Belly dancing fool

Apr 14, 2007

WEll ladies and gentleman last wednesday in my bellydancing class I was given the title Belly Dancing fool. LOL I can now do the entire routine without the instructor doing it with me.  LOL MI love dancing of all kinds, last year I took ballroom dancing and learned how to cha cha, fox trot, waltz and rumba. It was great fun, this year Back in January, I started my belly dancing class and have enjoyed it so much. The only thing that would make it better would be to have it three days a week instead of two. This class will end in May and resume in August and I can't wait, It is so much fun. I am loving it. I have always loved belly dancing, every since I was a litl egirl and I had to watch my sisters ballet recitals. They always had a variety of different shows and dances. I loved the bellydancing, I was entrigued by the outfits and the hip motions. I can't beleive that I can do them. I love it.  Our instructor is very encouraging and wanted us tp purchase some really cute outfits, and now with this super tight fill, I might just do that. I Fhave succeeded in loosing this last 30lbs by the time class starts agin. I am definately going to buy me a very cute outfit. THen not only will I have the moves I will also have the look! LOL I can't wait. Belly dancing is the best. I recommend everyone try it. It is really fun not to mention my husband thinks its super sexy!

super tight fill

Apr 13, 2007

Oh my goodness. This fill is the tightest that I have ever been. I can tell its working but it is so hard for me to eat anything. I mean waiting 30 mins to drink is now a past time. Now its  more like 1hr and a half.  I mean if I have any food in my band at all the drink isn't going in and if it goes in it isn't going to stay down. I mean yuck!  But anywho... I just have to ask, has anyone elses fill been this tight, and if yes, what did you do?


Apr 10, 2007

Well the weekend is over and we got to do everything we set out to do except see the baseball game, because it got snowed out! Thats right in th middle of April we got snowed out.  The kids didn't seem to mind so I was happy! My fill is really working so that makes me happy as well. I went to the Hospital to see maressa but I didn't get tosee her. We stayed for two hours but my mother had to go to work in Paducah which is three hours a week so we couldn't stay!  ANyway she did great and she is home now and doing fine.  Well I will talk later.

Yippie- I am filled again.

Apr 05, 2007

Alright ladies and gentelman my band is tight again. I am so excited. I could barely eat yesterday. I am very hopeful that I will be able to get back on track now! This last 30lbs should be gone in no time.  I am on my way to LExington this afternoon, but first I have a lot of stuff to take care of for my husband.  So I won't be able to leave until around 6:00 -7:00 pm, which wil lput me in LExington around Midnight. Can you say- Oy oy oy! Anyway I am looking ofrward to it. We are taking the kids to the Governors Mansion for what they call an easter egg roll.
Then sunday night we are are taking the kids to a minor league baseball game in lexington. Our children are so spoiled. I don't think my oldest son has ever been so good in school. LOL Well I will keep you updated on my weightloss. I feel like I am truly starting all over again.  I guess the beginning is always a good place to start. Have a great day and remember...HAVE A FANTASTIC DAY ON PURPOSE

Finally a fill....Yippie

Apr 04, 2007

Well Ladies this weekend is going to be very busy for me! I am going to Louisville in the morning for my fill which is three hours from my house and then back to teach a childrens spanish class, Then I am leaving Friday night for Lexington (4hour drive). so I can take my children to an easter egg hunt at the governors mansion and to see a minor league baseball game. Then I am leaving lexington on monday morning and driving back to lousiville to see Maressa, her surgery is that afternoon and then I am coming back to Paducah Monday Night. I am on vacation that week so That will be a very much needed rest period! I think I timed that vacation just right. I can't wait to get my fill. I have had to wait for four months. It has been rescheduled twice due to the Dr, not myself. I am not missing this one under any circumstance. HAHAHAHAHA! Have a great day ladies and gentelman. I plan on it. 

and remember -Have a fantastic day .. on purpose!

