Hello World.

Feb 19, 2009

It has been forever since I last entered in my profile.. Life has flashed before me and its already near the end of February 2009.. Wow..

Well to catch up. I've lost almost 85 lbs.. I fluctuate from 160 to 163. Still looking to lose another 20 lbs.. Then I'll really be what my ideal weight was when I had my daughter what 25 years ago. A lot of changes on my body.. Some hanging skin: my bodacious boobies are no longer 40D's they are like 38C and very prunie, my neck lost its elasticity, my inner thighs and my belly flabby and lost my butt completely. But you know what, I am extremely happy. I can fit in a size 13 pants loosely and already considering to get a 11/12 cuz they are so loose. I figure by next year I can save up some duckies and nip & tuck where I cant firm up.

Health wise I'm doing great. Must monitor my iron levels still  but otherwise I'm fine. No more sleep apnea, no diabetic threats, blood pressure has normalized and cholesterol in great range.  I have been blessed having this procedure done. Even though I've endured some rough spots, I don't regret a thing. I've encouraged all my overweight friends to do something about their weight and consider the surgery. Many have already follow my lead and see my results and are doing just that.. Soon they will have their surgeries and I will help them through..

Picked up a hobby recently.. I love taking pictures of everything. So I'm taking some professional classes, taking lots of pictures and hopefully something positive will come out of it..

My love life is beautiful. Met an incredible man in June 2008, while what two months after my surgery and its been nothing but happiness. We are traveling everywhere, having lots of fun and just living! January 22, 2009 we went to Vegas and being new to Vegas I fell in love. The ambiance was incredible. Loved the shows and the scenic route better. Not particular fond of casinos but he loved watching me like a little hyper child wanting to go everywhere. It was an awesome experience, I will never forget. He's already talking of going soon to Lake Tahoe and explore that too with me.. He's a gem.

My daughter is still beautiful. Jealous a little that my clothes are smaller than hers.. hehe.. (Who would have guess that? LOL) but she's supporting me and watching me like a hawk to make sure I don't eat anything that she knows will make me sick. (Now who's the mother?)

To date I eat everything but in moderation. I still enjoy my food of origin which is latin food, but all in moderation. My belly tells me enough or GAG!!!!!! So I already know, place literally 3/4 of my food on my plate in a "To Go Bag" when I'm in a restaurant cuz I don't want to enlarge my pouch nor do I want to GAG!!! lol


Two Months Only 50lbs Down!!!!!

Jun 26, 2008

I can't believe two months ago I was 50 lbs heavier.. My clothes are literally falling off.. I'm elated of the results.. Even though I had a rough beginning after surgery, I don't regret a thing.. My health has improved 80% and that makes me totally happy... I just came back from a two week vacation of my hometown, NY and everyone was surprized of my results. 

Still somewhat fatigued.. but my doc is monitoring my protein and water intake.  You tend to forget that you had the surgery and you eat fast without chewing properly and man your new belly is not having it.. It will make you eat right and not overeat or else.. GAG!! lol.. I've had a couple of episodes that put me back in track.. lol.  I've can eat everything, except meat, with moderation... 

Will share some new pics in a few.. Hope all is well with you.. If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact me.. 

Already a month has past since surgery!!

May 30, 2008

I'm doing better.. Just really fatigue and sleepy.. Doc has found out that I wasn't eating enough protein and not consuming enough water..  So I increased my proteins and I'm trying to drink more water.. Started taking my B-12's and calcium chewables.. YUCK! But its a must.. He claims that will give me the energy boost I need...

Down to 204 now.. from 245 oh my.. I'm getting closer to the 200 mark.. Haven't seen that in years.. Haven't started working out yet cuz I'm always so tired.. Hopefully I will have the energy to start my exercise regime.

Going to home to NY in two weeks. Can't wait.. I have a family get together and wedding.. So that'll be fun... and almost 45 lbs lighter.. Woohoo.. 

Will keep in touch..

Hellraising this past week

May 13, 2008

Things were a little hairy for a while.. But I'm recouping and doing much better this week.. Thank God..

I was doing just fine after surgery.. Getting to know when I'm full, doing everything what the doctor and nutritionist ordered.. All of a sudden 5/6/08, Tuesday afternoon, after eating a very familiar homemade soup that I've been eating for the past week, I started vomiting profusely and had this sharp pain in my belly.. Going through so many changes in my body, I thought it was gas.. So I ate some Gas X and nurse my belly to sleep.. At  0900p the pain seem to be getting worse, so I tried to drink some water and  attempted to drink some Zantac to alleviate the pain tried to sleep.. but to no avail.. At around 12:30 I woke up screeming in pain and with the major bends.. I couldn't withstand the pain I immediately called the doctor. He ordered me to returned to the hospital immediately.. Being so late and after hours, I refuse to call for assistance with my mom nor friends, I attempted to gather my things and rush myself to the hospital.  I droved passed the block of my area and literally couldn't bare the pain and was feeling faint.. I waited till the pain subsided and proceeded back to my home cuz there was no way I was going to trek 45 min drive to the hospital by myself.. Being stubborn and still not wanting to wake anyone I delt with the horrible pain for another 4.5 hours until it was unbearable and I called my mom.. She immediately came to my aid and by 530 am I was in the hospital. 

