Catching up and back on track

Sep 18, 2009

Wow! has this even been the summer from hell for my poor hubby! Ever since April he has had one health problem after the other. More correctly, the same ones just lingering for a verity of reasons. What has this got to do with O. H. and me you are thinking to yourself....well it has been a test of resolve to my new self and my commitment to my new self. I have to say looking back over all I have not done too badly. Ya there have been times when I not have eaten as I know I should have (stress eating and old habit's are never far away it seems, wink) But the great thing is that I have not gained weight nor have I lost weight.

This brings me to another point. I have a feeling I have lost all the weight I am going to lose. Well unless I become a "gym rat". It should be noted that exercise and me are not the best of friends. I am right were my surgeon said I would be. Don't get me wrong I am very grateful for my journey and my new life, my new me. But the vain and greedy side of me wishes I could still look life I did when I weighted 130 and was 21. Ha Ha, I know its possible with plastic surgery but I don't see it happening considering the cost and my type of health insurance. But I can dream, right, wink....

I will post new updated pis of me soon. I am working on it. Just trying to get hubby squared away and I can then address this issue. Will update everyone soon.

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