
So after thinking about surgery for a long time, my friend and I were discussing WLS at work in August. I had never thought that I would be able to afford it, but my friend Yasmin (also a member here) was really excited about her consultation at Barix. Turns out, OHIP covers the surgery! I was floored! I immediately contacted my PCP to set up a discussion about the surgery.

Before the appointment, I did some research with Yasmin's help. I was really well prepared for the appointment, and was excited to discuss WLS and the possibility of OOC (due to the outrageous wait times in Ontario). When I went into the exam room, my PCP was really open to the surgery. He thought it was a really good idea, and was excited that I had done research on it. However, when I told him what the wait times were like, he expressed doubt. He told me that as far as he knew, the wait time was only 6 months (yeah right). He referred me to a surgeon in Ontario, and wished me luck.

I was a tad discouraged, but thank god Yasmin had also referred me to OH. I posted my discouragement on the forum as well as my PCP's thoughts on the wait times. So many members helped out by giving me the website address for the surgeon I had been referred to. Even on their own website the wait time was listed at AT LEAST 3 years!!! Armed with this information, as well as a complete OOC application, I made another appointment with my PCP. He was surprised at the wait time, and impressed with my forms. He signed them immediately and faxed them off while I waited!

5 business days later I received my approval! Barix called me before I even received my letter from OHIP!! I'm so excited to go on the next step of my journey! I've scheduled my consultation for October 23rd.

I know that Barix could accomodate my surgery before Christmas, but due to work obligations, I'm thinking that I'm going to have the surgery in January (and for purely selfish reasons I won't have to worry about being post-op so close to Christmas and my birthday!!) January also appeals to me on a symbolic level. Just as a new year is being born, I too will be reborn! Make room for me on the loser's bench!


Well...I had my first consultation with Dr. Pop on Monday. It was fantastic! He was super nice, and eased all my worries and concerns (as well as my mom's). He wants me to do some additional testing first (I have a pericardial cyst he wants to look at), but it looks like things are going to go ahead as planned. Yippee! On another "yippee" note, my friend Yasmin (who also posts here) will be on the losers bench as of tomorrow...she's nervous but really excited at the same time. I'll keep everyone updated on the boards with how she's doing.

Now I'm off to do some grocery shopping (gotta buy some weight loss inducing stuff like lean cuisine so I can be in fighting shape by January). I know January seems far away, but it's crazy how fast I know it going to come up....it's already 2 months 'til Christmas!!!!!

Insurer Info:

About Me
Georgetown, ON
Aug 16, 2006
Member Since

Friends 4

Latest Blog 1
PCP appointment
