Food, can't live without it, can die with too much of it.  As a kid, I was thin, I remember being 89 lbs in 8th grade.  In Chicago, we have 4 year high schools.  My locker all 4 years was right above the cafeteria.  I remember going to the cafeteria between almost every class when I wasn't at lunch.  Lunch period changed every year, but I think my first year it was 6th.  Anyway....Sullivan's fries were my downfall.  Well, one of them.  I would probably have 3 orders a day.  I even ate a hamburger & fries at lunch.  It was the 50 cent lunch.  Hamburger, fries, milk & salad.  Everyday for 4 years, my mom would give me $1.00 for lunch.  The lunch was either a hamburger or cheeseburger 60 cents or the "meal of the day.'  I can honestly tell you, I never ate the meal of the day.  I never drank the milk or the coleslaw I took.  We had to take the milk & coleslaw (salad) in order to get the 50 cent meal.  It wasn't subsidized, no it was just the school district rule.  So, with the leftover 50 cents, I would then go buy a Pepsi & when I was done eating, I would then go buy an ice cream bar.  Which also was always a Creamsicle.  The Pepsi & Creamsicle were 15 cents each.  That left me with 20 cents.  Can you imagine how much money I would have if I had saved that 20 cents?  That would have been about $36 a year, not a lot now, but to a teenager in a 6% interest savings account?  Oh well. 

Anyway, another food issue I had was that my mom & dad would "take" my food.  Oh, I don't mean cruelly, they just didn't realize they were doing it.  If my mom cut my steak, the last piece on the fork went into their mouths.  If my dad opened a Fudgecicle or other icecream bar, he took a bite from it before handing it to me.  My sister & brother would finish their  ice cream before me & then try to take mine.  I remember going to Dairy Queen on Devon in Lincolnwood & having to walk down the block so they wouldn't take my ice cream cone.  At Sally's Diner on Western & Devon we would go about once every 6 weeks for Sunday dinner.  I don't eat catsup or mustard & they would cover their fries with mustard so I wouldn't eat them.  But, then they would want some of mine.  I would over salt my fries and then rub the salt off under the table. 

Once I started to get older, I would rebel against the meals served at dinner.  I cooked boxes of Mac & Cheese for my dinner, almost every night.  Went out for pizza, & you know in Chicago, that meant deep dish...ate about 4 pieces.

I still would love to eat everything on my plate.  Thank goodness I can't.  Can't really blame my family for ALL my weight, I had the right to stop eating, but food is my addiction.  I know one of my problems back from the "taking" was & still is that I eat fast, not giving my stomach a chance to get the food inside it. Losing weight is the single most hardest thing you will ever have to do.  Don't kid yourself.  You have to eat to survive.  Why shouldn't you enjoy survival? 

I gotta tell you though, I love leftovers, so this surgery is great for that!!

About Me
Simi Valley, CA
Surgery Date
May 06, 2001
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morning of surgery 8/2/01, dress size 22
4 years later & size 8 dress!

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