Here is my personal fight with my weight.

I decided to write a journal on my battle with obesity. As of May of 2005, I've decided to get approval for WLS(weight loss surgery). I've been looking into this procedure for 5 years and it has become a personal challenge to get approval for my life changing surgery. I believe this is the only way for me to lose the weight. I've been obese since I had my childern. Before I had childern in my younger years I was what you would call thin (I guess). My mom use to tell me I was to thin. I weighed 129 and I was a 36-28-32, But I was more active then. I use to ride my bike 7 plus miles a night and swim daily.

When I found out I was pregnant the first time, I thought I had to eat for two. I guess I should mention I was 16 at the time. Well, after I had my son I never lost the 45 pounds I gained during pregnancy. Then to my surprise two years later I was pregant again. This time I was better I only gain 30 pounds, But never lost that weight either. When I got pregant for the last time two years later I only gained 20 pounds but had to have a c-section with him. I never was able to lose the weight. I wouldn't change a thing during this time in my life, except for not eating for two the first time.

Now that I'm turning 40 I sure would like to be around for my childern and grandchildren. I want to see my boys get married one day. I believe that this surgery would save my life. I'm at 271 and a BMI of 43.1. Along with the BMI of morbid obese I have co-morbidities of arth. in the knees and a bulging disk in my back.

The time is now. I've already talked with my PCP doctor, OBGYN and my Orthopeadic and they agree that can go ahead and have the surgery. Yipee!!! Now I've found a surgeon and have filled out his paperwork and I'm waiting on a consultation appointment. Hoping to hear soon. Wish me luck..

May 20, 2005

GOOD NEWS!!! I have a Consultation with my surgeon on
June 16,2005. Yipppeee!!! He sent me all the information I need to get from my doctor. Hubby is happy for me... He see the smile on my face and can't wait til it's there for good. I'll update soon.

June 1, 2005

Ok it's been awhile since I've updated this so here it goes.
Today I attended my surgeon's orientation and I scheduled to meet him for consult on the 16th of this month. I found out that I learned a lot from everyone here on this site. I noticed some of the people that came to the orientation didn't do a lot of homework on the subject. Well will update agin tomorrow after I see my PCP doctor and start my labs and ect... Oh, I did get my appointment for my psychologist...

June 17, 2005

Well, I've been to my Psychologist and my Surgeon consult. I never thought I would finish that test. My surgeon thinks I'm a good canidate for surgery. Now all that is left is the nutritionist and stress test. Hoping by the time I leave for vacation in July I have everything done and waiting for a surgery date. Have my appointment with the nutritionist on the 28th and appointment with my PCP. I'll ask for my stress test referral and get that done ASAP. Wish me luck on getting everything done. I want to be on the losing side and know it takes time.

November 15th, 2005

God it's been a while since i've been here. I've had a realization. I was talked into trying this WEIGHT LOSS PATCH. Okay, you laugh at this. I tried it for 4 months and I've lost 14 pounds. But here's the tickler. I don't see anything disappearing anymore. I haven't lost anything over the last month. My head is telling me that I'm throwing good money after bad. I should know better than to try someting new. The person that talked me into this lost 50 pounds on it. she looks great. Don't get me wrong I guess this works for some, but I've heard from more than a few that it's a few here and there. I've had a talk with my husband who is my heart and soul and we have decided to hang in there until the new year. Then I'm going to start my journey all over again. Thank god I still do my weight in's with my PCP.

Thanks to my support system. I'm going to have my surgery next year!! That's my goal and I'm sticking to it. NO ONE is going to talk me out of it this time. Thanks for letting me vent.


I guess, I better get here more often to update. Well, last year was a busy one. It ended with me having to have gall badder surgery reight before Christmas. Now that I'm healed fron that I started a new job. I've changed surgeons to a Doctor closer to home. Have my first appointment with him on the 24th of January. I cn't wait to get approved. I have everything done including my 6 month diet with my Primary. I have to have him fix his notes for they are the way the insurance won't kick them back saying I'm missing something. I will update soon.. Take care all..

Feb. 15, 2006

OMG!!!!! Yesterday I recieved a call from the surgeons office saying they were faxing the papers to the insurance company and they will call once they hear anything. She told me it would be a few weeks. Okay, I was fine with that. Knowing all the issue I've seen here. Well, here's the the kicker. They called early this morning.. I WAS APPROVED!!!!! Patrice at Dr. Overcash's office said this was less than 24 hours for the approval. Never before has it came back so fast.. I'm on cloud 9. My surgery date is April 5, due to school issues. I'm so happy I've found this website it gave me the hope that I needed..

March 3, 2006

I see it's been awhile since i've been here to update. So, hereit goes. On Feb 20th I started
Culinary School, I've always wanted to go. My first few classes were a bit boring, Until we got to nutrition. Needless to day we talked about those who decide to have gastric bypass. The teacher was talking about a few classmates that have gone through gastric bypass, and was giving information on the procedure. I has to pipe up and correct some of the information, I gave a few of the students this website to look into the surgery not for themselves but for the correct information. The professor and I had atalk about the reasons why some of us decide on this procedure. I felt like he understood why I made my decision. I wasn't looking for approval from him I just wanted him to understand why people make this decision and that it's not made lightly. I told him this is a tool not the solution to the problem. Anyway to move on this week (mar 28th) I had to have a cyst removed on my hand. Needless to say I had to drop school for awhile due to surgeries. My ortho wanted me to fast for 8 hours and have surgery on the 28th of April. I informed him I was unable to do that due to having Gastric bypass on the 6th of April. So, he moved me to the 28th of March. So now I'm going to my gastric surgery with my hand bandaged. What could happen does I guess. I'm going to be soooo happy when the 6th of April is here for I can start my new life. My husband has vacation and will be staying with me. He's been great!!! along with my Boys and their Fiancee's they all support me so well. Thanks to all that have sent me their support and can't wait to be on the losing side. I'll make sure I update more.

April 13,2006

Here I am POST OP Woo HOOO!!!! I'm so excited. It's been a week since surgery. I've been eating well and I leave the house to go walking at the mall. It's hard to believe I'm on the losing side. My family calls eavery other day to check on me. They all are so supportive, I couldn't ask for more. On Monday I went to the Orthropedic and he said he was suprised to see me. I asked why. He said I should be at home recuperating. I said I was I'm out doing errands and walking like I'm suppose too. I was curious and asked if he minded If I stepped on the scale while I was here. Needless to say I did. IT WAS CONFIRMED MY SCALE WAS RIGHT. I WAS DOWN 15LBS! What a WoW moment. I had my DH hide the scale. I promised myself not to step on another scale until my 2 week check up. I'll update then.

August 18th, 2006

I just realized that I haven't updated here in quite a while. Seen my pcp doctor yesterday and got my labs back, everything is good. I was worried that I would have to take B-12 shots or have diabetes. I'm down 80 lbs. Can't wait for my century card 20 more pounds to go.
I'm down to a size 12 from a 24. It's hard to believe it. My DH has a bad habit of sneaking up behind me and picks me up. I'm loving all the extra attention I'm getting now.



About Me
Amarillo, TX
Surgery Date
Nov 09, 2004
Member Since

Latest Blog 1
November 27, 2006
