My Story Nine Years Post-Op

Dec 29, 2010

November 10, 2001

My name is Christine Walton. I am 39 years old, married 19 years (to the same man :-), mother to four children ranging in ages from 1 to 18 (my 10 year old daughter is adopted) and foster mother to three teenage boys. I have always had a weight problem and have been researhing WLS for about 3 years now. I saw my surgeon, Dr. Baggs of Burlingame, CA on October 12, 2001 and was approved for surgery on November 9, 2001. My insurance company is WSIS. Surgery is scheduled for December 12, 2001. This should be a very interesting month :-) I live in Fortuna, CA and my surgeon is in the Bay Area which is a 6 hour drive so there will be a lot of traveling back and forth in the next few months. This site has been a Godsend. It has changed my life. God Bless everyone, Christine

November 16, 2001 (Steve my husband's birthday :-)

26 days to go. I had my psych evaluation today. I was looking forward to it actually and it turned out to be kinda fun :-) I spent about 90 minutes with the doctor talking and going over the necessary questions like "explain the surgery" "how will this change your life" "what can go wrong". Dr. Renouff was wonderful and even laughed when he asked me why I wanted the surgery and I told him "the voices told me I needed to" :-) Just joking there doc :-) After talking and doing some things like counting backwards from 100 by 7's (fun, fun, fun) I took an hour long "test" that had some very humerous questions. It took even longer because I had to keep reading them to my husband they were so strange. Anyway, almost 3 hours and $400 later I am set to go (I think :-) Next come pre-op testing on December 5th. Be back after that. Happy Thanksgiving everyone!

November 21, 2001

I attended a local support group this evening. My Mom was up for Thanksgiving so she went along with me since Steve (my husband) was working. I was all set to attend the support group meeting at Mills-Penn last Saturday but Anne Timberlake just happened to mention in an e-mail I could attend this one instead (attending at least one meeting is mandetory before surgery). That saved me about 600 miles and the pain and suffering of driving in city traffic :-) The meeting at St. Joesph was great. It was neat to meet some ladies that were psot op and doing great (and still breathing if you know what I mean). I am getting pre-op jitters and try not to think about the actual surgery a lot. I bought some supplies at Costco also. Some protein powder and bars. They let you return them if you don't like them so I thought that was a safe route to go since they are so expensive. I'll be back here after post-op testing the 5th.

November 30, 2001

I had my flu shot today and all went well. No side effects. Fingers crossed :-)

December 4, 2001

I got an e-mail from Anne at Dr. Baggs office last Friday asking of there was anyway I could give my surgery date to another lady that had hers canceled the day after mine. Mine would be changed from the 12/12/01 to 12/20/01. The lady was having some serious medical problems and had family flying out to help and would have really had a hardship if she had to postpone her surgery. So I agreed and now I am scheduled for 12/20/01. Should be home 12/22/01. I found out after switching the days that I was the last person that was on the list to help this lady. Everyone else had said no. I am so glad Lula will be getting her surgery without delay :-)

So, pre-op was also changed from 12/5/01 to the day before surgery 12/19/01. No bowel prep which I was happy about.

I saw my PCP yesterday to go over my psych evaluation and touch bases. All went well and he is eager to be involved in my followup care. I am so lucky to have such a great support team. Thanks Dr. Grover and Humboldt Medical Group!

December 10, 2001

Thanks so much everyone for the great and supportive e-mails and the wonderful kind words! Ain't life great??? :-)

Wednesday December 19, 2001 - The day before surgery:

We (my husband Steve and myself) drove 5 hours to Burlingame in the morning. I had pre-op starting at 11:30 A.M. After registering (this took about 15 minutes), I had blood drawn (painless and it took about 15 minutes), then an EKG (about 10 minutes). This involved taking my shirt off and having electrodes placed on my chest, arms and legs. Painless as well but some frontal nudity involved :-) After the EKG, I met with a lady that explained the PCA and how pain management would work. Then it was upstairs to see the dietitian. She was very sweet and took her time asking questions about my eating habits and what I can expect after surgery. Next it was on to Anne Timberlake to go over the surgery again and what to expect before, during and after. This was pretty much a review and most of the questions I had, she answered before I could even ask them :-) I was finished with all of this at about 2 P.M. My appointment with Dr. Baggs wasn't until 3:30 P.M. so we went and had something to eat to kill some time. Promptly at 3:30 P.M. we were called in to see Dr. Baggs. We visited with Terry for a few minutes before the appointment. She is just so sweet :-) We had a brief visit with the doctor and away we went to the motel. I ate lightly that evening. No bowel prep necessary. I ate some yogurt and part of a fish sandwich. I took a nice hot shower, shaved my legs :-) and hit the hay. I slept amazingly good. Steve was the one tossing and turning all night. I think he was more worried then I was.

