6 more days to go!

Dec 08, 2010

I am sitting here with butterflies in my stomach because I have less than one week to go before my DS is done.  Wow!  I sit and think about not being this overweight this time next year.  What a blessing.  My co-workers are making me dinner on Thursday to share with me because "I won't be able to eat like that" again.  God bless them.  Everyone has been supportive of my journey.  The ones I cared to share it with.  I told my husband to stay home and work, and my sister can take me to the hospital.  I will be 3 hrs away from home having the surgery, so I promised they will be notified when I am back in my room.  I am sooooo SUPER excited!  I will take my lap top to the hospital with me to keep you guys up to date.

God Bless!!!!


Nov 26, 2010

It has been a long time since I sat down and wrote, but it was sort of discouraging.  After going through the process with Dr. Maynard's office and then they told me they would not do the surgery for me, I felt I would never get there.  But I saw God's hand at work because he didn't want such an uncaring and incompetent doctor to perform the surgery.  I have since met with Dr. Chasen's office and was blown away by their caring, education, and returning phone calls! LOL!  Well, needless to say, my surgery date is 12/14/10 and I am getting excited all over again.  I am so glad that I connected back with OH and read the current blogs and see the photos.  I am so encouraged that this time next year, I won't look like this.  God bless you!!!!

It's been a while

Apr 16, 2010

Grace and Peace every one!  I decided to sit down to day and write my thoughts.  A few months ago I was 100% sure that I wanted WLS and today I am at 50%.  I went to a support group meeting and I saw the way some of the bodies looked after surgery.  Maybe it's just me, but I can't put my husband through that.  LOL!  Since Jan 29, I have lost 26lbs.  That is truly a blessing.  As I began to ponder the situation I realized, with the WLS I will still have to modify how I eat so why not just do that now.  I calculated if I lose 26lbs every 3 months, I would have lost 104lbsin one year.  No surgery, no sagging skin and I have all of my insides in tack the way God put them.  So, I am still going to go through the 6 month process.  My 6 mos will be here in June.  I can't believe it.  I am even going to go through the process of approval, but I am really leaning on changing my mind.  I thought about life 30, 40, 50 years from now and I don't want to have issues with my intake of nutrients and in worse shape.   So, here it is.  Laid out before you....I AM TRULY CONSIDERING CHANGING MY MIND. 

Kingdom Blessings and Dominion Power,


I met my surgeon!

Mar 22, 2010

All right now!  Praise the Lord everybody!!!!  What a wonderful Savior He is! 

I met with my surgeon on yesterday, Dr. Maynard.  He is one of two doctors in Georgia that does the DS.  I talked with him about doing it lap and he said that he doesn't do it that way, but my incision will be about 12-15 cm long.  I also got on the scale and can you believe I lost another 9lbs.  I am like okay Lord, what is really going on!!!!!  I am not complaining of course.  My knees aren't hurting as bad right now, so I bless God for that.  They are looking to have surgery around 7/1/10.  That's fine with me because I wanted it done by my birthday wihich is 7/6.  I am really glad that I switched to the DS.  At first RNY is where I was headed because they considered it to be the gold standard in WLS.  But thanks be unto God, I stumbled onto the DS, which is the platinum standard and you loose the most weight with the benefit of keeping it off longer! 

Dr. Maynard told me that my ideal weight is 125lbs.  I cracked up laughing.  I told him I would look like my 14 yr old and she's 120lbs.  I said noooo that's okay, what else you got?   He told me that my goal weight is 165lbs if I do everything that he tells me to do. 

Kingdom Blessings and Dominion Power!


Three Down, Three to Go!

Mar 16, 2010

Grace Mercy and Peace be unto you!

I went to the doctor on March 12 and I am officially down 10lbs since January!  Whoooo HOOOO!   That is actually a good thing.  I have not excercised like I should, but I definately changed my eating habits.  The Lord spoke to me in January and told me to begin the process of changing my eating habits and incorporating excercise so by the time I get to surgery it won't be hard for me to just roll right into the changes.  I have listened and obeyed.  Jesus has also provided me with a team of enforcers that help me with my eating habits.  That would be my husband and my three daughters.  So, the other week, my hubby bought some donuts for the girls and told them if mommy tries to eat one just call me.  So, being the donut monster that I am I began to reach for the box.  Those three girls came out from God knows where and started sounding the alarm!  "Daddy, Daddy!  Mommy is trying to eat donuts!"  Then he says with this booming voice, "Roberta, put those donuts down!"  Well I came to myself and walked away.  Grabbed a protein bar and crystal light headed to the bedroom.  So, I thank the Lord for the Angelic Assistance by way of Humans to my rescue.  Can I say..."He keeps on doing great things for me!"

So it was awesome to get on that scale at the doctor's office and see a 10 lb decrease since I started this whole process.   One thing I would like to stress is that I am not an emotional eater.  You have to know yourself.  I don't eat because I am angry or sad or depressed.  I just let myself go.  I have hypothyroidism and I must take medication daily.  I didn't take it like I should have and would eat like I was 110lbs soaking wet and had a metabolism of a 7 yrs old.  So, it was all of my fault.  I can actually go for days without eating, but when I do eat is was all the wrong things.  So, I thank God that He has given me the mind to do what is right concerning this body of mine.  I am excited about the change that is taking place in me.  This website provides me with such accountability.  I was so concerned that I would not reach the goal that I set and that it would let you all down.  But thanks be to God, I hit goal and you can be proud of me!  Oh yeah, I have completed 3 months of my insurance requirements and I have 3 more months to go!