Thru the cat scan and various x-ray they discovered a small obstruction in the small intestine area. Some food was accumilating in the scarring area and it developed swelling.  They proceeded via nose/mouth method with a thick cable like tube (without anesthesia ... UUggghhhh what a horrible experience) to pump out the acid build up and food in that area.. If that didn't work I was to be immediately operated.. IT WORKED.. Cuz from the moment I entered to the hospital I was screaming for MORPHINE every 2 hours.... With the antibotics and the pumpy thing he did after 1 whole day of extruciating pain by 700p I was 100% better. I was admitted for observation.. I was released the following day and pain FREE.. YIPPEEEEE

Its been a week since that fiasco and I'm definitely better.. I commenced this week again on soft food fish and small dabs of mash potatoes, my shakes, cream of wheat, yogarts, and tolerating it very well.. I'm a happy camper.. Lost 37 lbs and still going strong.. I'll post pics tonight and show you the difference.. Do I regret this procedure? Hell No.. My blood pressure has dropped from 140/90 with pills for 5 years to 118/78 without pills and my cardiologist is doing the jig.. lol.. Possibility by within 2 months from now as I continue to lose weight I wont be needing the machine to sleep and hopefully will do away with that as well.. Now the cholestral, I have to wait till next month to see the results.. but like my doc said it will be normalized..  I am on the road of extending my life 30 years + God willing.. So no regrets..

Will keep you posted..

God Bless..


Post 1 week surgery update

May 01, 2008

I had a couple of horrible days before I felt better..  I had one real bad episode of gas one day that I thought I was going to die.. I'm not a whimp but that day I didn't know what it was going on and it felt worse than the day coming out of surgery. When I consult the doc he explained it was major case of gas since I started the puree diet and sure enough gas X to the rescue.. I couldnt even breathe it hurt so much.. I wont do tuna for a while, don't want ever to experience that pain again.. 

I've lost 32 pounds already.. My face doesn't look like a huge potato anymore.. What used to fit so snuggy and I couldnt place the top button on my pants are so loose that I need a belt.. A belt?? I don't even own one.. lol.. Feeling really good these past three days.. Afraid of going to soft diet.. Don't want to go thru that gas thingy again..

Have some pics to develop.. Will show you from surgery to now.. and what a freaken difference from a week.. 

Take Care.. 


4 days post surgery!!!! HELP!!

Apr 26, 2008

I need help 4 days post surgery and I have diarrhea for two days straight since I got home.. Is this normal? Everytime I put something in my stomach, I feel it immediately comes out. Its unbearable... 

I'm doing everything according to the the doctor's orders, what's happening? Please help I'm getting desperate... I'm not a happy camper right now...

Surgery was a success!!!!!

Apr 25, 2008

Hello everyone.. Well I'm back.. I came home the day after surgery which was the 4/24 but I needed some desperate rest. Those nurses at the hospital drove me nuts every five minutes poking, checking bp, giving me meds, everything you can name they did.. I know they were doing their jobs and making sure I was ok but gggeeezzzzz louise all I wanted to do was sleep after surgery... I made up for it when I got home... 14 hours straight.. YUMMY... 

I feel tightness in my tummy and a little discomfort. But really nothing major.. Oh a little shortness of breath but I guess that too shall pass.. I was up and walking immediately after surgery with little difficulty.. Sore as hell but with the drugs given I was a soldier.. Doctor was happy of the progress..

I'm doing well.. sipping water every chance I get and learning when I'm full.. I haven't vomit yet.. so cross your fingers.. Will start the shakes today and hopefully all will go well.. 

Will keep you posted of my progress.. 



Apr 21, 2008

I'm a total basket case.. My nerves are making my stomach hurt. Surgery is tomorrow and I can't stop being so nervous and thinking of the what if's, did I do everything right for my family, will I be ok, am I making the right decision, WTF??? I know my health is at risk with all the medical alignments I currently have. I've researched this for five years.. This surgery can prolong my life...I know all this stuff but my nerves are shot.. One of my friends recommended a sedative before surgery that's a great idea.. Any others?? HELPPPPPPPPP!!!!!!!


Apr 20, 2008

Two weeks ago, my doc put me on shakes post surgery and I've gone through hell.. My stomach would not stop grumbling... To deal with the hunger pains I had to condition myself not to EAT!!!!!!!!!! I made sure nothing was in the fridge so I wouldn't temp myself and drink water to an oblivion.. UUUUGGGGGHHHHH! Two more days of this misery till surgery.  One thing is for sure, I lost 21 lbs.. YYYYIIIIPPPPPEEEEEEEEE But trust me it was hell to get there.. Between the hunger pains and the diarrhea.. EEEEWWWWW..(TMI.. hehe I'm sorry) lol.. its well worth it..

About Me
Cutler Bay, FL
Surgery Date
Apr 20, 2008
Member Since

Friends 11

Latest Blog 9
Two Months Only 50lbs Down!!!!!
Already a month has past since surgery!!
Hellraising this past week
Post 1 week surgery update
4 days post surgery!!!! HELP!!
Surgery was a success!!!!!