Thursday December 20, 2001 - The day of surgery.

We woke at 4 A.M. for the second day in a row. We had to be at the hospital by 5:30 A.M. Surgery was scheduled for 7:00 A.M. It was so quiet when we got there. Up to the fifth floor we went. I was shown to a room and changed into a gown. Nothing underneath of course as they have to put the catheter in. After about half and hour the anesthesiologist came in and talked to us. The day before I had asked Dr, Baggs to please let me know if the anesthesiologist I would have was not a good one :-) He turned out to be very nice and reassuring. He had me open my mouth so he could see what he would be working with as far as tubes and stuff goes. He said the hardest part would be getting the I.V. started but that was a cinch later on in the story. He asked me to keep my hands warm by sitting on them so it would be easier to find a good vein. After about 15 minutes Dr. Baggs came in and we all joked a bit. He assured me *HE* had gotten a good night's sleep and he works out in the morning before his surgeries so he was ready to go. With no further ado, I was wheeled to the elevator and then up to the sixth floor. Steve was with me until I went through the double doors. We kissed and said our goodbyes. It was happening so fast! I waited a few minutes right outside the O.R. and the surgical nurse came out and introduced herself and the scrub nurse. As soon as I was wheeled into the O.R. I was immediately at ease as I saw a huge mural of a Redwood forest on the longest wall. It looked like our backyard! I was home? Not quite but close enough :-) I was asked to scoot over onto the operating table (no biggie but how did I get from the table onto the gurney after surgery???) and then the anesthesiologist appeared out of nowhere and had no problem starting the I.V. He was going to put an oxygen nose thing on me but I was a little stuffed up (couldn't breathe well through my nose) so he opted for a mask which was a pain in the butt but didn't hurt or anything. Then it was lights out and I remember NUTH - ING! I do not remember being in recovery for 2-3 hours. The first thing I do remember is being in my room and hearing the nurse say something about a Herapin shot and then seeing Steve and my Mom and trying to look around the room and realizing I got my private room I wanted :-) I was SO out of it! I had NO pain. I was shown the PCA button and it was put in my hand and lights out again. For hours. I was so out of it from the anesthesia I would not keep my eyes open for more then a few minutes at a time. This lasted until Saturday morning (surgery was Thursday). I was not allowed to have anything by mouth at all the day of surgery except these sponge things dipped in water. They were not glycerin. Just a regular small sponge on a stick that I dipped in water. I was so worried I would be so thirsty but that was not a problem. I had no problems as I was so out of it :-) Nothing mattered :-)  I had one drain tube with a little bulb at the end of it and a catheter which was wonderful as I could not have gotten up to use the restroom as much as I needed to in my condition. I had no pain but was using the PCA as I was afraid I would have pain if I didn't use it.  I did get up and walk that evening. I told the nurse I *wanted* to walk. I would love to walk but I can't keep my eyes open long enough to make it down the hall and back! But I did, with Steve's help and it was easy. I slept like I was in a coma the first night. I was not bothered too much at all by the nurses. I'm sure they came and went as they should but I couldn't have cared less.

