My name is Cindy and I'm 45 years old.   Like many of you, I've struggled with my weight for more years then I can remember and about 1 1/2 yrs ago (Jan 2007), I read "You on a Diet - Owners Manual for Waist Management" by Dr. Mehmet Oz and Dr. Michael Rozen and it was because of this book that I seriously started considering WLS as an option to my 20yr battle with obesity - super obesity actually since I have a BMI of 54.   You always think you can do it yourself but I finally realized that I needed help to stop the yo-yo dieting and since turning 40, health has become higher on the priority list then ever before.  I'm pretty healthy considering how over weight I am with severe sleep apnea as my main health issue but new things are at the door step fighting there way in so it's time.
I've spent the last year researching and going to various doctors and appts. on my journey to RNY and I'm now waiting for the call to set my surgery date with Dr. Quoc Huynh of the Toronto MIS group at HRRH.    For the first time in a long time I actually have some hope that there is a chance for a new lease on life and I will actually be able to participate in my life instead of watching it go by from the sidelines.

About Me
Mississauga, ON
Surgery Date
May 30, 2008
Member Since

Friends 4
