Happy New Year!

Jan 03, 2009

And so we're in 2009 ... boy, do I have big hopes for this year!  I survived the holidays and have my second one-on-one nutrition appointment w/Dr. O'Malley's office next week.  I'm VERY nervous about this appointment as there was holiday eating going on -- very restricted, but I admit to a cookie or three -- and I'm not looking forward to the weigh-in.  The stakes are high: the program I'm in at Highland Hospital has pretty strict standards, and if I gain ANY weight at all, I will be forced to start all over again (adding many months to my pre-surgical journey) or, potentially, even be kicked out of the program.  To say that I'm nervous would be an understatement ... keep the fingers crossed for me, ok?

I'm also having this interesting experience of, now that I'm really in the middle of it all and know I'm committed and having surgery, my entire body hurting and aching and feeling far more crappy than I can ever remember it being.  It's as if my mind and body are suddenly in sync and I'm finally processing how crappy life in this body is, now that the body knows that an end of sorts may be in sight.  Odd, huh?

Currently I'm trying to remember how important positive thought is during preparation, surgery and recovery.  It's too easy, I find, to worry and freak about all of the complications, changes, and scary things connected to surgery.  The thing is, I'm smary and have been reading and researching WLS for literally years.  I know a good chunk of the risks,  the zillions of things that could go wrong, but I also know all of the zillions of things that will be GOOD about post-op life.  I need to focus, focus, focus on those. 

This week's goals:
(1) Eat healthy!
(2) Get in my water!
(3) Exercise/move for at least 20-30 minutes each day.
(4) Work on list of reasons for Dr. O'Malley as to why the DS is the right surgery for me.  Suggestions are welcome!


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Surgery Date
Jun 28, 2007
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