Friday December 21, 2001 - Day One Post-Op

The first morning I was given about an ounce of terrible tasting blue dye to drink. This happened right in my room, no going to radiology or anything. I was very bitter but I drank it and waited to see if any came out in my drain. None did so I was allowed to have some yummy clear liquids :-) But if there had been dye in the drain tube I would have needed to go to radiology and have the barium dye test done there.  The best things was ICE CHIPS! Loved those! A tray was brought and I had beef broth, tea, cranberry juice and jello I believe. I walked a couple more times that day. Still no pain. The 5 LAP holes were taped, no stitches or staples. I had more of what I would call discomfort and I know why now but I'll get to that a bit later. It was hard to bend over and I felt like my abdomen was *full*. My Mom and Steve spent most of their time in my room which was great but all they did was TALK! I could not really hold a conversation but I could HEAR them even when I looked like I was sleeping and it was making me crazy! Finally I said in my drugged and slurred voice to PLEASE go eat or go shopping, ANYTHING but STOP TALKING!!! They were quite surprised by my emotional outburst, especially since I had been laying there as if comatose for 24 hours now but they did comply and I finally got some peaceful sleep. I was still SO out of it and I was wondering if the pain medication was contributing to the problem so I stopped using the PCA during the say and hit it a couple times at night just out of habit.  I did not sleep really well that night, I tried to turn onto my side but that was impossible.

Saturday December 22, 2001 - Day 2 After Surgery

Finally at about 6:00 A.M. I was wide awake. WIDE AWAKE!!! Oh my God! I was finally awake after 36 hours! I was SO happy and I immediately got up and walked and walked. I had my catheter removed and immediately had to pee every 20 minutes or so. This lasted about 3 hours until all the I.V. fluids were out of by system. I found my nurse and asked for a shower. I had to wait until 8:00 A.M. for that but it was worth it and I was just so happy! I moved on to stage 2 that morning also so I got Cream of Wheat and I was SO happy about that! Steve arrived and found his wife alive and well finally. I just felt so good! I asked to have Dr. Baggs some in and so they called him and said he would be in A.S.A.P. We did have to wait a couple hours for Dr. Baggs. It seemed like forever. I wanted to go home! He came in about 1:00 P.M. and had to remove the drain tube and the couple stitches holding the darain in place. No biggie, right? Wrong! He says to me "Now this might sting a little..." Ha! It didn't sting AT ALL but he pushed in as he pulled it out and it took my breath away as if I had been punched in the abdomen! I said "Thanks Doc, first you slice and dice me and then you punch me in the stomach!". But it was worth it 'cause you know what? As soon as that sucker came out I felt LIKE ME AGAIN!!! IMMEDIATELY! It was THE MOST AMAZING THING! I was practically dancing in the halls! That damn tube was the cause of all the pressure I was feeling inside. Nothing to do with the surgery of my innards. I was ecstatic! We said our good-byes to everyone, I was like in a manic state! No pain meds for the 5 hour trip home. I did not want to feel weird. I hate that. I didn't even fill my pain meds RX. I was afraid of having to stop to pee all the way but I must have gotten all the I.V. out before we left. I was so happy to get home and sleep in my own bed. I even slept on my side that first night home. It was fine on both sides actually.

What I took to the hospital:
I took just about everything under the sun that I thought I would need and guess what? It ALL stayed in the car! I did not touch ONE single thing I packed. It made it simpler I think but I was so out of it until the morning I went home I didn't have any need for anything I brought. Not a typical case no doubt but thought I would share this with everyone.

ONE MONTH POST-OP January 20, 2002

Start weight (as best as I can remember) was 323, now -27 at 195. I have had a really easy first month with no complications. I stayed on Stage 2 for the most part until seeing my surgeon (actually I saw Dr. Wetter) and that was 2 weeks after surgery. I was advanced to Stage 3 and told to take it slow and chew, chew, chew. I have to admit, I have eaten some things that were not on the list. Over the last month (and that included Christmas and New Years) I have had bites or small amounts of pizza, chicken, burrito and some nibbles of sweets. I have not dumped but I did have problems with chicken twice. I had eaten moist chicken a few times but twice what has happened is I think a piece got stuck in the stoma or had a hard time getting through. It felt like that and hurt like hell. It lasted about an hour each time. The second time I had to throw up (first and only time) and then I felt perfectly fine. I don't think I chewed well enough both of those times and that is the price I paid. I do stay away from chicken now just because of the possibility of it happening again. In the beginning, eating was a real challenge. Nothing sounded good and I existed on Cream of Wheat, cottage cheese, juice pops, yogurt, cheese sticks and a few other things. My tummy would growl SO loud and make the most un-Godly noises! That had quieted down a lot at 1 month post-op. Now I am eating pretty much what I want to, small amounts and chewing well. I feel normal about 90% of the time. I have never regretted this surgery and I am so excited about the future. My loss is 25 pounds for the first month and about 12 inches. I am not going to compare with others that lost more and I am very happy at this point. I just back from shopping for several hours. Just a month ago I could not have done this without being ready to pass out. Another little tidbit of information - sex is better then ever :-) What a difference 25 pounds makes! I will update my profile and pics monthly. No reason to bore anyone to death :-) Life is good! Thanks for letting me share.

