I'm 27 years old, your 20s are suppose to be some of your best years. That unfortunately has eluded my grasp, as of today 12-5-11 i stand at 6' 3" and a scale tipping 445lbs. I've been a big boy for all my life and have tried and tried to loose and keep it off. Got the gym membership and started working out with a trainer but then I started plateuing and back sliding to my old weight. Sometimes I would just sit there and feel down about myself and not get motivated. I have an office job so sitting is the activity of my day. That was until I decided to turn things around, went back to school and am currently in training as an emt. It was infact that decision that lead me to this cross road in my life, on my first clinical I meet this paramedic whom had just had a VSG done and was doing great with it. That inspired me to get up and take charge of my life as well. That drove me to the point I needed to be at, the point were I realized I didn't have to accept the way things were for me. That I didn't have to sit there and make lemonade when life gave me lemons, no I got mad, I got motivated, I got going. And now with this WLS combined with continuing my work outs and a diet I will burn down this house of a body that life stuck me in and rebuild it the way it was intended to be.

About Me
Harrison, TN
Surgery Date
Nov 30, 2011
Member Since

Friends 8
