Update almost 6 weeks out

May 30, 2011

WOW it has been way to long since i have posted.I am going to be 6 weeks out this Wednesday and things are going pretty good. The beginning was really tough. about 2 1/2 weeks out I went to the Doc cuz i was having pain that  was just terrible and was causing me to not even be able to stand up on my own, I ended up having a nasty infection in my largest surgical site. So (TMI) he popped it back open and draining all the gunk out of there YUCK!!! Then I had to have it flushed and packed that day and the next day and was put on a good heavy dose of antibiotics.. however the pain was gone by the third morning and I finally started to re coop.then at 4 weeks out I kept feeling like things were getting stuck and was throwing up everything I put in my mouth. I could hardly even drink water so I went back to see the surgeon and sure enough it was a stricture. So the day I was suppose to return to work I ended up having a small procedure to pop open the stricture, again the pain and nauseousness was almost instantly gone. Since then however I have returned to work and I have started to walking and light exercise to my daily routine and things are really going good. I still struggle with food choices because I have a hard time trying new things. i am nervous that it wont agree with me, so i am getting really board with chicken, tuna, cheese and peanut butter. I have lost a total of 70 pounds now!!!! I don't really see a difference in myself but some family and co workers have started to comment about the weight loss ( and my droopy pants lol) My new goal is to have lost 100 lbs by my birthday which is 8/26 and I only have 30 pounds to go so i am almost sure that I will have no problem making (and hopefully exceeding) that goal. I have added some before and current pics and I will be adding more sometime this week for 6 week pics.


1 week post op.

Apr 26, 2011

things are going pretty well, Surgery went great, was able to come home Friday afternoon, so only 2 night in the hospital. I am still in a lot of pain but I am trying to push through it and walk as mush as i can and at least stand up for a while if i don't have the strength to walk around. but day by day i feel better and I will continue to walk as much as i can. I have felt pretty good otherwise, I haven't thrown up at all and I have been able to get in all 48-64 ounces of my water and at least 75 grams of protein everyday. I haven't had any issues with my vitamins, the grit texture is gross but the taste isn't to bad and it fills my sweet tooth. 
 my goal was to not weigh myself until my 1st post op apt (3 weeks) but I couldn't handle the temptation so I got on the scale today AND i am down 9 pounds since the morning of surgery, and 40 pounds total with my pre op loss!!!! it feels great to finally be on the losers bench and I cant wait to see what the future holds on my new journey.

Highest weight 359
Surgery weight 328
1 week post op 319

Tomorrows the day!!!

Apr 19, 2011

Well Its Finally here. surgery is tomorrow morning, 930 check in 1030 surgery..
I am all ready, and get wait to get on the losers bench.
I took my before pictures today and will post them in a few weeks once I am home and am able to take some more.
Here goes nothing.

another update...

Mar 25, 2011

All of my pre op appointments are scheduled.. i have to see my PCP for a physical and blood work. (which i am going to be looking for a new PCP soon, i just don't feel as comfortable with a male DR as I as i do with a female, so i will be on the search in the next few months) I have to see PT again to make sure i am set up with the right exercised for after surgery,
and then I have one last pre-op with the dietitian to go over vitamins and eating post-op.. the next 26 days are going to go SO SLOW because i am so nervous and excited!!!



Mar 24, 2011

 It is been a while since I have posted!!  My first request for approval was denied due to lack of weight history. So I did 4 more months of visits with my PCP and managed to lose weight. My surgeon’s office sent in the appeal and guess what… I will be posting much more often now because my insurance APPROVED me and I HAVE A DATE!!! I am scheduled for Gastric bypass 4/20/2011. 27 days away. I am scared, nervous, excited, hopeful but most of all faithful that the good lord will help me through this journey, and I will be a success. Any tips and hints would be more than appreciated. ALSO my goal of losing 20 pounds by surgery has been met and exceeded. My goal is to lose 5-10 more pounds before surgery, and I am confident that I can achieve that goal. My highest weight 359 My current weight 334 <3 Until next time

