Jun 07, 2007

I have been dealing with my back pain for seven months now!  SEVEN months.  We have tried Physical Therapy and special bras (pain located along my bra line) and I have to take a percocet every night before bed!  My PCM scheduled me for pain management. Something about steroid shots in my back... Never had them before, but hey, if it helps the pain so I can exercise.... so be it!  Well at the same time we requested authorization for pain management, we also requested authorization to see a breast doctor for possible breast reduction!  

Breast surgeries are usually unheard of as far as being approved by TriCare.  I wasn't holding my breath, but Ive had two doctors and a physical therapist recommend it for me!  Well my clinic approved the request and now it is up to TriCare to authorize it!

This is a MAJOR hurdle, and Im so excited.  I am still not completely happy, that won't come until they authorize my visit with the breast surgeon!  Even if I dont need breast surgery, MAYBE they will fix me!  KEEP YOUR FINGERS CROSSED FOR ME!


May 15, 2007

We took a family trip to Oceanside this past weekend to visit some close friends and we stopped at a fast food joint to get breakfast.  We played in the playplace and guess what, I GOT TO GO IN!  I FIT IN THE SLIDE AT THE PLAYPLACE!  I GOT TO GO DOWN WITH MY KID... OMG I cant believe it!  IM SO HAPPY!

Also today, I got down to 154!!!  Im no longer 155!!!  LOL  Just sharing!

Daily HumDrum and other musings....

May 07, 2007

Im down to 155 now.  Technically I am 20 pounds away from my original goal of 135.  Part of me wants to get down to 122, part of me says "be happy with what you got" and the other part says we dont care what we weigh, just get rid of the strings of cellulite in the thighs...LOL

I bought a VitaMix blender this past weekend!  I LOVE IT!  I can't believe the stuff you can make in it!  I havent made any protein shakes in it yet, but im working on it.

Im still having significant back pain.  I have gone through 6 weeks of physical therapy.  They are trying to get me an MRI.  As long as the MRI comes back normal, they will order a bone density test and possibly run some labs, but looks like we are going to refer me out for a breast reduction!  I might just get pretty perky boobs!  :) 

Now how to get Tricare to pay for liposuction...HAHAHAHAHA

I guess nothing new is really going on.  I love that I can access my OH at work.  I think I went MONTHS w/out really posting anything because I didnt know I could get on here at work!  So if I start buggin' y'all.... just say so.  LOL


Apr 24, 2007

I cant believe it!  I am just 25 pounds away from my goal weight!  (re-doing math in head...current weight of 157 minus goal of 132...) YEP TWENTY FIVE POUNDS FROM GOAL.   So here's my thinking... my "ideal" weight is 122, Do I dare make this my goal?  Or do I just let nature take its course?  I will be honest with you, If I stay this weight and just lose that flappy crap between my legs (bat wings for thighs) and get my breast reduction and MAYBE a tummy tuck and lose the wings on my arms, I would be happy!  Now my focus is on my extras... ESPECIALLY the extra ass I have..LMAO  I sware I have two asses, one is just further down my legs...HAHAHAHAHAHAHA

FYI = My daddy has a consult with a surgeon on May 15th in North Carolina.  Not sure if it will be at ECU, but I'm pretty positive it will be as he has a major heart condition.  It wasnt until he saw all my progress that he agreed with his PCM to do the referral!  If he decides to do it, I will be making him a page on here!

I ordered the LEG MAGIC online, it should come in about two weeks, I will use it and let you know what I think!

I colored my hair.  My beautiful LONG CURLY BLONDE HAIR all fell out between months 3 and 6, I chopped off the dead, and was left with six inches of naturally dark blonde/brown hair and 4 inches of blonde ends.... SOOO, needless to say, Ive got dark  hair now!  LOL  Its short, sassy and dark.  I will post pix later tonight!

