to...Good thing that I just dont want anything bad for me...lol...I have gone for so long without the "crap" I was eating before, that I dont even want it now...Life is good...I have my best friend Jessica with me every step of the way and I couldnt have gotten through some of the things without her...A good supportive friend is essential...This was the best decision I have ever made for myself...Thanks Dr. Way, you saved my life!!!

February 20, 2005 WEIGHT 135

I have stopped losing now...My body has finally regulated itself and I am done now...I have weighed 135 for about a month and a half...I feel great...I am in a size 7-8...I am eating anything I want to...(but dont worry, I dont WANT to eat bad things)...Once again, best decision I ever made.

June 30, 2005 WEIGHT 130

Ok, I lied...lol...I am down to 130...Size 6...I have been here since around the first of March...I am still doing wonderful...Feel great...Looking into plastic surgery for my breast area (went from a C-D to an A)...That is truly about the only area that REALLY bothers me...The rest I have kept toned to the best of my ability, and it looks pretty good if I do say so myself...I am I year post-op now, and couldnt be happier...Dr Way and his staff gave me my life and my health back...

May 28, 2007 WEIGHT 130

OK, I know that I havent checked in in forever, but I felt that I needed to update because a VERY close person to my heart is about to undergo this procedure, and this has caused me to do a lot of thinking about the whole experience and what it has done for me, and continues to do for me still.
I had my breast augmentation in January of 2006...It went great!!!...I feel much better about the situation where that WAS concerned...I am almost 3 yrs post-op now, and have still maintained the weight loss...I feel great...I have no problems with ANY food at all, and continue to try and make the best decisions about the food that I eat...the only thing that is a problem (sometimes) is drinking carbonated drinks too fast, but that is manageable...
Other than that, nothing new to report....I hope that my story helps somebody...anybody... and that you find the person on the outside that you KNOW you are on the inside...Don't do it for anyone but yourself, and keep faith....It will be a difficult transition in your life, but it IS worth it!!!!!!!

About Me
San Diego, CA
Surgery Date
Jun 03, 2004
Member Since