Mother, Wife, Employee, Boss, Student --ARGH

Mar 29, 2007

Hey ladies, do you ever get hte feeling that life is just too much stress. I do all day every day. I am so tired and I am having such a hard time keeping it together. I sent my child out of the house this morning with a shirt on that had a hole in it. I was like what in the world. Now I know I looked at that shirt and I know that it didn't have a hole in it when we left, but it had to have had it in there becasue it was in the back and all he had done from house to school was sit in a car seat. The last couple of weeks have been very stressful for me and I am not 100% sure what I am going to do if it keeps moving this fast. I need a break. I start my masters degree in May (work related goal), and I have six summer camps to run (also work related), I have a summer and Fall schedule to get together and published by july, I have to take the kids on vacation, my husband needs my help with his stuff and we have got to move by August or I am horrified that my kids will not be allowed to continue attending the school of my choice due to a bigger consolidation. I swear my head is totally spinning. I hate it. I am going on vacation. I am taking the entire week of August 9 - 13 off. So I can clean up my house ( I mean really detail clean) Then I am going to clean up my yard( I mean pick up all the kids toys and put them where they go, I am going to clean out my truck- It is a mess and its such a pretty truck and I am going get a 1-hour message, which I paid for over a month ago and haven't had the opportunity to get. CAn you say I need a break! Anyway, that was my venting session for the moment and I will talk to all o fyou later.  I did loose .5lbs last week so I can live with that. WE have had three weigh ins on our weightloss challenge and I am down 3.5 lbs so I can live with that. If I can keep this up I will reach my goal by MAY! That will be a wonderful feeling.

Another Week

Mar 27, 2007

Oh My goodness I tell you what! I do nothtink I can wait another week 
for my fill. It is so totally Driving me insain. I am not over eating but when I get the feeling that after I eat  a Taco kids meal from taco Johns and I am still a little hungry. I know it is time for a fill. I can normally eat 1 taco and about  half of the kids size  potatoe O'les. THen wait 30 mins and drink my drink ( kids size once again) and I am so stuffed. But not today. I ate the taco, then I ate the potatoe O'les ( small round potaoes), drank my unsweet tea and I was still hungry. That feeling of hunger, It scares me and I do not like it. Now I didnot eat another taco or anything else for that matter, but that was at 12:30 this afternoon, and it is only 3:49 and I am starving to death. SO I guess I am going to head over to the gas station across the street and grab a beef jerky. 

It takes forever to chew, it tastes good, it has protein and its filling. Thank God for beef Jerky! LOL  

I can not wait for April 5th to hurry up and roll arounD!

Profile Photo

Mar 24, 2007

HEllo, I am not really sure what I am doing wrong. Do any of you know how to change the photo. It upoaded successfully, but it isn;'t showing. Boo Hoo!

Missed Appointment

Mar 15, 2007

Well work prevailed again against my fill. I am so mad! I had to postpone my fill until April 5, 2007. Which means that once again I am waitng way to long to have one. It is like starting all over again at the beginning. It is so annoying. I hate these delays. It took my seven months to finally make it back in January and Now I am having to wait until April there is no wonder why I am not loosing weight. I am so frustrated. I have lost a few additional lbs but dang. Anyway. My goal is to still loose this last 30lbs and reach my goal. I want to join a gym but I really just don't think I wil ever have time to go to it. Thats just life I guess. 

I have to send a shot out to my girl Maressa Y. She was approved for surgery yesterday and that is a wonderful thing. She has been waiting for about a year. So Congratulations Maressa, you'll do fantastic.

~ OH my poor knees ~

Mar 12, 2007

Oh my goodness ladies. It has been so long since I walked for excercise purposes! LOL. I went  walking Friday, Saturday and Sunday! 

My knee, ankle, and booty was hurting! LOL! It felt great though. I have belly dancing class on Mondays and Wednsdays and I will continue to walk, walk,  walk, on the weekends. I also have a fill scheduled for Thursday so how wonderful, I am really hoping to see the pounds melt away before this summer. I am still struggling with these last lbs, but I am finally seeing the scale move in a downward motion which is very exciting after seven months of watching it stand still. 

Any who I gotta go. I have a ton of work to do! Luv ya! Adios

About Me
LaCenter, KY
Surgery Date
Feb 24, 2004
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