First bad day

Nov 06, 2008

I would have to say that this is actually the first "bad" day I have had since my surgery.
I have not had a BM since Saturday and I am normally bang on every morning.  Today, I had trouble getting food down and then it came back up.
I came home from work and had some chicken soup that stayed down thank goodness, but I just feel like crap !
I started back to work on Monday and had been feeling really great.  I got such a warm welcome and so many positive comments, it felt wonderul. I know, it is only one day, but I have to say, I am a little worried about the BM thing.
I have taken MOM every day since Sunday and have used glycerin supposutories as well, but nothing.
I went to my own Dr after work, he ordered an xray and said he would get the results tomorrow.  If I felt worse, pain or ended up with a fever, he said I should go to Emergency right away.
I hope it doesn't come to that.
I have lost 40 lbs so far, but today, I feel like I am carrying that 40 lbs all over again.

She Made Me Swear !

Nov 01, 2008

It happened today, my personal trainer (Jess) made me swear at her.  She loved it, she said that meant she was doing her job !  lol !
I had my third workout with her today and boy, did she make me work.  It was good though.  I am surprising myself with what I can do and am hopeful about what I will be able to do.
I start back to work on Monday.   I am a little nervous about that as well.  I am worried as to how I am going to be able to handle food.  Plan, plan plan is what Mom says, but if I can't eat that will be a problem.  I guess I will have to always keep some soup handy at work so that I can always fall back on that, it seems to go down well.  That and yogurt.
As of this morning, I am down 37 lbs !  WOOHOO !
Bought a new coat last week and a new sweater today, both were 1x's which have not been a part of my wardrobe for a very long time.  As usual, I am shrinking more up top first.


Oct 24, 2008

Tomorrow morning we have our first visit with the personal trainer.  I am a little nervous but excited at the same time.  I know that once I go, I will be fine, it is just first time jitters.
I found a new favorite food today.  Knorr Autumn Vegetable Soup with a can of mixed beans mixed in.  YUMMY - High protein, High fibre, low fat !  Delicious !
One more week and then I am back to work.  I am actually looking forward to getting into a routine.  I will be rather clothing challenged for a while though.  Gonna have to figure out a wardrobe that works for work.
I am excited to have to go out a buy a new, smaller bra !!! woohoo !!  Sorry Fraser, but we knew they would be the first to go.

I did it !

Oct 21, 2008

 One more step towards my more confident, healthy, active lifestyle.  Last night Fraser and I both signed up for 10 sessions with a personal trainer at the Caledon Wellness Centre !  Can you believe it ?
Now as you can imagine, I was already feeling really good about that and then this morning !!  35 lbs !  GONE !!  Can you say WOOHOO !!!!

Dinner in a restaraunt

Oct 19, 2008

  On Friday night, Fraser and I went out for our first "date night" in 7 weeks.  We went out for dinner at Kelsey's and Fraser must have told me 10 times that I was beautiful.  I ended up ordering a chicken wrap.  How did that go you ask ?  Well, I opened up 1/2 the wrap, took out the chicken, ate it, and brought the rest home.
The funniest part was, that I was still eating that small amount of chicken and Fraser had already finished a rib and wing combo, a beer and had asked for the bill.  Eating is EXHAUSTING work !
Anyway, no issues, and it felt good to be able to go out.  Next time though, I will just eat off Fraser's plate I think.  Not worth ordering a whole meal for me.  Not yet.
We then went for the all time, big night out in Bolton.....WALMART !  Woohoo.  We ran in to our friends Darrin and Michelle and their kids, and ended up shopping with them.  As always, whether we spend 5 minutes with them or 5 hours, there are always lots of laughs.  I am sooo glad we are friends.
I took both dogs for a walk by myself today....Dog Whisperer style, one dog on each side.  They were so good.  I was really proud of them.  People driving by were actually looking and smiling.  All I could think was, "that's my girls."  Ceasar would be proud.

Food - Real Food

Oct 16, 2008

Felt alot better today.  Food went down well.  I made scrambelled eggs for dinner with ricotta cheese, mushroom, onion and spinach.  I had to eat it in two sittings but it was yummy.  I had salmon for lunch and a protein drink with yogurt and banana at breakfast.
It still takes me sooooo long to eat.  But that is okay, I am actually tasting food for a change.
I made a bunch of Christmas cards today, went for a nice walk with Fraser and the girls and went to the Wellness Centre to inquire about personal trainers.  I am going to go for it.  10 sessions with a personal trainer and then I should have an idea of what to do when I go on my own.
I got in touch (through Facebook) with my old boss from Owens Corning (long long time ago) and it made me realize how much I really loved that job and loved working there.  Things have changed, people have changed and I know it is not the same anymore.  Still, it was nice to "chat" with him.


