Almost There

Apr 23, 2010

Well, I had my consult with Dr. Richardson on Tuesday.  I met a couple of other people in their various stages of this process and I tried to answer their questions as best I could.  When my name was called, I went in and weighed, then to a room with three other patients.  We all met with the dietian, a lady who I never met, Laura Periou.  Considering I had been meeting with Sue Breaux throughout the three month process, I honestly felt a little cheated.  Laura was very nice and answered my questions but I felt like I was starting all over.  Nothing pisses me off more than having to explain something to a complete stranger.  There were no questions about my diet, nothing.  I kind of felt like a cattle call, being herded around with other people.

Not making things any better, I hurt my back that morning.  How?  Reaching to take a damn vitamin.  LOL.  It wasn't a laugh at the time, thank God my wife was home.  I couldn't even straighten myself up.  My whole left side was in spasm, I couldn't even walk without her help.  After about an hour on the massage chair, the spasms stopped and I was able to go to my doctor's appointment.  I am still sore a little today from the chair, I have a shihatsu massage chair, but it's almost back to normal now.  I slept on my stomach Monday night and that's what did me in.

Back to my consult, enough bitchin.

Dr. Richardson came in and talked to all of us about the surgery, basically telling us about the risks, etc.  He brought up his perfect rate of no one dying on his table, knock on wood.  Then after some questions from everyone, we were separated into rooms for a one on one with the doctor. 

Man, I was hella nervous.  He went through my tests and told me that if everything goes like expected, I could go home the next day after surgery.  He said I could go back to work on light duty in 2 weeks.  My job doesn't have light duty per say, then he said, " Well you'll be out 6 weeks."  My plan is to go back to work in 4 weeks and he pretty much indicated that on my short term disability papers he sent back to me in the mail yesterday.

I have to admit, I did slip a little on my diet.  I ate a couple of sliced chicken breast wraps, but no fast food or junk food.

Still maintaining the weight loss, probably lost some more, but I will weigh myself Sunday night when I go back to work.  My surgery is in the morning, but I won't know what time until Tuesday.  Gotta due bowel prep then.  Talk to you later.


About Me
Laplace, LA
Surgery Date
May 29, 2009
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