Just waiting

Nov 02, 2010

So.. YAY!!!.. I completed all of my pre op requirements and my request for approval was sent to Aetna today.. I am on pins and needles. I know that it will most likely take a few weeks but I am just so nervous and excited that it is going to feel like YEARS.  I need to calm down a bit because even tho I did everything i was supposed to there is still a chance of getting denied..... then more hoop jumping and more waiting. But I pray to the good god that it is a quick and painless approval and a can finally get a date!! from the beginning of this program the bariatric coordinators were shooting for a late November date . that would be GREAT but i would also be okay with December. AS LONG AS I GET APPROVED!!!!.
ASLO i went to my first support group meeting last night, it was pretty cool to meet everyone.

hopefully the next time i make a post it the title was be I AM APPROVED and/or I GOT A DATE.

 until next time. :) 

. . . just an update

Oct 17, 2010

One more thing knocked off the list of things needed before surgery. I had my upper GI endoscopy done on Friday, everything looked alright except a little acid damage done to my esophagus, from acid reflux. so i have to take prilosec up until surgery to get it all healed up, which is not the worst because it helps tremendously with the acid reflux/ heartburn!! I have my last Psyche apt on Wednesday and my last Dietitian and PT meetings on the 1st of November and then its the waiting game of insurance approval. . .  which I have heard can take 2 weeks to 2 months to get so I am trying not to get to hyped up about it. I have been really trying to watch what I eat because my goal is to loose 20 pounds by surgery time. I have been doing really good with eating more fruits and veggies and limiting carbs and sugars. I have stopped drinking Soda and and limited my coffee intake. I have also been walking on my lunch breaks at work but I have only lost 2 lbs.. I know that i am still eating to much, & I partly blame that on my work schedule because I am working crazy shifts and only have 1 or 2 days off every 3 weeks because we have so many people out right now and the OT is very nice on the bank account. I just need to get a fire lit under my butt because i WILL meet my goal of loosing 20 before surgery. 

ta ta for now :)


Jumping through hoops

Sep 16, 2010

So I had another Psyche apt yesterday.. only 1 of those left .. I have my 2nd PT and Dietitian appointments on the first of October. then the final ones on the first of November. Then we can get all my paperwork to insurance and pray for quick and easy approval and surgery dates. I had my upper endoscopy scheduled for 9/24 but i got a call from Pat ( the bariatric coordinator) saying the Dr was going to be out of the office that day so I rescheduled it for 10/15. They are still hoping for a late November surgery date, which seems like FOREVER away but it really is only 2 & 1/2 months.... i have been doing really good with the guidelines that Christine (Dietitian) gave me. I have also been logging everything I eat for the past 2 weeks..it really made me more aware of what I was putting in my system. I am hoping  I can lose 20lbs before surgery. I have lost 2 so far!! not much but hey its something. .. Until next time :)


making progress :)

Aug 25, 2010

Soo.. I know this is a long road and I keep thinking… I have been FAT for 15 years why is it killing me to wait 4 more months. I think I am just so excited to change my life and actually start living a fun healthy life w/ my family. I have gone to the informational seminars, started my Psyche appointments and have met with my surgeon (Dr. Selwyn). I have my first Dietician and PT appointments at the end of next week. I have all three (psyche, PT and dietician) appointment every month for three months and then they will submit everything to insurance. Also I am having my upper endoscopy on 9/24… kind of nervous but not really. well that’s it for today.

Starting my life changing journey!!

Aug 05, 2010

 I have been overweight my entire life and am just plain sick of it. I have a wonderful little boy (17 months) and it kills me that I get out of breath playing with him at the park or chasing him around the house. I am only 22 years old and I am already starting to see the affects being overweight is having on my body. IT IS TIOME FOR A CHANGE.    I have gone to the informational meetings and a support group meeting and I have gotten my initial approval from my insurance. I have my appointments made with the Surgeon, Dietician, Psyche, and the PT. Three appointment each once per month and then I just have to wait for the final approval from my insurance.   I am soooo nervous and excited, but I know that I need to change my lifestyle. I would really like to find some other that have had WLS who are very young like me. I would like to hear your stories.

About Me
Plover, WI
Surgery Date
Aug 05, 2010
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