Hello, my name is Chrissie, I have struggled with my weight for a majority of my adult life. Living on a roller coaster of loosing and gaining. While I was always able to maintain a smile, inside it became harder and harder to like the person I was becoming on the outside. I tried everything, I even became a vegetarian in 2012 and started to workout obsessively, I was able to tone but not able to get to my ideal size. I struggled because I couldn't understand how I could not get this under control. I once was a very athletic person and missed being able to do the activities I once enjoyed doing.

I found myself at a very confusing time in my life and I knew something had to change. I decide to call of my engagement and leave my unhealthy relationship of four years. I even relocated hoping that a fresh start would be exactly what I needed. But I still struggled, I started to realize that I didn't believe the compliments people would give me. I hated how I looked and couldn't understand how anyone could like it. I felt so helpless like I was stuck in a prison that was my body. Then  I heard a commercial while I was driving that would change my life. It said something like "if you have 50 pounds or more to loose you may qualify", I had never ever considered surgery, didn't know much about it  but hearing that commercial made me curious.

After having a consultation and doing more research, I decided to get sleeved.  My journey to actually having surgery was about 5 month start to finish. I got sleeved 07/11/2014, I feel like it was my new birthday, a new beginning.  I committed  to myself that from that day forward I was going to be a happier and healthier me. With my new sleeved stomach as a  tool, I am the only one who can prevent this from happening no more excuses, I needed help and now I had it. I still have a long road ahead of me but look forward to  the journey.

Getting sleeved was one of the best thinks I have ever done.  I long for the day when I can once again just throw clothes on and not have skinny and fat day clothes. I want to get to a point where my weight is not the center of my life. I want freedom...:-)

About Me
Las Vegas, NV
Sep 01, 2014
Member Since
