osehlmeyer 17 years, 11 months ago

Hi Cassie, I don't know if you are still reading these "comments" and well-wishes to you, since the last was in April, hopefully, you are. I have been following your blog on Dr. Snyder's page, and now on OH, and I also hope to have surgery soon. I am 33 and have been overweight most of my life, so I know how you feel, being in your mid-twenties, overweight and pissed. I wish that I could fast forward you to your mid-thirties, so that you could see that everything turned out just fine. I dealt with stupid boys, confusing male friends, endless moves and degrees, all in the hopes that I would come out on the other side being the picture that I had in my head. Well, I didn't, the picture is much better than I had ever had in my head. I figured out that life happens to you, fighting and screaming or taking it with a smile, in the hopes that eventually it makes sense. Here is my credo: those that don't love you back can be left behind, you can't move away from your problems since you create them, your body is not your beauty, and life is WAY too short to deal with the bullshit. I would be happy to chat with you, I enjoy your writing and I feel like we have a lot in common. I live in Littleton, and I am not a psycho. I just hate reading what could be my own journal coming from someone else. Maybe I'd have some answers for you. Email me if you care to at [email protected]. If not, I understand, it seems weird. In either case, I hope that you find the answers that you are looking for and find happiness in yourself.

Carol1 18 years, 1 month ago

You are in my thoughts and prayers. God bless and keep you as you take this very courageous step towards your dreams. You are a beautiful and worthy soul.

swangirl 18 years, 2 months ago

Wishing you all the best on your weightloss journey!

Tawny~~~ 18 years, 2 months ago

Good luck Cassie, Things will be amazing! I will see you on the losing side sister! My thoughts and prayers are with you! Love,Tawny

Tawny~~~ 18 years, 2 months ago

Good luck Cassie, Things will be amazing! I will see you on the losing side sister! My thoughts and prayers are with you! Love,Tawny

diaz 18 years, 2 months ago

I just want to congratulate you on your final decision of having the surgery. I give you all the best wishes and youll be in my prayers. GOOD LUCK!!!!!

Black Beauti 18 years, 2 months ago

I wish you a journey that is safe, and uneventful. I commend you on having the courage to take your own health and happiness into your own hands. Be Blessed!! Stay Strong in the struggle, and remember you never walk alone *smile* You'll be in my prayers!! *smoochies* NEVER SURRENDER ~T~

jessica7552 18 years, 2 months ago

Congrats on your surgery day...mines the same day as yours!!! I wish you the best of luck with no complications and a super speedy recovery!!! xoxoxoxox

Kimberly Novak 18 years, 2 months ago

Wishing you all the best as you begin your life changing journey~~Kim

TwinMommie 18 years, 2 months ago

Just wanted to say CONGRATS & Good Luck on your surgery! May God be watching you and keep you safe! Also that you have a smooth and speedy recovery! Soon you will be on the path to a healthier you! Just remember one day at a time! God Bless
About Me
Broomfield, CO
Surgery Date
Jan 24, 2006
Member Since

Friends 14

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Mixed Emotions
First Goal Reached
A Model, Idiot.
New Year, New Life
The long road ahead
