Gall Bladder............

Jul 16, 2009

July 16, 2009
So over the past few months I have had a couple of episodes that were just some extreme pain. The pain would go from just under the middle of my chest straight through to my back and kind of up and over my shoulder. At the same time it felt like there was a vice squeezing me... as I tried to take breaths it hurt more.. totally taking my breath away... first one hit in December... then again in March, then again in late May... so I said enough is enough.. I called my surgeon, cuz I was very curious to see if something was going on with my WLS. We talked and he examined me. He said it was either of two things... either my gall bladder or I had an ulcer on my pouch... but he was leaning towards the gall bladder....
I was scheduled for an ultrasound. The tech was funny, she actually said to me 'well no wonder you are in pain. You have ALOT of stones in there'.. so we chatted while she finished taking pictures of my innards... I mentioned that I had bypass. She said that she had been seeing more and more patients that have had bypass coming in with gall bladder issues and having to have them out.
Well she was right. I am now scheduled for Aug 6 to have mine removed. I would suggest when you have your WLS ask your surgeon to just remove it while they are in there. No sense having any more surgeries than you need too.


So its been a while....

Jul 15, 2009

It has been 4 years since my surgery. And let me tell you, I would do it 100 times over if I needed too. This has been one of the best things I have ever done for myself and my family. I was Dr. Gould's first laproscopic patient, that was a bit scary but he had a colegue of his with him in the operating room, so I knew I was all set.
Lets see... is there anything that I would change... probably not. Sure there are times when I wish I could eat just one more bite of something that I am totally craving... but you know what, it was that one more bite that got me into trouble before.
I would have to say the biggest obsticle that I face is real sugar. Me and sugar pretty much do not mix at all. Which is alright by me, I was never a huge sweets person to being with.
I did hit my 100 lbs lost I would say about 2 1/2 years ago.. wow was that a shocker to see that number on my scale.. I went from a size 26 (pushing 28) to a size 14...then within a few months of that, my body decided it didnt like it where I was. I put on a few pounds (yes very upsetting) and am now a size 16. I have been a size 16 for at least 2 years now. And you know what, its ok. This is where my body is comfortable. And I have learned to accept that. Would I like to be able to get back to that size 14 (or maybe even a 12) but I really dont have to work at this anymore. Sure, I will admit, I am lazy. I dont like going to the gym. If I were to get motivated again and get my rump to the gym, I bet I could get to the 14 or maybe even the 12. But its ok. I am very comfortable where I am. My family still to this day cannot get over the difference in me both physically and emotionally. They can see and hear the difference in me. It's great!
I do still have to pay attention to what I put in my mouth. But it is such a way of life for me now, its like I have always been like this.
I hope eveyryone gets the same results as I did. Just remember this one thing... It is a life changing event... If your brain is not ready for the change than don't do it! ok, so maybe remember two things... Don't ever do this for anyone other than yourself! If you are doing it for anyone other than that, than you are not doing it for the right reason, and you will regret it after... YOU the only one that is important enough to make this change for...

About Me
Hooksett, NH
Surgery Date
May 09, 2005
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