Jonathan Schoen

"What was your first impression of him/her? rnrn When Dr. Schoen walked into the room I immediately though to myself \"Who is this young man? the doctor?\" He looked so young I honestly though that there was no way he could be experienced in Gastric Bypass procedures.rnrnHow did your impression change over time?rnrn My impression changed as soon as he started speaking. The man knew what he was talking about and was straight forward in his manner. He hid nothing and explained all the complications that could arise from the surgery. However, he also explained how my health would continue to worsen if I did not have the procedure.rn rnHow would you describe his/her office staff? rnrn True professionals! Like Dr. Schoen - direct and to the point. Able to answer any question that I posed to them.rnrnWhat did you like least about him/her? rnrn At the first meeting you wonder if he cares about you. He is professional, but he did not seem openly caring about you. I understand now that he opens up more at each visit. He knows you are willing to go through the procedure and he works to help you feel comfortable about your choice.rn rnWhat should future patients know about him/her? rnrn He cares and he is damn good at what he does!rnrnHow much does he/she emphasize aftercare? rnrn He bases the whole experience on aftercare. The weight loss does not start until the surgery is complete and he expects you to work towards a goal of keeping it off!rnWith each visit (after surgery) you meet with him and each one of his staff, one-on-one.rnrnDoes he/she have a structured aftercare program? Yes. Diet, exercise, food, and state-of-mind are discussed (in detail) during each visit.rnrnHow did he/she address the risks of surgery?rnrn He bluntly lays it out prior to surgery. You know all the pros & cons to make a smart choice to proceed.rn rnHow would you rate him/her overall? rnrn I had consulted two other doctors before meeting Dr. Schoen. Bouy am i glad I keep looking!rnrnWhich is better, surgical competence, bedside manner, or are both greatrn He teaches at the University of Colorado Hospital - so his surgical competence is top notch. He truly shows he cares when he shares a one-on-one with you."
About Me
Jan 14, 2009
Member Since
