Well weight gain started after my first child. I gained so much during my pregnancy and I thought it would be easy to loose. Nope that was almost 13 years ago and I have been gaining weight off and on. I am very happily married and a mother of 2 beautiful children. The weight has caused alot of stress on my marriage and caused me to have depression. My story is the same as most. When I was pregnant with my first child I was 110 pounds (i was only 17) so I was still very young and then after 12 years of really not taking care of myself I crept up to 230 my highest. I have tried many diets and lost and then gained right back. Out of all this with the band I hope to become healthy again and HAPPY!! I don't like myself right now so I make jokes about my weight so I don't cry.
I will try and keep track of my journey!!
thanks for reading!!

About Me
Aug 17, 2007
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Latest Blog 2
August 6th 2007
