Norbert Richardson

"There are NOT enough wonderful words to say about Dr. N. Richardson. In 2004 I had RYGB done (lap) by Dr. Richardson. I had an initial difficulty in the first few weeks with an obstruction. I contacted Dr. Richardson at 10pm via the hospital ED as a page, he called me back himself in apx 15 minutes, spoke with me concerning my problem gave me directions and told me not to wait if I needed him to come to the hospital and he would meet me in the ED. Fortunately, I was able to resolve the obstruction ( my own dumb fault for getting it in the first place) at home. Dr. Richardson then called to check on me - HIMSELF at 0700 the next morning. I had no problems and did not need any other follow up with Dr. Richardson until 2008- Again, my own dumb fault I ended up with a perferation in my stomach and infection thruout my abd by taking medications. When I presented to my local ED the MD said I would need immediate surgery- he convinced my to let him call Dr. Richardson. Dr. Richardson said SEND HER TO ME!-The ED physician and Dr. Richardson spoke aproximately 10 minutes before I was rushed by ambulance from Southern Illinois to Union Missouri on a Friday afternoon where his surgery crew was waiting for me, I arrived at the hospital and went straight to surgery within 30 minutes. I am pleased to say I had complete repair of a lengthy ulcer( apx 2 1/2") and pertionitis and went home in 5 days. I am a nurse and I have never been SO impressed by a surgeon as I have been by Dr. Richardson and his staff!!!! I have since sent my family members to see him and they too were so pleased with his staff and care. Trust me he is a genius! "
About Me
Feb 20, 2012
Member Since
