
Jun 28, 2009

Will be checking-in in 5 hours at the hospital at 8.30am.  Can't get back to sleep despite Ambien.  Would love to gulp some water down but atlas, cannot.  Still have yet to completely sink in what's happening to me, a complete life makeover in a sense.  The future seems so difficult to imagine without the added weight.  It's literally been almost 15 years since my depression and weight gain, after Mom's death in 1994.  About 13/14 years of the burden of 80 extra lbs to carry through the days and nights.  Of trying to lose and forcing myself to believe that this time, it will last.  After a while, it just seemed futile.

In many senses, I'm prepared for this road.  I have great friends, colleagues, boyfriend and have finally achieved a truce with my Dad and brother.  My weight has always held me back from the complete freedom and carefreeness required to attain utter happiness.  So here I go.  Hungry and thirsty and nervous and uncertain and hopeful.

About Me
May 13, 2008
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