Anywho, thats what is new with me.. OH OH OH and I seem to have lost 4 inches overnight!  IF FOUND I DONT WANT THEM BACK!  I took my fave pair of jeans out of the dryer and put them on, and i can suddenly just pull them right off again!  I am happy to be smaller... BUT DANGIT CLOTHES ARE EXPENSIVE!  

SO NOW that is whats new with me!


Apr 09, 2007

Well, I FOUND MY RIBS!    Under my massive breasts (that have not changed in size despite my 79 pound weight loss!)  So now, my bras fit weird, I think Im in a 34DD now... and im mad cuz do you know how hard it is to find a 34dd???  I took my measurements (which i will post them all below) but my bust is 41.5 when measured OVER the breast, and only 34 when I measure under my breast.  I have been having severe back pain for a couple months and I think its because of my breasts.  My next venture is to request a breast reduction!  My hubby will be very upset by this, but if it will alleviate my pain, IM ALL FOR IT!  

I have come to the conclusion that I am going to need liposuction!  my thighs are HORRIBLE!  Maybe with a breast reduction they can lift them up while they are in there!  And a tummy tuck, thats going to be something I will need eventually too!

Well enough rambling, here are my measurements as of 4/8/07

Bust - 41.5 (34 under breast) (no change)
Waist - 35.5  
Butt - 41.5
Hips - 42.5
Thigh - 23
upper arm - 13

So thats 1.5 inches off my waist, 4.5 inchess off my butt, 2.5 inches off my hips, 3 inches off my thigh (and i only measure one, so thats 3 inches off ONE thigh!) and a half an ince off my upper arm.

Not too bad for two months huh????  I am shocked at my thighs..LOL  Im upset about my breasts, I was hoping they would be the first to go!  OH WELL, 

Hope y'all are well!


Mar 30, 2007

Well I was unable to go to the Marathon, I still work out though!  I STILL have not lost anymore weight, I am starting to feel like I wont lose any more weight at all now.  I am back on protein shakes, Im finally able to tolerate them.  So I will be GOING BACK TO THE BASICS!  I think I will put myself back on my pre-op diet and see if I can kickstart things back up.  I hate that I can tolerate regular foods.  The ONLY think I cannot tolerate is chinese food!  I can eat rice, but the meat... NOPE.  (I don't think they use real beef, if you know what I mean!)  But I can tolerate sugar, cakes, cookies, all that.  Im not well disciplined so I have been falling off the wagon.  My ONLY saving grace is that I can't eat as much.  So now if I fall off the wagon, Im still holding onto the reins...LOL  I eat like 2 cookies, or a few bites of cake, not horrible, but its scary!

So back to the basics I go, I will update as often as possible.  I really want to lose another 22 pounds to get to atleast 140, Id LOVE to be at around 130-135 so Im hoping this is the push I need!


Feb 08, 2007

ROFLMAO - GUESS WHAT I FOUND?????  I found my wrist bones!  Just today, I noticed a scratch on my wrist, went to touch it and low and behold there is a bone there...ROFLMAO...  I cant believe all t he things I have found lately... the muscles in my feet... MY BACK... I no longer have double rolls in my back!  I can lift up my shirt and show off my arse cuz i dont have low back fat anymore...LMAO  (I even bough some pants that fold down... I LOVE MY ARSE  hehehehehe)  Speaking of buying things, I also bough a bikini.. (GASP)  yep, okay okay, its a TANKini... BUT its still two pieces...  :)  

I have been invited to do a 5K walk with another RNYer, and afterwards we are going to cheer on LIZ our surgeons RN... she is AWESOME, also a fellow RNYer and WOW she is awesome.. such a motivator!  anywho, I am looking into possilby doing a walk/run 5K.... I think this is just the motivation I need to get me back into working out full time!!!!

SO HOPE YOU ALL ARE WELL, I will be posting new pix and more measurements this week/weekend.... So be on the look out for those!


