Kevin T. Fisher

"Dr. Kevin Fisher will be my surgeon. Consult fee was $390.00 for 15 min. He was straight forward and I feel confident in his skills. Tracey was very nice and helpful. I was denied the first time and approved after appeal. I was scheduled for my pre-op testing and completed those. I tried to contact his office and would get voice mail. I felt as if I had just fell through the cracks. As time went on I became frustrated with his office. They are so busy. I understand this. It's just so emotionally exhausting. All I am waiting on is a surgery date. I was told they would call me mid July with a date. we'll see..."

Julie Free

"Julie has an amazing personality. I felt very comfortable with her. She explains things with you and takes her time. She used books and model foods to show proper portion size.she gave me materials (worksheets and booklets)to help teach me about proper nutrition. I felt very comfortable with her. She is very compassionate and excited to be working with bariatric patients."

Saint Francis

"I would recommend Saint Frances."
About Me
Haskell, OK
Surgery Date
May 24, 2001
Member Since
