Can it already be March 4th 2011?

Mar 03, 2011

I must admit that this winter has been really crappy.  Seems that being unemployed and having a harsh winter with lots of snow has kept me sitting on the couch way too much.  I was really proud of myself when I hit my 40th Birthday last July and weighed in at 204.  It ment that my goal of 188 was not too far off...but now that number has been creeping up little by little and now I'm 224.  Crap, that setback brings me back to 2009.  I don't want to totally fall off the wagon because with the added 20 pounds I feel terrible.

Well here's my eye opener for this change --  since I've been lounging so much that I can't squeeze into my size 16 jeans.  Are you kidding me...I donated all my "fatty" pants that went from a size 18-26 and don't u even think that I'm running out to walmart to buy bigger jeans...HELL NO!  So, for all my size 14-16 pants in my closet just hold on, I'm off to the gym and I'm back on the program so I can get you back on. 

So, Monday I joined WW and I will give it a month to see what happens.  I'm really looking for the "people interaction and support" and figured that is where I can go...but I have to pay for it.  I've had a "Y" gym membership since November, haven't used it much but this week that has changed. 

I will pledge to make a promise to keep on logging on here and I definately would love some support from my wls friends. 

Stay tuned....only good changes are ahead!!

