All this new confidence has worked or I just went crazy!

Apr 25, 2008

After seeing my high school best friend last night, I decided to take the plunge and begin a new Tupperware business. I have sold other products before, but I have fond memories of going to Tupperware parties first with my mother and then with my daughter. Expensive? It costs more than buying storage at Wal-Mart or buying those disposable containers, but none of them come with a lifetime guarantee like Tupperware does. My mom's 1970's Tupperware still looks as good and works as well as it did almost 40 years ago. Even the colors are still hot: lime green, orange and gold!

Need help blending protein drinks? Need food storage?

Apr 25, 2008

April 19 thoughts

Apr 18, 2008

As I type this, we are 46 minutes into April 19. This day will always be one that I remember as my wonderful big sister was injured in the blast. Her office was in the Journal Record building. She is Deputy State Historic Preservation Officer and wasn't supposed to be in the office that day. Well, she was and the rest was a day of horror for me. I am a teacher, and we had a group of students on a field trip in OKC on that day. The home ec teacher ran in and said that the Murrah Building had been bombed. We went across the hall and turned on the tv. What I saw made me sick. The first image I saw was her office building and her office's curtains blowing in the wind. I ran to the office to call her, but of course the lines were down. I wanted to drive to OKC, but the  boss wouldn't let me leave. I went to get my daughter to break the news to her so that she wouldn't hear it from someone else. She was in second grade then and adored her Aunt.  So, I sat the rest of the day in shock watching and waiting for some word of my sister. The first word I got was that she was dead. Then I got a call back that she was alive, but they didn't know where she was. Finally, at 5:00 I heard her voice on the phone line telling me she was fine and had been lying in the street waiting for an ambulance when they thought there was another blast. She was wearing a new outfit Mom and Dad had gotten her and was upset that it was ruined.
We traveled to OKC on that Sunday of the memorial service to see her. I walked into her house and just cried on her shoulder. Her legs were in bandages and she had the biggest bruises I've ever seen on the rest of her. The doctors lost count at over 200 stitches in her neck and shoulder. She still has to have surgery sometimes as glass keeps working its way to the surface. I am so thankful that she survived, and I know that we are very lucky to still have her.
So, if anyone is out there reading this, please take some time to remember today.
I love you, Sissy.

Today was such a good day

Apr 18, 2008

that I can't help waiting for the other shoe to drop. I had my required labwork done for my 6 month post op checkup. Thanks again to Rita for holding my hand, my Dh for holding my hand, and the lab goddess who got my blood on the first stick in MY ARM! I have had lots of bad experiences with that, so it was nice to have a good one. After that, I got some yummy grapes and spicey cheese in the WW lobby. I weighed and found I'd lost 4 pounds since last Tuesday. It was payday, and now I sit in my daughter's living room thinking about my journey as always. It is so nice to hear people comment on my appearance in a good way..not laughing or staring..except at my red hair.


Apr 12, 2008

Hmm. I forgot to mention that I have 4 furry feline children running around the house. Today, they are enjoying boxes and newspaper as prepare to ship some clothes from clothing exchange. Yes, I made sure no fur was present on anything I sent. It's a sort of pretty day today,but it's been a good one so far. I shipped out packages and went to the public library and came home with lotsa good reading material...hmm..where to start?? I also came home with (guilty pleasure) a David Cassidy CD and KC and the Sunshine Band (dating myself). After years of waiting and thinking it would never come true, I finally got to see David Cassidy in Enid at Christmas. I got floor tickets and got to stand right in front of him as he sang..close enough to touch his cute little pants leg. :o He held my hand and sang Cherish to me...I about died. Now, I can die happy. I'm down to a size 14 for the first time in YEARS and got to touch my lifelong crush. Today, I'm thankful for OH and all the friends I've made. This is truly an amazing place, and I "cherish" all of you.

About Me
Reydon, OK
Surgery Date
Jul 02, 2007
Member Since

Friends 64

Latest Blog 15
New hairdo and other ramblings
Same size as my sister and it's strange!
Fat Princess, a bumper sticker & random thoughts
New car saga continues
I love you, Dr. Walton
Wow moment of the day, Mary Kay addiction and new car!
Onederland at last!
