6 months post op

Jul 21, 2008

Well it's been 6 months and a total loss of about 126 lbs. I feel so much healthier and have a lot more energy. I just bought new work clothes I have been pushing the old ones too the limit. I use to wear a 4x in pants and now I am in a XL to L depending on brand.. Never thought that would happen but it feels good.  I can now take the dogs for a walk with out having to stop after 2 blocks, now they get tired it funny. I want to try and roller blade again but am afraid I might hurt my self I am much older than the last time. I will try it ....

My Journey

Sep 22, 2007

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June 07 - talked with dr. about surgury decided to go lap-band  took about 2weeks to find a doctor. 

July 07- met with lap-band doctor  all was well

Aug-07 started getting referrels from pcp for all pre op testing. going very well. 

middle of Aug. PCP changed his mind wanted me to see another Dr. Almost finished with pre-op testing had to go to another seminar. Then met with new Dr. decided to go with rygb. two more test new doc wanted wich pushed me to end of Sept.

Sept 07- see pulminary doctor and I have to have a Venus Cava Filter cause of the swelling in my lower extremeties. 

Oct 07- Pre-op venus cava filter 3 days prior to surgury

OCT 15, 2007 surgury date!!!!! 

Oct 15, 2007 came and gone No surgury : (
Pulmanary doctor said I had to have a sleep study done.
before surgury. so had that done and was put on c-pap for 4-8 weeks.

finally cleared me !!!! 

Surgury date Jan. 15, 2008 366lbs. my heaviest ever!

Surgury went well  first week check up lost 20lbs how amazing just laying around in bed and walking through the house. 

4 weeks down another 30lbs. 

now i am back at work and can totally tell the difference clothes fit better and people are noticing. I am off my blood pressure medicine and my cholesteral medicine also.  It has been 7 weeks since my surgury and I am ready to go to the gym.

Well I tried the gym not good for me I tried to go slow I just feel that if I am going to be at the gym I should really work out. So now I just walk around my neighborhood.. I am going to go back to the gym this week April 6-12 and see how i do. I am probally a steady 4-7 lbs a week now down to 288 have not been that weight since 2001. Still have some problems with eating (if you want to call not hungry a problem) I try to eat at least once a day for the protein and always forget to take my vitiamins. will see I visit with the doctor for my 3 month checkup on the 11th.

About Me
Surgery Date
Aug 14, 2007
Member Since

Friends 2

Latest Blog 2
6 months post op
My Journey