TWO MONTHS POST-OP February 20, 2002

I did get some sad news this past month. My surgeon, Dr. Baggs, will be moving to another state in a couple months. I am so thankful for finding him and the wonderful job he did with my surgery.

Weight 284 - Pounds lost -11 pounds (34 total) and 10 more inches (22 total). I am on the slower side of losing but that's okay. I was hoping to lose 15 pounds a month and am kind of sad about that but it has always been SO hard for me to loose anything and I know without the surgery I would have lost nothing and would have continued to gain so that's putting things in perspective. I will add more exercise, watch my protein and water more and hope that helps. At this rate I will be down about 75 pounds in 6 months and that sounds great.

This past month I have pretty much gotten back to normal. I eat what pretty much what I want, just small amounts. I have vomited a couple times due to either eating too much or not chewing well enough and a couple times for no reason at all. That hasn't happened for 2-3 weeks now though so I hope I learned my lesson. A couple times I have been kind of frustrated because I really wanted to pig out and couldn't obviously :-) Instead of eating a whole sandwich I had to be satisfied with a couple bites. It's hard to get used to but it passes. I have never been a binge eater but sometimes it sounds nice to be able to eat a whole something - sandwich, salad, banana - you know :-) Gosh, not much to say really. I am spending so much less time online then I used to. I have been busy doing other things that I would always put off before. I do have more energy and motivation but not like I am expecting 100 pounds from now :-) I did get some bills this past month. The surgeon was $6800, assistant $1500, anesthesiologist $1800 and hospital $35,000.


Pounds lost 12 (48 pounds total). After taking this picture, I finally could see a change. I have been maintaining the same weight for the last couple weeks. It's so strange how that can happen. I am having a hard time getting in all my water, vitamins and calcium. I just need to get on a schedule and stick to it. The same with exercise. I am feeling a lot smaller which is a neat thing. I have missed being able to pig out in the last few days. I can eat anything though with no dumping. I do eat sweets and fats in small amounts. I am taking in about 1000 calories a day. Trying for 64 oz of water, 2 multi-vitamins and 1200 MG of calcium. I need to get in some formal exercise. But overall, I am very happy with the loss and the way I am feeling. My brother-in-law will be having surgery next month and I will be talking with a good friend's daughter about the surgery in the near future. I did develope a terrible bleeding bladder infection a couple weeks ago. I have never had one before and have no idea if it has any connection to the surgery or it was just one of those things. I took a 3 day dose of an antibiotic called Cipro and that worked great. I also got a shot while in the doctor's office to jumpstart the healing. This has been a month of feeling pretty much like my old self but with more energy and hope. It's a good feeling :-)

FOUR MONTHS POST-OP April 20, 2002

Weight 263 -9 pounds this month, total pounds lost: 57. I was hoping to make 60 pounds by 4 months but it's close. I don't read the profiles and questions here much anymore. It kind of depresses me to read about such bigger losses then I am having. One gal I have been following has lost 120 pounds in 6 months. I will be lucky to loose 75 by then. Another gal I know lost 60 pounds (my total for 4 months) in her first month! She started at over 400 pounds and I realize that. I am happy with my loss as long as I don't compare. I try to keep that in perspective. I have not thrown up this month but something is happening as far as feeling full. I can feel extremely full now whereas I have not since surgery. I am eating the same things and same amount so it's not that. I think maybe some of the nerves have reconnected or something. It's a more normal feeling now. I can cross my legs now, normally, not just at the ankles. I can stand for long periods of time and walk for hours. I sleep like I'm dead, no more tossing and turning 'cause my hips are killing me and snapping and popping. My clothes (the same size I have been wearing for 10+ years) are hanging on me. I need some smaller sizes. Not sure what size yet though. Kinda scary. I have not been this weight for about 15 years. I *feel* smaller. I take up less space. It's a good feeling :-)


