
Feb 20, 2011

I finally got the courage to pull the scales out from under the bed this morning.  My weight is now 220 which is a loss of 18 lbs. since my surgery 2/3/11.  I am very excited and a bit surprised at how much I have lost.  My family kept telling me that they could tell I was losing weight and I knew that I was, but still a bit apprehensive about weighing.  I am still just a tad bit nauseated and actually having to make myself eat to get in my protein, but am otherwise doing pretty good.  My next appointment with Dr. Dyer is 3/3/11. 


My surgery

Feb 08, 2011

I had my surgery on Feb.3rd.  The surgery was the Lap RNY Gastric Bypass along with a hiatal hernia repair.  I am still on clear liquids at this time until my next MD appointment on Thursday.  I am hoping to be progressed to full liquids at that time.  I was sent home with a JP drain which requires a daily dressing and pretty frequent priming and recording of the amount of drainage.  I also have a small open wound on my left side that requires a dressing change twice per day.  All in all, I am doing pretty good.  My biggest problem so far has been trying to get in my much needed protein.  I absolutely couldn't take the Unjury that was given in the hospital.  I am a tad bit nauseated anyway and the simple smell of Unjury makes the nausea much worse.  I have ordered a product called Proticta.  It comes in what looks like a tube.  You get 25 gms of protein in only 3 ounces.  It comes in various flavors.  I am sure hoping I can tolerate this as I realize how vital it is, especially in the early days, to get in your protein.  Dr. Dyer and the entire Centennial staff was great throughout my hospital stay.  They provided explicit instructions on everything.  If any of you happen upon this post, please continue to pray for me and my recovery.

Surgery scheduled

Jan 29, 2011

I went for my apppointment with Dr. Dyer on Thursday,  1-27.  My surgery will be next Thursday  2-3-11.  I was very impressed at the time he took to explain every single detail.  He actually sat down in the room and talked to me as if he had known me for awhile taking time to let me ask any questions that I  might have had.  I am so excited. 



Jan 21, 2011

It is official,  I am approved for my gastric bypass.  I have an appointment to see Dr. David Dyer on Thursday,  Jan. 27.  I am so excited.  The receptionist said that I would leave that appointment with a definite surgery date.  This process has been a journey in itself.  Kudos to Centennial for making it so much easier.

The journey continues...

Nov 08, 2010

Since my last post, I have continued my low-carb diet and am now down to 250lbs.  Yes, Yes, Yes, I have met my insurance requirement for 10% of my body weight.  As the end of the year approaches, I am getting pumped about having my surgery.  I am still keeping my monthly MD appointments for my weight  monitoring, and plan to continue this thru the end of the year to ensure that the insurance can't say I didn't meet the 6 month requirement.  I will have to pay around $7500 up front to the facility!!! (Ouch)    Thank goodness I can take $5000 in my FSA  and despite the penalities I have my 401K  to use if absolutely necessary.  This time I am not letting anyone or anything stop me from doing this.  For one of the few times in my life, I am doing something for ME.  I realize this my sound selfish  but sometimes in order for our needs to me met; we have to put ourself first!  Oh well, enough rambling for now.  I really am hoping to get acquainted with some of you that might be anticipating surgery.  For those post op people, I would love to know how you are doing. 

Month 2 of my required diet

Sep 05, 2010

I returned to my PCP for my monthly appointment.  I was a bit nervous stepping on the scales but very happy to learn that I have lost another 11 pounds toward my goal.  My weigh is now 266. My BMI is down to 42.  I am super excited!

My Journey started 7/17/10

Aug 04, 2010

I attended my first weight loss seminar at Centennial July 17,2010.  Dr. Olsen presented the program.  He was wonderful, truthfully telling all the pros and cons of surgery.  I am so happy to have finally taken the first step toward my future.  Centennial seems like a wonderful place.  I plan on seeing Dr. David Dyer for my surgery.  I have just seen my PCP Dr. Tanveer Aslam and started my six month diet which my insurance requires.  My weight at the MD appt was 277.  I have already managed to loose 12 lbs since my visit to him this past April.  He set a realistic 5lb wt loss goal for my next appt. August 24.  After listening to Dr. Olsen talk about the post op diet following the gastric bypass being, first wk clear liquids, second wk full liquids, third wk, blended diet; then progressing to a low fat adkins (low carb) diet;  it made sense to me to start my 6 month diet low carb.  I am a sugar feen, and am in the process of cutting it out completely.  I started by switching from regular sodas to diet ones, and have also gotten rid of my daily route 44 cherry limeade from sonic, replacing it with either bottled water with crystal lite,or unsweet tea with splenda and lemon juice.  Believe it or not, the transition was not that difficult.  I have also actually tried to stay away from starchy foods.  I have got alot more work to do in this area.  I hope to hear from you guys soon.  I am planning on having a gastric bypass sometime after the first of the year.  Hopefully Jan or Feb.  Lets all stay in touch.


About time!!

Jul 10, 2010

Well, it has been around four years since my last post and still no surgery for me. It is sad how our own needs seem to get put off.  I have done my research on bariatric surgery, observed friends who have had various procedures.  I have made my decision to move forward on my surgery.  I am registered for the new patient bariatric seminar at Centenial Medical Center in Nashville on Saturday July 17.  Since my last post I have managed to pack on around twenty more pounds from my sedimentary job. and lifestyle in general.  My high blood pressure is still there; now with alot of swelling of my feet and ankles on a daily basis.  I also have severe GERD which lead to several episodes of aspiration pneumonia last year until my doctor discovered what my problem actually was.  I am fifty years old now and can see my health in general going down the tubes all due to my obesity.  I am anxious to get approved for my surgery and to have it as soon a possible.  I am doing this primarily for health reasons,  but the weight loss will be great!  I hope to make friends on here that can help and support me along my journey and I hopefully can do the same for you.  I  am personallly very excited about the whole thing.


Oct 14, 2006

Well, its now official.  I Have been started on med for my HTN.  My doctor started me on Lisinopril 10mg daily.  I talked to her about my plans to have bariatric surgery within the next year and ask her to start documenting a weight loss plan.  According to my insurance company, approx 6 months of documentation is necessary before they will even consider you for surgery.  In addition to HTN,  I also have what I think is the beginning of osteoarthritis espec in my knees and GERD which I have had for a couple of yrs.  I need your prayers as I try to attempt another  "D" word!!!   Im currently 262 lbs.  5'5"

About Me
Dyersburg, TN
Surgery Date
Mar 04, 2006
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