1/16/2007 ~ Ready Set Go!

Feb 10, 2007

I went to my appointment today and talked with Dr. Mitchell and Brett.  Had my Chest X-RAY done and then I talked to Tina and she gave me a DATE!!!  Feb 15, 2007!!!  YAHOO!!  Bought my Chewable vitamins, calcium and iron.  Also, got some samples of different proteins to try.  I was closer now than ever to becoming healthier, and it realy was hard to comprehend at first but now it is time, My Time!!! 


10/2006 ~ Bump In My Road!

Feb 05, 2007

Hit a little bump in the road, was taken care of and now I am proceeding on my journey.   The next day I received alot of calls scheduling all my pre-op testing.  After getting all of my test completed I received word that my husbands insurance was going to change.  Holy Crap here we go again, I went from an Ins. Co. that paid 100% to one that paid 90%, so I wasn't as bad as I had thought it was going to be.  Only problem was that I had to wait for the other Ins. to come into effect before I could have my surgery.  This is the end of Novemeber 2006, my new Ins. comes in effect Jan 1, 2007.  So now we wait!  I also told my Mom, Dad and my Sister, They are also supporting me in my decision to have WLS.  Wow what a support team.  

I did Enjoy the Holidays!!!

9/28/2006 ~ Mailed in!

Feb 05, 2007

Today I mailed In all the info the the Bariatric Center request and I am waiting for their call! 


*Good Things Come To Those Who Wait*

9/25/06 ~ Met Dr. Mitchell

Feb 05, 2007

My husband and I attended the information session at MRH Bariatric Center.  Met Dr. Mitchell and heard all about WLS and learned alot also!  For the people that think this is an easy way out, you are really wrong!  I liked Dr. Mitchell, he was a straight forward Dr. the kind I like, I hate the ones that beat around the bush and never get to the root of the problem.  My husband asked some questioned and that let me know his fears and worries about the WLS also.  I love my husband so much!!  Got home told my mom-in-law and she was sorry she could't go to the meeting, but I told her everything that was said and she supports me in my journey.  Without these two, I really don't know where I would be without them.  I haven't told anyone else, yet, I will when I feel the time is right! 


9/2006 ~ The Talk!

Jan 11, 2007

I went to my PCP and you guessed it, I had gained 9 lbs.  BP was elevated and tryglycerides were also.  She changed my BP med and then wanted to see me back in a week.  I asked her how she felt about WLS.  She sat down and we started talking, she said that she thinks that would be good for me.  She had even considered it herself.  She knows the struggle I have had with my weight and also infertility, and lets face it I'm not getting any younger!!! (lol)  She recommended Dr. Mitchell in Southern Pines, NC.  She told me that it was a program and I would have to follow his program for it to work.  I left the office that day and knew what I had to do, get into his program! 


About Me
Rockingham, NC
Surgery Date
Jan 10, 2007
Member Since

Friends 13

Latest Blog 15
7/26/2008 ~ Just an update!
2/15/2008 ~ One year Anniversary!!!
7/20/07 ~ YES!!! YES!!! YES!!!
6/7/07 ~ Just A Little Update...
3/30/2007 ~ 4 Week Visit
3/2/2007 ~ 2 Week Visit...
2/26/2007 ~ I'm Finally A Looser!!!
2/12/2007 ~ Getting Ready...
2/8/2007 ~ Dr. Appointment
2/1/2007 ~ Pre-op Diet