Weight: 260, pounds lost -3. This has been a discouraging month. I have lost the same 4 pounds over and over. Kind of like real life I guess. I am trying to remain optimistic but I find myself thinking what if this is all I will loose? The only thing I have been doing different this month is adding liquid protein to my intake and really working on my water. The liquid protein is Challenge from GNC and I am taking 4 ounces a day for 40-50 grams of protein. I am eating around 1000 calories. Still no formal exercise. I did get down to 259 one day and I was so happy but it's mostly been fluctuating between 264 and 260. I know now I will not meet my goal of -75 lost at 6 months and that makes me sad. Even -75 at 6 months is conservative so I was really hoping to reach that. I went clothes shopping last week and I am still in the same size clothing, size 24 or 3X. This was a little bit sad. No throwing up at all this month though. Other then that, things are pretty much the same. No new picture as I pretty much look the same as last month.

SIX MONTHS POST-OP June 20, 2002

Weight 245 -15 pounds this month. Total lost in six months is 78 pounds! I met my personal goal of -75 pounds. My hair has been falling out like crazy so I cut about 10" off last month. I would say I have lost about 40% of my hair. Not noticable to anyone but me though. My scrunchies won't even stay in now.


Only 3 pounds this month (243 lbs.). I was hoping to get into the 230's but I'm sure I will this month. It makes me kinda bummed to read about others on this site that have lost so much more (155 lbs. in 10 months - what a dream that would be). I got my six month labs back and they looked great. I needed to up my irom a bit as it was slightly low. My cholesterol was great at 140. My son left for Navy boot camp this past week. Below is a picture of my son, Stevie and my husband Steve (Steve will be having the surgery in the next few months). The hair continues to fall out but seems to have slowed a bit. I'm doing some research on abdomnioplasty I hope to have around January of 2003. Hope to have more of a loss to report next month...

EIGHT MONTHS POST-OP August 20, 2002

Weight 233 lbs. (-10 lbs. this month and -90 lbs total). Ten pounds this month was great. I feel very good about that. I am hoping to reach -100 pounds by my 40th birthday October 23rd so this looks like it might actually be doable. Maybe even -120 at one year (Dec. 20) but that's stretching it. I have noticed more loose skin. My stomach is still filled with fat but there is a lot more skin then there used to be. Loose skin under arms, on sides and upper thighs especially. Thighs looks all saggy and wrinkly. No problems eating or with anything else really. Steve is seeing Dr. Wetter on the 18th for a consult.


NINE MONTHS POST-OP September 20, 2002

Weight is 226 so my loss for this month was 7 pounds. I'm almost 100 pounds down. My goal is 100 pounds by my birthday 10/23 so looks like I will meet that and then 120 pounds by one year 12/20 (fingers crossed). My 9 month picture was taken with my son in Illinois this past week. He graduated Navy Basic Training and we flew for CA to IL for 6 days to be with him. It was a wonderful trip and we rode all the rides at Six Flags Great America. I was at a different park about 8 years ago and waited in line over an hour only to find out I couldn't fit on the ride (or any of the others for that matter). So I was SO excited to be able to ride and with my son Stevie :-) We flew coach both ways (4 hours) and I was quite comfortable actually. I walked for miles and just had a great time. I KNOW I could not have done this before surgery. I just shake my head in disbelief of what this surgery has done for me. My husband is getting his blood work done as I write and we hope you have him sliced and diced in within the next couple of months :-) Not sure about the hair loss - I just know I have about half the hair I used to. It must have slowed down or I would be bald by now. I went shopping for clothes for the trip to Chicago and found myself buying size 20 jeans. They must be making sizes bigger these days is all I can say! Before surgery I was a size 26 (sometimes) pants and I didn't own a pair of jeans until a couple months ago. They were size 24 and now are huge so...I actually bought the size 20's thinking I could wear them "later". I about died when they fit. As a surprise Steve bought me a so soft leather jacket for the trip. I only got to wear it from SFO to the plane as it was 80 something with about 100% humidity in Chicago but it is a size 18/20 and I could have gotten the 14/16 if wanted it snug. When I was in high school and weighed about 150 I was a size 13/14 so being only a couple sizes larger then that is amazing. If I had this extra tummy skin gone I bet I would be a size or more smaller. Can't wait for that!

