Making the decision to have the Gastric Bypass RNY was the best decision that I have EVER made! I have been overweight since the age of 5. I have dieted all my life. I enjoyed a few successes, but they were short lived. And though I have always been big, I have also always been healthy until a few years ago. After 40, the aches and pains set in. My knees and ankles Always hurt. My back, neck and shoulders Always hurt. I started to constantly feel....just....BAD. I always felt sick and fatigued. God help me if I dropped something! It took planning and maneuvering to bend over and pick anything up. Then Diabetes reared its ugly head. I couldn't keep my glucose levels under control and was about to have to start insulin. I felt defeated, ugly, sick, and a total Failure! My problem has Always been OVEREATING! The RNY forces me to NOT Overeat. That's what I needed! I was up and walking 2 hours after waking up from surgery. My self-mantra became "Oh YES I CAN!" After allowing myself a two week recovery period, I hit the ground Running! I joined a gym. I started out with 20 minutes on a treadmill and worked it up. I started lifting weights too so that I could get a head start on toning and skin shrinking. I spend about 3 hours a day, 5 days a week, Working Out! I LOVE IT! I run 5.5 miles on an Elliptical in an hour, or run 3 and a quarter mile for Cardio. I lift weights working Core, then arms, then legs on alternate days. Then I Stretch. The other two days of the week I either ride my bicycle 8 to 10 miles or run at a popular River Walk. I also do as much yard work as I can steal from my kids and I go to Every Zumba class offered at the gym. Zumba is for fun even though it's workout. I am becoming the Athlete that I have Always wanted to be!!!!! With every pound that I lose, I feel Prettier and Sexier! It gives me so Much Joy to give away all the clothes that get too large for me, and I absolutely Never get tired of hearing praise and support from my friends and family! My Amazing boyfriend who funded my surgery with part of his retirement account is Extremely Impressed, and Happy at my progress! He Literally Saved My Life!!! Food has become a mere tool for health. It is no longer "my friend", my comforter, or my bliss. I am happier, and healthier than I have Ever been! My goal is in sight and, at the point I am at right now, that goal is an Enjoyable Journey instead of a desperate and frantic attempt. I started out, a 330 pound diabetic mess. The RNY, as we know, cures diabetes. I have lost 137 pounds as of today. I have 63 to go! That's my story for now. I hope that it sparks an enthusiasm to anyone who reads it! Bright Blessings and Best of Luck and Health to You All!!!!!

About Me
Surgery Date
Jun 09, 2011
Member Since

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