Hi EVeryone


Just updating as I got an email from the website.  I am now four years post op.  I am still classed as obese (31% BMI) but I don't care anymore.  I am 'normal'.  I am a UK size 14-16 about average over here I would say and can go into almost any shop and find clothes to fit me.


I can eat a lot now, which kind of frightens me.  I have not learned or educated myself that eating puts on weight, I must still have some psychological issues that made me put overeat in the first place.  Sometimes I still want to overeat, but of course I can't without making myself really ill and uncomfortable.  


I have had plastic surgery to remove excess skin from my stomach - apronectomy.  They removed 7 lbs of fat and skin.  I have loose skin under my arms and tops of my legs but it is not noticeable under clothes and it does not get in the way.


I got married again last year to a man who I was going out with from before my operation.  He is lovely and very supportive, he has been with me through thick and thin as it were!  My Doctor says I have added at least ten years to my lifespan by losing the weight.  I have lost 145 lbs in total now, although I have put back on about 14 lbs since my lowest weight 12 months ago.


If anyone wants me to answer any questions, especially ones in the UK, please feel free, I will do my best to be as honest as possible.


I would do it again tomorrow if I needed to, it has made such a difference, not to my personal life, but to the way I think about myself and all the aspects of life like being about to fit into clothes and not having to say 'excuse me' when someone has to move their chair in a restaurant for me to get past.  I can actually play soccer with my grandsons now - well sort of! 

About Me
Crewe, CW
Surgery Date
Mar 12, 2003
Member Since