TEN MONTHS POST-OP October 20, 2002

Weight 223, loss for this month - the same 3 pounds over and over :-) BUT I have met my personal goal of -100 pounds by my *40th* birthday which is in 3 days! I am wearing a size 18 and 20 jeans. The 20's are actually too big now. I cannot believe this and have to try on several pair before I realize it's not a fluke that the 18's actually fit and not even tightly! My next goal is to get to 200 pounds by one year but I don't see that happening :-( That would mean -23 pounds in the next 2 months and I haven't lost 10 pounds in a month in a long time. I have only lost that much in a month a couple times actually so...Steve got approved and scheduled the same day! Friday the 18th he got the good news and surgery is just a few days away on October 29th. We should be home by Halloween and I am keeping my fingers crossed as it is always a BIg deal for the kids. Our oldest son will be home on his first leave after Navy boot camp so the timing is perfect.

ELEVEN MONTHS POST-OP November 20, 2002

Weight 218 -5 pounds for the month. I'm averaging about 5 pounds a month now. I can live with that. I am thinking about joining Curves though to try to loose more. I had a consult with my plastic surgeon yesterday and am shooting for a body lift in about 5 months so I would like to be as close to goal (whatever that means :-) as possible. What is goal? I guess it depends on who you talk to. For me goal would be about 175. I think I would look anorexic at 150. The body lift and breast lift/reduction should take about 10 pounds off also. The breast lift will come a couple months after the body lift. Hope to have my arms done then too. The surgeon loves working with my insurance company and said they get approval in about a week and that they take his requests seriously so I am opptimistic about that. Anyway, back to goal. I figure I could get away with the body lift even at 20 pounds over goal so we shall see.

Exciting news this past month! My husband Steve is on the other side now! He had his LAP RNY on October 29th and has lost 40 pounds in 3 weeks! Men! He is doing great and couldn't be more thrilled.

I think clothes are a new big deal to me. I am wearing jeans now for the first time in about 20 years (size 18). It's nice to be able to buy nice things and wear a smaller size. Just "icing on the cake" so to speak :-)


DECEMBER 20, 2001 - DECEMBER 20, 2002


This month I have lost 3 pounds but I have been eating a lot of sugar. Need
to cut that out and definitely start a formal exercise program. I have lost
about 110 pounds this past year. I am just in awe about this surgery. I cannot
even put into words how this has changed my life. I have been one of the
slow losers but I have also been very lucky with no complications and very
few minor problems. This surgery has given me hope - the promise of a normal
life. I feel so much better. My weight is a positive focus now and not a
negative one. I will end my monthly entries now and only update when something
significant happens like the body lift I am hoping for. It's been one of
the best years of my life and this surgery has been one of the greatest
Thanks God!

Two Year Anniversary - December 20, 2003

It is hard to believe that two years have passed since my gastric bypass surgery. These last two years have been some of the best of my life. I have traveled to places I never would have traveled before surgery. I have a life without fear of the old things I was in constant fear of like social acceptance, fear of my energy being exhausted before I could get my grocery shopping done or walk to my car, fear of not fitting in a chair or seat belt. I can now do anything I want like parasailing, snorkeling, jet skiing, ride ATV's, horses, run, walk as long as I want to. I actually have to try clothes on now instead of grabbing the biggest thing I can find and hoping it fits. Clothes...well, I am making up for 20 years of not buying them :-) This past year I have had two reconstructive surgeries. I had a lower body lift in May 2003. I weighed 207 pounds at that time and about 15 pounds of tissue was removed. The surgery went without a hitch except for me needing 2 units of blood post-op. I was back on my feet within a few days and had to hold myself back from doing too much. I did develop a seroma in my tummy and it needed to be aspirated a few times. Then a rouge stitch in my incision on my hip did not absorb and it created a hole that the seroma fluid finally found and so I had a leak for a couple of weeks until it was repaired during my breast reduction and tummy tuck revision in August 2003. Now don't let this scare you, seromas can happen to anyone but are very common in formerly obese patients. It is fluid that happens and will need to be aspirated. It is not painful. Keeping drains in until they are below 30 ml each a day is a good thing to help prevent a seroma but it is no guarantee. I needed the revision on my tummy as not enough tissue was removed with the lower body lift. Also a common situation. Often, we need our reconstruction done in phases and our skin is so much different then normal skin. I had an additional five pounds removed with the revision and I am now flat as a board even 4 months later. I was immediately after surgery also. My breast reduction/lift went very well also and I went from a DD Long to a C. Insurance paid for all of the reconstruction except the butt and thigh portion of the lower body lift. That cost me $6000. I will be having my thighs and arms done in 2004. I will have circumferential lipo of the entire thigh area done along with my brachioplasty then we will wait 6 months for the lipo to heal and come back and do a medial thigh lift. That is the thigh lift with the incision to the knee. I will be self paying for and the cost will be around $8000 all inclusive. My plastic surgeon is the best. I have been so blessed to find Dr. Green in the rural area I live. He has given me so much to work with. I cannot express in words how this man has changed my life. I have so much confidence and self esteem, Something I have never had before, ever.

