I found this site!

Jun 14, 2010

Today my husband Steve and I came back from a 1 night get away. We had fun and it was relaxing. As we were out I noticed people staring at me, it used to be because I was a pretty young lady and had a decent body, now I am older and still not bad looking but I am like 120 pounds or so over weight. I felt bad for my husband because I am sure the people were saying or thinking, "what does he see in her?", or" wow, opposite do attract", I mean I know how these remarks go as I used to say them myself about other people.

I have been wanting this weight loss surgery, and then 3 years ago I was diagnosed with NASH, Non Alcoholic Steatto Hepatitis! They do not know what exactly causes this disease, but by a liver biopsy they did the Doctor could tell that I have had this for several years. His words were, "there are 4 stages to this disease and the 4Th one being cirrhosis of the liver, and you are too young to have that, but you are at a stage 3 in liver disease, and are heading to stage 4! Stage 4 is the end. The only thing they know for sure is that weight loss will slow down or possibly stop the disease. I have been over weight loss program with him, and though he does not promote this surgery, he said I am a prime candidate and I need this if I want to live.
Well needless to say, I have done all my research, but our insurance carrier will not cover it, and I cannot afford to pay for this on my own, and well, credit is out of the picture for me too.
Now the insurance say they will cover it if I have it done at our towns hospital, and use the doctor their, which is all fine and dandy, but I really had my heart and mind set on the lap band, but now this doctor only does the by pass as he says the other way (lap band), does not work very well!! I guess time will tell as I am setting up my first meeting and we go from there!
All I have to lose is the weight, and I have a life to gain! So pray with me that this is what God has in his plans for me as I need to be here for my family, especially for my grandson that is 5 that my husband and I are raising!

Till next time!! Good luck with your loss, and I will start my plan on getting on board with you.



About Me
Sedalia, MO
Jun 14, 2010
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