Almost there!

Jun 03, 2007

This is like waiting for Christmas when you're a kid... takes forever to get here! I'm still excited and ready to go. My surgery is scheduled for 11:00 am and I have to be at the hospital at 9:00. 

I plan on having hubby takes photos on me before the surgery and after and think I'll start a private photo set on Flickr. I'm planning on taking the laptop since the hospital has wireless internet in the rooms. 

Tonight for dinner, hubby took me to Smoky Bones for my very favorite pulled pork. It was so good and I savored each and every bite! Tomorrow I can have egg whites and cottage cheese for breakfast. Then starting at 10 I will be on liquids. I also have to drink some citrate of magnesium... yeah, I'm really looking forward to that stuff. Yuck!

I can't believe I am so close to being on the losing side! Woo Hoo!

New Date for Surgery

May 27, 2007

My surgery was changed from May 23 to June 5 and I was so disappointed that I haven't posted anything here about it. I'm feeling better now and once again counting down the days until surgery. 

Pre-op date

May 13, 2007

Tuesday I go to Tampa General for my pre-op. My gosh, I am even excited about doing this! 

I believe I have everything that I will need after surgery so I'm ready to go. I had my aunt say I bet you are anxious to get this over with... like it was a bad thing. I said I'm not anxious, I'm really excited and actually looking forward to it. I'm sure she thinks I'm quite strange but I no longer care.


May 04, 2007

Thanks to Dr. Al-Hassani giving me the okay on Wednesday I am now scheduled for my surgery on May 23!! Oh, how I've been waiting to be able to say that I have a date! Never been this excited about surgery before. lol

Tampa General Hospital already called about setting up my pre-op but we were out to dinner. I called back and left a message... don't know if they work on the weekend. 

I"m so happy to be heading to the losers bench!

Tomorrow is the day-

Apr 30, 2007

After all these months, tomorrow I will know for sure if I will be allowed to have my RNY. OMG, I have been worrying so over it. Been snapping peoples heads off at the least little thing, restless, can't sleep and so on.

This waiting is driving me crazy!

I'm worrying...

Apr 21, 2007

Now I'm waiting and worrying over the results of all the labs that my hematologist is doing. I saw him Wednesday and he ordered 11 different tests run that had to do with clotting factors due to my previous DVT's. 

I had the blood draw yesterday and they took 14 tubes of blood!! Never have I had that much drawn at one time. Even the girl drawing said that broke her previous record! lol

On May 2 I will see Dr. Al-Hassani again to find out the results of all the tests. If all is well, he will be able to give me surgical clearance to have the surgery done. If not, well let's just say I will be so sad. 

I feel like everything I have tried to do to have this surgery has gone backwards. The only thing that went so easy was to get the approval from my insurance company. How weird is that?

The Latest

Apr 15, 2007

This Wednesday, April 18, I will see Dr. Al-Hassani, the hematologist that Dr. Murr wants me to see. He was a Tricare Prime Dr. after all, just not listed on the site. I will need to get a surgical clearance from him due to my past DVT's. 

I really like my PCM but am really getting disgusted with the person in her office that does referrals. When I called last Monday asking her to put in for my authorization to see the hematologist, she told me she didn't know if she could get it for me in time. I said but Tricare is so quick at giving their approval but she informed me not all of the time. I said well, my surgery was okayed within 12 hours. 

When I asked her if she would submit it that day, she informed me that she had others to do and she couldn't tell me when she would fax it to them. I don't know what I ever did to this woman but wow, I am so tired of dealing with her. My PCM is moving to another office in May and I swear if this person is going too I will be finding another dr. 

I've been having back problems that go down my hip into my leg and my foot gets this pins and needles feeling like it's going to sleep. The ultrasound and xray were okay so she wanted me to have a MRI. It took that referral "witch" from March 14 until April 4 to send it to Tricare! 

Thursday I called Tricare and explained the situation and talked to the nicest woman who told me to call Dr. Murr's office and have them submit it. It was approved the same day! 

I'm still waiting on the old hematologist to find my missing records. Yeah, sure, like that's going to happen. 

I want this surgery so bad and would have it tomorrow if I could but things just seem to go backwards for me instead of forward.

What has been happening...

Apr 02, 2007

3/24/2007 - Someone from the hematologist's office called to say they didn't have my records. What... where did they go?!?! I talked to the doctor on 3/12 and I know he had them because he read me my old address and phone number. I gave him the correct one so he could send them to me. When I told her this, she said then my records must be misplaced. 

3/26/2007 - I called my previous primary care doctor and also my pulmonary doctor. to see if by some chance they had the results of the hematology labs. No, of course, they didn't. He must not have sent the results to anyone else. It figures.

3/28/2007 - Evidently my records are still misplaced because I haven't received them in the mail. 

3/29/2007 - I called Dr. Murr's office and told Susan my records have gone MIA. She's going to talk to Dr. Murr and refer me to a hematologist.

3/30/2007 - Susan called and gave me the name of a hematologist to make an appointment with on. I am also going to get my hospital records from 2000 when I had the DVT's. 

After talking to her, I checked the doctor at Tricare Prime and he isn't listed so now I've got to find another one. ARRGHH When will things ever fall into place?

I'm Approved!!!!

Mar 22, 2007

OMG, I am so excited! This morning I went to Tricare Prime's website and my surgery was there with Pending. This afternoon I looked at it again and it was APPROVED! Woo Hoo!

The only down thing is that I am still waiting for the info that my surgeon wanted concerning my previous DVT's. I have called daily and still haven't received the paperwork. This is so disappointing. I will call again tomorrow. If I were the Dr. I would send them just to get me to stop bugging him. 

At least I do know that my insurance approved my having the surgery! And for that, I'm happy.


Mar 19, 2007

I saw Dr. Murr on 3/12. Oh, I liked him. Made me feel very at ease. He tells you right off what could possibly go wrong leaving no doubts in your mind. He takes time to answer your questions. And I am so ready for this surgery and am so happy to have picked Dr. Murr. I feel very confident in his ability as a surgeon. 

The only thing that he had a problem with was wanting to see my records from my hematologist when I had the DVT's back in 2000. I came home, called the dr. and am still waiting for him to send them to me! If I don't get them soon, I will probably have to see a hematologist which will just delay things even more.

Friday, Susan, Dr. Murr's coordinator, called me and told me they are going to submit to my insurance this week! OMG, I was so excited! Even if I get the approval right away, I will still have to have the hematologist records before Dr. Murr will operate. But at least I will have the insurance part of it finished. 

I also met Lucy, Dr. Murr's nurse practitioner, at the visit last week. Oh, she is such a sweet person. Hubby and I liked her immediately. She spent time going over things and also wanted to know if we had any questions. 

I'm have never been so excited before about surgery but I am psyched and ready to go!

About Me
Seminole, FL
Surgery Date
Dec 27, 2006
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