My story (well part of it anyway)

Dec 17, 2009

Two years ago my Mom approached me about the lab band.  She is thin and I have been struggling with my weight for close to 20 years.  I was always a little plump and then after I had my son at 19 I ended up over 200lbs and have steadily gained since.  My highest weight was 275 at the time my Mom asked me about lap band.  I had definately thought about it but never seriously considered it because I was not insured and the cost was too much.  Since she brought it up I knew she was willing to help me with the cost so I started looking into it.  At the time I decided against it to try a last ditch effort at losing weight on my own.  I was pretty much following the Atkins diet and dropped 50lbs in six months. I moved around the six month mark and began to waiver, though I maintained for another six months. 

Now I have gained almost all of it back - back up to 268 - and again my Mom brought up WLS.  We have a bariatric center here that offers follow up with the nutritionist and monthly support groups in addition to a six month membership to the health and wellness center.  I love to swim, was on the swim team in Jr. High, and having access to the indoor pool will definitely benefit my success.  I made the appt and found out about the sleeve.  I wasn't completely sold so I did some research on the internet and scheduled a second consult.  I brought my Mom and Stepdad with me to this one.  We discussed the three options - lap band, bypass, and sleeve - and all agreed that the sleeve was the one for me. 

I have scheduled my surgery for Jan 19th and though there are the obvious concerns I know in my heart that I have made the right decision.  I am looking forward to the challenges and thank God every day for the support of my friends and family.  I am the type who tells everybody everything and out of the many people I have told I've only had three that were shocked and a couple of them keep asking me if I've changed my mind.  I just laugh and tell them no, there's no way I will change my mind.

Soooo there is a peek into the start of my journey and I am glad to share it.  Finding this site was a blessing and I am glad for the support that it has offered just by reading the VSG forum. :-)


About Me
Lumberton, TX
Dec 16, 2009
Member Since

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