Sleep Study, part Deax

Feb 18, 2010

Well, haven't posted in a while, but here goes.  Found out from the bariatric nurse that I do have sleep apnea.  She gave me some numbers that were kind of sobering.  I slept on my back for 4 hours and had 50 some odd occurances of my breathing stopping while in the hour that I slept on my side, I had 27 instances of not breathing.  My sleep apnea is not that bad, but bad enough that this country boy is concerned.  I have a follow up sleep study on March 2nd, this time it'll be for fitting a CPAP mask for me.  The sleep lab was supposed to contact my insurance company about getting a machine for the home.

I kind of have some mixed emotions about having sleep apnea, but this is just another co-morbidity to have for insurance approval.


About Me
Laplace, LA
Surgery Date
May 29, 2009
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