Next month my PCP gave me a goal of 10lbs, but the nutritionist and I set the goal for 8lbs.  So, let's see what happens.  I have decided to kick it up a notch with the excercise and walk it out with Ki Ki  Sheard's "Why Me'.  It has a nice groove to it and I love the words.  So with all that said, May the Lord of the Harvest bless you and all that you set your hands to do!

Kingdom Blessings and Dominion Power!


Change is all around.....can't you just see it?

Mar 10, 2010

Grace and Peace be unto you!

The other day on my facebook page, I wrote a status update as Change is all around.....can't you just see it?  In my prayer time I have noticed that things are beginning to change all around me.  My associates are changing, my mindset is changing, and the earth is changing.  Well, I have been reading lately about the RNY process and the different changes that the body goes through with the side effects.  I asked myself.....Am I truly ready for that change.  It sounded so good in the beginning, but the more I read and asked questions, the more I found that there is a 50 50 chance of gaining the weight back with RNY; even after all of that hard work.  I couldn't chance that.  I have been heavy all of my life and I have decided to make a difference at this point in the crossroad.  I am so glad that my mindset has changed that "preachers are supposed to be fat", "church folk are always eating fried chicken", etc, etc, etc.  Well, I desire that as a minister of the gospel I am healthy and productive in the Kingdom of God as well as those that are in the ministry that God gave me.   Can't you just see the change?   On yesterday, I contacted my Bariatric Resource Nurse and she began to share with me the side effects of another weight reduction surgery.  The Duodenum Switch also known as "DS".  The side effects are foul smelling flatus and stool, and diarrehea.  She said if I could stand the smell it may be an option for me.  I told her if my family could stand the smell....that is the question.  So, I have decided to take an alternative and try the DS.  Studies show that after 10 years, 85% of the people maintained their excessive weight loss.  That is awesome.  I can not live my life in fear....I WON'T LIVE MY LIFE IN FEAR....of anything and that includes gaining weight back.  So, with all that said, change is here....open up your heart and receive it!  I have contacted the Bariatric surgeon on my insurance plan and made an appointment for a consultation on March 22.  I will let you know how it goes.  Much love to each and everyone of you....you are all such an inspiration to me.

Kingdom Blessings and Dominion Power,


Research and more research!!!!!!

Feb 23, 2010

Grace and Peace unto you all!  My husband asked me to do more research about the WLS and the other side of it.  Well, I searched online about the dangers of WLS and boy, I had to go outside for lunch and walk.  I started praying and asking God to make this even more plain to me.  I got a little fearful to be honest.  Well, during my walk I realized that the people who were speaking so negatively were the ones that had the surgery in 1978, 1986, 2000, 2002.  I said to myself, science has evolved in such an awesome way and they did not have an awesome support system nor the research.  What I found was that they jumped on the bandwagon at a time when WLS was something new with promises of being a cure all.  People who have food addictions need help in that area.  I can honestly say it is not an addiction for me.  I don't eat when I am disturbed, I have learned to pray, I don't eat because I am angry; I go to the person that I am angry with and we talk it out.  So why in the world am I so fat????  Because I have been careless in taking care of myself as I should have.  It was no one's fault by my own.  In the process I developed hypothyroidism and slowed me down even the more.  So I have committed to excercising and changing my eating habits.  Preparing myself for the next step so I won't bug out because I can't have a "wintergreen mint by lifesavers" (my weakness)   So, I am excited about this journey and all that it has in store for me.  The Lord is great and greatly to be praised because he calms all my fears!  Thanks for listening...I am on my way to bible study!

Kingdom Blessings and Dominion Power!



Dr.'s appt today!

Feb 19, 2010

Grace and Peace be unto you!  Today I had my 2nd month follow up with Dr. Wheeler.  I am excited to say that I lost 4.5 lbs since being in his office on 1/29/10.  I WAS SOOOOO HAPPY!  So, I am almost at my goal of losing 10lbs by my appt in March 12!  Everyone is so excited for me, I am excited.  Using wisdom, I don't share with everyone that I am having surgery.  I am a firm believer in the power of the tongue.  So, I don't even give them the opportunity to speak negative.  I thank God for this tool that he is giving me to do a SHIFT in ministry!  With a slimmer body, I can praise him longer in the dance!  LOL!  I love Him more today than I did yesterday!

I'll update you on the weigh loss next month...until then....

Kingdom Blessings and Dominion Power!


and the Journey begins.....

Feb 05, 2010

Grace and Peace be unto you!  I really enjoy reading the blogs on this website and I have found that my story is similiar to alot of people on here.  I remember having my thyroid gland removed and it was on and poppin ever since!  I have gone from 202 to 350lbs and I am soooo disgusted in myself.  I can remember hearing my husband telling me how "fine" I was back in the day, but the fines turned into your still beautiful and such a pretty lady.  I am a minister of the Gospel, and I told the Lord that I want to be able to do all that He has called me to be, but I want to be healthy doing it.  He has truly opened the avenue for that.  My healthcare provider requires 6 months of supervision prior to the actual surgery, so I four more months to go.  I am so certain that I will be approved for the surgery.  My BMI is 65 and my nurse says it is because I am so short (smile).  I don't want to ramble on, but I am truly excited about what my life will be like one year from now.  I will try to keep you guys posted atleast once a month regarding my progress.  I have begun to change my eating habits already!  Low calorie intake and excercising.  So, I will have a jump on it after June.  Thank you for taking the time to read my page!

Kingdom Blessings and Dominion Power!



About Me
Surgery Date
Feb 03, 2010
Member Since

Friends 31

Latest Blog 19