Please e-mail me if you have any questions about this process. I cannot begin to tell you how this choice - to have weight loss surgery and the reconstruction - has given me my life back. A life I never knew existed. Good luck to all of you and God Bless! ~Christine

  February 2004

On February 4th I had large volume liposuction with my plastic surgeon Dr. Robert Green. Just to recap I had WLS 26 months ago. I was 325 pounds and was 183 the day of the lipo (lowest was 179). I had a lower body lift in May of last year and in August a TT revision (more tissue needed to come off the tummy) and a breast lift/reduction at the same time. I will be having a medial thigh lift (incision to the knee) and arms done later this year. The lipo was the first of the 2 part process for the thighs. The TT part of the LBL was paid for by insurance and I paid for the thigh/butt portion (6K). The TT revision was breast reduction was also paid for by insurance. I paid 5K for the lipo all inclusive (that is with an overnight in the hospital). Lipo Wednesday was large volume - I had my entire legs done, a bit on the hips and upper abs. Total was 5-6 liters.

I have to tell you I have a really high pain threshold so keep this in mind when I am describing my experience. I have not taken any pain meds at all, not in the hospital or home BUT the lidocaine that is used for the lipo helps keep things from hurting as bad as they would without it for about 24 hours.

Once I woke up after surgery I was a little nauseous. That only lasted a couple of minutes as I was given meds in my IV for the nausea. My care at this hospital was better then I have ever had anywhere. My first time there and I have heard with cosmetic procedures sometimes you don't get the care you would normally (not in just this hospital but anywhere). Not so in my case. I was in no pain at all after waking up but I do remember the smell from the oxygen mask in recovery was so sickening! I never want to smell that again! I even smelled it when I would breathe out for a couple of days afterwards. So yucky! Anyway, no pain. There was some feeling that felt like muscle soreness when I moved my legs but it was mild. I didn't have leg compression socks on this time (the ones that inflate and deflate) so I made sure to move my legs and rotate my ankles every few minutes. I had an IV hooked up and catheter. I was on regular food also. I woke up pretty good after the surgery. Sometimes I am in a haze for hours but came out of it pretty quick this time. Watched TV and had to have my bed changed 2 times from the fluid leakage and my dang period. I was horrified to have my period start the night before surgery. It was 4 days early (never has been in my LIFE!) and it was like I was hemorrhaging. So, between that and the messy fluid, I was a mess :-) The fluid leaked out of my inner calf incision the most. I guess because it was the lowest point. The fluid was not clear as I expected but very red even though there was little blood in it. By the next morning it had all but stopped. So by the time I went home I did not have to deal with the mess at all. Not even in the car. The period lasted only a couple of days also, really heavy then just stopped, not normal for me at all. Weird things happen when we have surgery. I did have a headache and still do. I think it has been from the anesthesia. Also I had an ointment put on my eyes during surgery that caused my vision to be blurry for a couple of days. Not bad just kind of annoying. The day after the lipo I felt sore and stiff. I was walking like I had been on a horse for a few days :-) I slept well on my sides even the first evening. Getting up and on your feet is comparable to after a TT or other surgery. You just have to take it slow and be careful. Once you are up it is easier. Today is day 3 and I am almost feeling back to normal. I cannot go by that though and intend to take it easy for several more days. I don't work outside the home but I am Mom and foster Mom to 6 kids but they are helping me out :-) They are a good group :-) My husband picks up the slack also so it is manageable. I started Arnica and Bromelain 3 days before the surgery and am taking it still. My bruising and swelling seem reasonable and not excessive. I really bruise badly normally so that was a nice surprise BUT things can take a week to peak so I may still be in for more. The worst is on the inside thigh area and behind the knees. The outer thigh is where I had the most work done and they are the least damaged. I have many incisions holes. Several on the calves and thighs. They are tiny but allowed my PS to focus on the specific area as I had isolated fat pockets. I was up about 8 pounds when I came home and today I was up only 4 pounds. Lots of fluid go into lipo. You will pee like crazy the first couple of days. I had about 6 liter removed. It is a lot but then again, that's the great thing about large volume lipo. If you have an experienced PS this surgery can really make a difference in your final outcome. At 180 pounds I am at my personal goal. Not sure if I will loose more but I will work on another 20 pounds especially before the medial thigh lift. I work out several times a week and take care of myself so the number on the scale is not that important to me. I know there are many patients that end up in single digit sizes and that is wonderful for them. I don't think I will be one of them and I knew that from the beginning. Now my goal is to get to the point where I am as good as I can get. I am doing this to look good by the way :-) I am wearing great clothes and taking some great vacations and doing all those things I have never done in 21 years of marriage. Steve had WLS also 14 months ago so I couldn't have a more supportive husband. So far I am very pleased with what I had seen. I took a shower yesterday and the contour looks great. The rest can be fine tuned when the thigh lift is done. I know my PS did the best on me anyone could have. Perfection is not reality :-)

