
Apr 09, 2008

Fellow Bandits, I am still struggling with this thing and my head!! I can eat too much, feel hungry and am gaining weght! I had two icecreams followed by a large fries and 2 peanut chocolate bars yesterday. Today I had an icecream, small packet crisps then 9 toffee pops!! Love a duck! What am I doing? Feel like getting 5cc inh my band. Am definitely having a top up tomorrow. I am wasting my money at this rate.


Mar 16, 2008

Had a challenging time after my last fill. Was too much and couldn't keep saliva down. Pain and foamies. Awful. Had it all taken out. Wonder if I need .25ml. Think of food often, can eat quite a lot before get uncomfortable andd get too hungry at times. Then I tell myself that is probably my head I need to work on!!
Anyone had the same problems? Its a real learning curve that's for sure! Would love to hear from some of you fellow lap banders out there!  Please!

Out of control

Mar 05, 2008

Have been scared all week as I fought my food demons again! Everything returned with avengence and I could not believe I was fighting the urge again to go to dairies, bakeries etc. I could not eat as much on my binges but managed to put on 1.5kg in 5 days.! Thank goodness I saw my surgeon today and had my first fill. Hope I am in control again. Was a frightening experience. Even had my husband anxious.
So onward I go.

3 weeks out

Feb 27, 2008

Starting to make more interest in food this week. 3 weeks since surgery. Hope its not the beginning of wanting to eat everything in sight. Have managed to stay on track so far. My surgeon has us do 4 weeks of special diet post op, so tomorrow I start a week on mashed food and then onto normal food. Can anyone help me with the title and author of a book on lap banding? I think I have heard there is one called living with your lap band???

Going well

Feb 15, 2008

Had surgery on the 7th Feb. went really well. I went back to work on the 14th. Was still experiencing discomfort in the afternoon and I think it was due to drinking too quickly. Boy you have to consciously think about that. From 2 weeks pre op I have lost 9kg. Not at all hungry or interested in food. Just amazing. Long may it continue. Me and my husband have a trip to Italy and Greece planned for September which includes a 12 day cruise. I am really looking forward to being skinny for that  20kg to go, so should make it. At this stage I am really positive about what this band is doing for me and encourage others to just go for it.


Feb 05, 2008

Well, I have reached the night before surgery. have lost 6kg in the 2 weeks prior and feel better for it. Am only nervous because I am thinking if the long term changes I am going to have to make. But I know I need to make them. So hope I don't let myself down and find a way to cheat this thing!
23kg to go! Have a cruise booked for Sept, so hopefully all off by then.
See you all later!!


Dec 25, 2007

I am feeling like an over stuffed turkey and of course ask Why do I do this to myself. I woke up this morning, Boxing Day, intending to give my gut a rest and have shakes only. It lasted all of 30 seconds! When I saw the left over nuts etc in the kitchen, away I went. It is now 7pm and I wont begin to tell you what has gone down the hatch! This operation can't come quickly enough for me. I am fast approaching 90 kilos and fear  I won't be able to continue working as I will have no clothes that fit me. What a continual worry this is. I wonder often if it is the same sort of worry that alcoholics have. I was on a slippery slpoe with alcohol a while ago, so thank goodness I was able to nip that in the bud, or I would be fighting that too!
 Just needed to have a vent about this. I hope you are all enjoying your Xmas celebrations without loads of guilt. As I am from the other end of the earth to you all I will soon retire to bed an dget on the treadmill to work again tomorrow, 27th. (after looking despairingly through the wardrobe for something that will go round my girth.
Bless you all who read this sorry tale


Dec 22, 2007

hello Friends,
I have just realised that I can contact everybody by posting on this and do not have to send individual messages. Oh Dear, I am so inadequate around computers! I have now booked for surgery on the 30th Jan 2008. I have decided on the lap band. I am thinking about it constantly and am trying to drop a bit of weight first. I am going through the process of trying to get some money out of my health insurance. My GP is not very hopeful as I do not have diabetesz or high blood pressure. I would like to think t5hat the insurance company is thinking of putting money in to prevention as well, but I will have to wait and see. I find I am constantly thinking of how I will manage all the food around on Xmas day and wish I could be like a "normal" person who doesn't think about it 24/7. I wonder if the lap band stops some of this.?? Maybe some of you who have already had the surgery may be able to answer some of that for me. 
 I hope everyone who reads this has a really happy Xmas and I look forward to hearing more of your stories.
Compliments of the season to you all

About Me
Dec 07, 2007
Member Since

Friends 16

Latest Blog 8
Out of control
3 weeks out
Going well
