I hit a brick wall......

Jul 14, 2011

Well as of now I'm in limbo..I'm not working so I have no insurance to pay for a surgery.  I was very close up in Michigan to getting my wls but it haulted because of the move.  I am currently trying to save up and get a treadmill so I can at least work on losing on my own but it will take some time.  I was also denied for social security what a suprise right lol oh well I have to keep on keeping on.  Thats all I can do for now.  Hope and pray for the help I need.  If I could have this surgery I know my life would take a complete turn around for the better...Its all about money....without it I'm screwed.......

I've moved out of state

Aug 26, 2010

I moved recently and wont be having surgery in Michigan.  Hurley decided after I completed all things required my Psych wasnt good enough for them and I would have to use their in house doc, which of course isnt covered by my insurance so i would have to pay up front like 700 bucks.  So I had financial problems and decided to move and try my chances in West Virginia.  Please wish me luck, I dont know how things go down here but I will try and if I fail I guess it will have to wait until I can get better insurance.  My diabetes is just getting worse and my feet are so bad with the neuropathy I can hardly stand it.  I have alot of trouble sleeping due to the constant pain. This shouldnt be so hard...

Recent news from the doctor....

Apr 21, 2009

Went to the reg. doctor a couple weeks ago and he ran several blood tests and the results weren't that shocking.  I was diagnosed with Type 2 Diabetes and he said my liver enzymes were triple what normal would be.  So I have to schedule a CT Scan and we will know where to go from the result of that.  But I'm still making an appt. with Hurley.  The Diabetes will go away with WLS, but the liver enzymes concern me because my mother has Hepititis C and Liver Cancer and is waiting for a transplant right now. Thats what I get for not having any medical treatment for the past 20 years.....



Mar 16, 2009

Well today I finally managed to decide what insurance provider to use.  I noticed that Molina Healthcare is paying for RNY so I picked that one.  I also found a Primary Care Doctor in my area and made an appointment to get a physical.  I need to be tested for diabetes and high blood pressure also.  I can hardly wait.  Most people wouldnt be that excited but I see it as a progression into my surgery goal.  Once I see my doctor some I will be able to get with the surgeon and get this fat off me.  I'm so determined....


Still trying......

Mar 13, 2009

Well as of today I'm still looking for a regular doctor.  I called Hurley Bariatric in Flint, MI and they said I need to see a doctor first before making an appointment with them.  So thats where I start I guess.  I just wish this all would happen faster, I'm impatient and I want it done fast fast fast.  I know it took time to put all this weight on so its going to take time to get it off.  I just feel like if I dont hurry its not going to happen.  Theres a skinny me dying to get out of this big shell.......


We moved....

Feb 25, 2009

Well we finally moved to Michigan.  We found a place and got all settled in, kids are all back in school thank god. lol. Now its go time.  I am currently trying to find a surgeon and doctor that excepts medicaid.  Once thats done I can get things going to get surgery.  I know it wont happen overnight but I have a new outlook on everything now.  I just ended a 10 yr relationship that was not great from the start, and I feel really empowered now.  He was a real control freak and bossed us all around all the time, so now I make all the decisions and ask the older kids their opinion so they feel like they finally have a say in things.  I think this will help me in my weight loss because I was super depressed with him and now I'm getting enough sleep and taking better care of myself and trying to do more.  Just getting up in the morning is helping me.  Before I'd get the kids up for school and go back to bed and I think that made me more tired.  Well thats all for now.  I'll update when I find my doctors..Wish me luck!!!!!!

About Me
Lundale, WV
Jan 21, 2008
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