November 30, 2004

On November 17, 2004 I had a medial thigh lift. It was done outpatient. I had incisions from the front of my groin area back around my butt and then down my legs about 4 inches below my knees. I am almost 2 weeks post-op now and healing has been slower then any other surgery I have had. I am very careful not to rip anything or get infections. So far so good but it is difficult moving around and using the bathroom. The pain is really not an issue. It is more of a tightness now and fear of causing damage. I did take pain meds the first couple of days and the butt incisions especially hurt even though I could not sit upright until about the 4th day (on a padded surface). A raised toilet seat is a must have. I pretty much stayed in bed or on the sofa with my feet up for the first week. Only getting up to use the bathroom. At this point moving slowly and taking it easy it getting old :-) I have cooked a bit and do some basic household chores but still am taking it very easy. I have been using inflatable leg things I picked up at Target. They are similar to the ones in the hospital and have helped so much. I do not have drains so I was worried about fluid. I lost about 5 pounds after surgery but was up 3 pounds in the last few days from swelling. I spent several hours yesterday in the compression things and I am down 2 pounds today so I really think they help the swelling. I am thinking it is going to take close to a month to get really back on my feet. Now that is a long time for me. I was up and about 4 days after my lower body lift. The legs are a hard one. You have to take really good care not to cause yourself complications. At the 2 week point I am going kinda stir crazy not being able to get around and have my normal routine. But I know it will be so worth it. The results so far are fabulous.

December 29, 2010

Here I am 9 years later. There have been a lot of changes since I last posted. My original profile contained a lot of pictures both pre and post op but those are long gone with the change on the website. I have included some of my newest pics from my recent wedding in my photos.

My husband of 25 years and I separated in 2007. He also had WLS 10 months after I did. Over the last couple of years before the separation his personality took a big change and he had some serious mental health issues. It ended with him becoming violent. He had been on medication but refused to take them or admit he had a problem. He replaced his food addiction with alcohol and that made matters far worse.

I met new husband early in 2009 and we were married this past September. He is amazing to both me and my family so I couldn't be happier.

I am maintaining at 160 or so. This has been my lowest weight. I had my gallbladder out in 2007 and recently was diagnosed with bleeding ulcers but that is under control and life if pain free once again.

I just wanted to leave an update on my 9th anniversary and wish everyone all the best and continued good health and happiness in the New Year. XOXO ~Christine




About Me
Fortuna, CA
Surgery Date
Nov 10, 2001
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