it's been too long....

Jan 02, 2012

Wow... I didn't realize that it's been so long since I've been on here.  I feel a bit embarrassed.  I had my surgery... lost a shitload of weight... was feeling great and confident... on top of the world.  Now not so much.  Three years after my surgery I gave birth to the most beautiful and perfect baby girl.  I actually lost weight during my pregnancy and weighed the least I have in my life that I can remember... 185... so close to that "healthy" 172 that would get me off the "obese" BMI level... I was happy.  Then I seemed to forget to stop eating like I was pregnant... and I was tired... then last year was just a really bad year... money problems...job problems... vet bills... car bills...bills bills bills... and last spring I tore my meniscus in my knee and had to get knee surgery...ugh... it's been really downhill since.  I got in this funk... Im still in this funk... but I've decided to get out of it.  I need to.  I want to be healthy for my girl and my husband... I want to feel good about myself again and not disgusted by how I look and feel.  This year will be different... I am going to make a difference in myself.  I want that happiness and feeling back when I lost of this weight... and I don't want to go back to who I was.... I hate her so much.  So this year I am really going to I'm going to do it... making a recommittment to MY cause.  Stay tuned I guess... today is DAY ONE of the RENEWAL.........


Jul 28, 2007

I WEIGH LESS THAN 200LBS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  170LBS GONE!!!!   FREAKING SWEEEEEET!!!!!!!!!!!!

Update... long overdue!!

Jul 17, 2007

 07/17/07:  My, My it has been awhile!!!  I have lost....  drum roll please!!....166lbs, and I went from 370lbs to 204lbs.  My weight loss has SEVERELY slowed, but has maintained, plus or minus 5lbs, for the last two months!!  It is driving me crazy to be so close to being under 200lbs, so I am busting my butt to try to hit that magic number by next month... August 13 to be exact... That will be my year anniversary!!  I hardly recognize myself from pictures of even last summer... and would prefer not to look at them really!! LOL  Just a quick update!!  Best wishes to all!!!  Happy Losing!!  Take Care, God Bless!!

About Me
Johnstown, PA
Surgery Date
Jan 17, 2006
Member Since

Latest Blog 3
Update... long overdue!!