Three Months Post Op

Jan 10, 2007

Saw Dr. Yadegar yesterday, he was very pleased with my progress.  I have lost approx 60 pounds since the beginning of my journey and a total of about 47" in size.  I do need to "beef" up on my protein intake, all my labs looked fine but he said im not taking in enough protein.  Im sure he's right, I know my eating habits and I can tell you Im probably not getting more than 40-45 grams of protein in a day... So I will try new things like fish!

After my appt I went to the pool place and picked out the tile that will be going into my pool... that should be done by my birthday (1/21).. FINGERS CROSSED!  Then I went to WalMart and bought myself an outfit... I didnt even try it on!  I went straight to the juniors section, browsed their jeans and picked out a size 14 PETITE (cuz Im vertically challenged...) bootcut jean, picked out a size 12/14 top (cute as can be) and a pair of shoes to go with it...

As soon as I got home I tried it on... OMG IT FIT...LOL  so Im wearing it today...hehehe  I look SO HOT  (well to me anyway...hahaha) and needless to say Im showing off to everybody!  ME... THE FAT CHIC, Im in a size FOURTEEN IN JUNIORS!!!

I told the doctor how cool it was that I could reach my feet!!!  I can ALMOST do the splits, i can stand next to the couch (for support) and lift my foot up over my head... like i used to do as a cheerleader in grade school...

My next follow up appointment is in April, the doc expects me to be about 150!  He said I will start tapering off at about 140 and probably wont see 122... I said I didnt care, that im so happy right now, anything else is just "icing on my perverbial cake"  LOL  I really hope I can wear a bikini in my pool this year... I mean it is MY pool and if people dont want to see me in a bikini they can build their own pool...LMAO

Well thats my musings for now!  Drop me a line and tell me how you are doing!

Plateau'd again... but Im cool...LOL

Dec 22, 2006

So Im at a standstill of sorts again, at 185.  I have been fluctuating from 184.5 to 187, I think my hormones due to coming back on HRT has something to do with it and the fact that Im recovering from strep and pink eye and my whole family was sick... I bet I will be back to losing in NO TIME AT ALL!  I will take my measurements soon, I really need to.  I just have been so busy with the holidays that I dont know wether to scratch my watch or wind my butt...HAHAHAHAHA  That being said, those size 16s I was so excited to buy last month, the ones that I could get zipped and was ecstatic about... Yeah, I can put those on fresh out of the dryer and still have room to breathe..., by the end of the day they look mannish on me... so yesterday I did something a tad daring... I went to our local BX (military air force exchange) and saw a hot pair of stone washed jeans in size 15.. IN JUNIORS.  So I dont know what size a 15 in Juniors compares to a size in womens or misses... but OMG, I PUT THEM BAD BOYS ON...LMAO  Needless to say you could probably see my pulse in them, BUT they were ON and ZIPPED... so Im going to go back and if they are still there, im going to buy them...hahahhaha



Dec 11, 2006

HEY YALL!!!  Well... I am still not getting my proteins in, I AM TRYING VERY HARD, eating lunch meat and what not... BUT its not cutting it just yet.  I learned the hard way I can't eat at Panda Express, the sauce they use makes me sick and the rice, well lets just say the rice EXPANDS... so you can imagine the hurt I was in recently!!!  But through all that, as of today I am down to 187... ME, THE FAT CHIC... IM DOWN TO 187!!!!!!  I LOVE working out on the elyptical trainer, and exercise to me now is somehting I look forward to!  I can't wait to hit 175, I am going to go shopping again at 175 AND I'm getting my belly button pierced!  :)   Last time I went shopping was... at 199 I think... sure its only 12 pounds ago, BUT my then tight 16s (down from 22/24) are WAY TOO LOOSE!!!  I think I might try on my daughters 14s...LMAO  wont that just TICK HER OFF...HAHAHAHAHAHAHA   Anywho, just a quick update on me!  PEACE! LOVE! and BE THIN!

About Me
Havelock, NC
Surgery Date
Sep 09, 2006
Member Since

Friends 112

Latest Blog 29
It's been a while, eh?
100 pounds GONE!
Preparing for the Marine Corps Ball in Vegas....