Oct 14, 2008

Okay, so, good day/bad day.  Today was my appointment with Dr. Huynh and everything went well.  He was pleased with where I was at so far. I was sooo happy to be able to report that I had not had one incident of vomitting yet. 

Operative word - YET !  This is where the bad day part comes in.  I decided to cook some talapia for dinner for Fraser and I.  Problem, it tasted sooo good, and I ate too fast.  Let me tell you, that is one thing I don't plan on repeating.  The pain was excruciating and after about 15 mins of suffering, I was finally able to throw some of it up.  I threw up twice and only then did the pain let up. 
A couple hours later I ate some yogurt which went down nice and smooth.
So far return to work date is Nov. 3 barring any unforeseen complications.
I learned a very valuable (but painful) lesson today.


Oct 13, 2008

Animations - turkey-01
Happy Thanksgiving Everyone - I am thankful that the stall is over.....YIPPEE - I lost 2 more lbs !  Total now is 32 lbs.
Of course, that is not all I am thankful for.  I am thankful for my husband family, friends and my health as well.  I am thankful that I had a piece of turkey yesterday (thanks Sis for making it for me even though you weren't going to have turkey !)
Of course, I am also thankful for this beautiful weather we are having this weekend.  Could it be any nicer !  WOW !
We had a nice visit at Darrin and Michelle's on Friday night after I took Lauren to see Beverly Hills Chihuahua - what a hoot.
Then, Saturday, we were off to Les and Heather's for a nice Base Family Thanksgiving.  Then Sunday, we were off to Cathy and Gary's for a Carr Family Thanksgiving.
So, other than having a little trouble with my bowels the last couple of days, I am still doing pretty well.  Back to the surgeon tomorrow for my post op check up.  I have lots of questions for him, I have made a list.
Went for a nice walk today with Fraser and our girls.....they LOVED it.
Oh, couple of WOW moments, had to move my truck seat up to drive....COOL.   Also, lost the bra extender AND moved the closure to the centre !  WAY COOL !  This is FUN !  lol


Oct 09, 2008

They tell me the three week stall is normal, but yikes, I don't like it.  My weight has not changed since Sunday.  I know it will start up again soon so I can't let myself get too discouraged.  It sounded so funny to have the support group ask me if I am eating enough ?  HA - who ever thought that I would not eat ENOUGH ????  Not me that is for sure.
Anyway, 1 more week on pureed and then the fun begins.  I get to start solid food and experiment to see what agrees with me and what doesn't.  What will stay down and what won't.  Doesn't that sound like fun ?
I can't wait for my pureed turkey on Sunday !  lol.

30 lbs gone FOREVER !!!

Oct 05, 2008

As of yesterday I am down 30 lbs !  Can you believe it.....holy !  I still feel a little swollen in my abdomen, but Fraser says he can really see it in my face.  Wonderful husband that he is, he keeps calling me "beautiful".  It is going to take a bit to get used to hearing that (but I like it !).
I don't have any tolerance for canned tuna or ground beef at this point.  That is okay though because I have found a new favorite.  Chicken pureed with chicken broth, mashed potato and mashed carrot all mixed together.  Tastes like a chicken version of sheperd's pie....YUMMY !

Yesterday, Fraser and I went out and bought a duvet since I am now ALWAYS cold.  What a switch for me as I was always hot before.  I also bought a new pair of track pants for walking in and I have to say, was quite surprised to find I was already in a size smaller.

I had a really nice day today, got out with Mom and Dad for a drive and saw some beautiful fall colours AND a rainbow.

Tomorrow, I am going to start making my Christmas cards and hopefully make a little money for Batten Disease Research again this year.

GOT MY WINGS AND LEARNING TO FLY !Animations - butterfly-06

About Me
Bolton, ON
Surgery Date
Sep 15, 2007
Member Since

Friends 34

Latest Blog 41
New Jeans
Time to publish some WOWS !
I'm s excited and I just can't hide it !!!
Bowel Movements - A Wonderful Thing
Gastroscopy Booked for Friday
8 weeks and 4 days
