My Six month Pics are up!

Oct 28, 2009

I celebrated my 6 month post-op recently and I just posted my 6mo pics the other day, Yay!
I've lost nearly 100 pounds on my journey so far and I'm so pleased by it. To celebrate my success I went out and got my nose pierced, I like it a lot. I also dyed my hair blond not that long ago. I wasnt sure about it at first but I like it alot now.
I love clothes shopping now! I walk into a store pick something off the rack and it'll fit! *happy dance* Now to firm up with some exercise. Also My goal is to get rid of my excess skin (I have quite a bit), I think I'll go down a size or 2 with Plastics.
 Tah ta! <3

5 Month mark reached

Sep 23, 2009

Well I reached my 5 month post op yesterday, its amazing the results I've gotten from this whole process. I need to get back to working out, I've been a bit of a slacker in that respect.
Good things that have happened:
- I can fit into clothes at H&M, it was amazing, they weren't even the largest sizes.
- My family didnt even reconize me, they've never seen me this thin.
- I fit into a size 10 jeans, and they aren't tight. I may be able to go for size 8 soon and a lg-xl shirt. amazing since at my heaviest I was in a  size 22 jeans and a 3xl shirt. damn my apple shape lol.

I need to take some process pictures since I haven't for a while.
Tah Tah for now.

pics up!

Jul 06, 2009

My 2 month Post pics are up! I'm so happy I did this surgery, I'm so close to being in the hundreds I can taste it!

Almost 2 months Post-Op...6 days till

Jun 14, 2009

I'm almost 2 months Post-op and have lost 37.5#s since surgery! 64.5#s All together!
I'm so excited, I feel fantastic! And here are some things I've begun to notice: I'm starting to be able to cross my legs much easier. Before surgery it was either the manly leg cross, the ankle cross or nothing at all, now I can cross them at the knees. (Sweet!) My shoes are getting too big for me. My feet are sliding from side to side, I might need to not get wides anymore. My roommate told me that she can start to see my shoulder bones( defined really) and my collarbone (I have a collarbone! and I can feel the bone that connects in the middle, so weird but awesome!)
Also, I went to to a water park yesterday and actually didn't feel awkward for once, and I was wearing just the suit, not even a suit with a cover up. It was great! (except for the sunburn... whoops!)

A few problems, well at least there are a few things I have to work at: I'm still having problems getting the amount of protein I should( I'm trying protein bars, since I'm sick to death of shakes) if I can get 40g of protein it's a win for me. I'm also struggling to get the amount of water I need, it's difficult because my work environment doesn't allow drinks in the work space for health concerns, I have my drink just outside the room but I forget it's there sometimes. I get probably 24-32oz a day. I used to be very affected by the water thing but it's hasn't been that bad for me lately could my body be adjusting to the new volume? I don't know lol.
I need need need need to get back to the gym, I've been having trouble getting up in the morning, I wonder if my b-vits are on the lower side maybe I should increase my intake. Maybe if I can wake-up I can motivate myself to go back to the gym.

Anyway, I'll post my new progress pic in about 6 days, peace out <3


Little over 1 month out.

May 23, 2009

I'm finally not painful anymore, thank goodness for that. I've lost 27 lbs post-op. I'm very pleased so far.
I went to a thirft shop the other day (I'll be damned if I pay full price for clothes right now) and I picked up  a few smaller sizes: 14 stretch, a 13, and a 10. Now before the surgery I had been wearing size 16 Old Navy stretch jeans. so I thought when I got the jeans for the thrift store I'd try them on for kicks( since the thrift store didnt think to put in a dressing room). And OMG the 14's fit... so I tried the 13's thinking no way... and they fit too(granted they are very tight and hard to walk in at the time). Holy Crap, it was awesome.
That was a week or so ago and I'm trying them on again. Now the 13's are a easier to walk in. I tried the 10's just for shits  and I can pull them up I just need to lose a couple inches in my waist and I'll be able to button them. I can not even remember EVER wearing size 10s. When I started wearing jeans as a kid I started in size 12, so getting in to a 10 would be awsome!!!!

I'll be adding 1 month pictures soon.


1 Week Post-op

Apr 29, 2009

I'm one week Post -Op and this liquidy diet is killing me, I want semi solid things. It feels like I'm not getting enough nutrition but I eat and drink all the time. I haven't really felt up to actually logging any of my food which is a problem, I'll have to start tomorrow.
Good news however, my weight at surgery was 252.5. Today I'm 239, that's 13.5# in one week... holy crap! All I've been able to do is walk but I guess that's good. I'm happy so far. I'll be happier when I can eat chicken again or any type of meat. I'm getting sick of the puddings and protein shakes.

Two more nights.

Apr 20, 2009

Two more nights untill my surgery, I can't believe it's really happening. I uploaded some pictures for Pre-Op records of before, most are head shots but before now I've always felt it difficult to have my picture taken. I can wait to join the loser's bench!

PreTesting is complete

Apr 15, 2009

Just had my pre-tests done today. I don't think it's hit me yet. That my life changing surgery is only a week away. I'm excited but it seems like a dream.


Mar 31, 2009

I got my surgery date! I'm super excited! It'll be on the 22nd of April, sooner than I had even let myself hope for. I've already lost more than I need to for the surgery, but I plan to continue. I've been going to the gym a lot more lately. I talked my roommate into going with me, it's so much more fun going with a friend.

Now I just need to buy a blender!


Mar 23, 2009

I got my insurance letter back saying I've been approved! I'm very excited!
Now I'm just waiting for a date for surgery. I'm very anxious to get one so I can put in to get off time from work. I'm hoping it'll all work out and I'll be able to get the time off I need.

About Me
Brighton, MA
Surgery Date
Mar 21, 2009
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