One Week Post Op

Oct 19, 2009

 Today it has been one week since surgery.  Overall I would say I have had a relatively easy time-not too much pain and no real problems getting the fluid and protein in.  I have had some shoulder pain that has actually gotten worse in the last day or two so I will go in day after tomorrow and have my port accessed to remove any fluid or air that may be in there.  My surgeon does not put any fluid in the port at surgery, but he does push saline through (and removes it just to be sure there are no leaks,) which could result in just a few drops of fluid remaining or even just a little bit of air in the pillows.  The pain that I am feeling has to do with the gas which puts pressure on the diaphragm; there is a nerve that runs across the diaphragm and up to the left shoulder resulting in the pain in the shoulder.  By removing any pressure in the band it will hopefully eliminate the pain I am having in my shoulder.  Putting heat on my shoulder and heat on my belly has helped a lot to reduce the pain.  Sometimes the Gas X strips have also helped.
The biggest struggle I have had this week has been with my emotions and trying to decide if I have done the right thing.  For me, I like to know what is coming my way and there are so many questions about what I will do if...I have worried about being at a dinner situation with a client and having to throw up because I got "stuck".  I have worried about not ever enjoying dinner out with my family.  I have worried about getting acid reflux.  Basically, I have worried about all of the unknowns to the point that I had myself in a mini "panic attack" on Saturday night.  My daughter came to my room at midnight to find me sitting in the chair crying and she suggested we take a walk.  It was absolutely the best medicine!  I also posted my worries on the forum and received so many thoughtful responses that calmed my fears.  Since then I have vowed to take this one day at a time and to remember that there would not be so many people who have had this surgery if it severely negatively impacted the quality of life.  I also promised myself that I would keep my eye on the prize and remember that my decision was well thought out and made in the interest of my lifetime health.  I am going to be a success story and I am going to do it by understanding my options and making good choices, one day at at a time.

About Me
Surgery Date
Sep 17, 2009
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