C W. 19 years, 3 months ago

Hello and thanks to all for your support! I'm Home! Very sore, bloated, and kinda tired. Water makes me even more bloated, I can keep down broth, and the shakes...well, that's hard. The taste isn't as bad as I thought, but the amount is HUGE! I'm supposed down 4 of those a day!?! I'm kind of disappointed at my clinic. Doesn't seem like they even care...read my profile, I updated that today too... Thanks for your kind words and prayers. Hugs! CareBear

Tammy C. 19 years, 3 months ago

Congratulations on your surgery just wanted you to know that I was thinking about you today on your new journey. I know this will make a positive change in your life. I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers.

Marcie T. 19 years, 3 months ago

Carrie, You will be in my thoughts and prayers for your up coming surgery. I pray that the Lord guides your surgeons hands, and will bless you with a swift, healthy recovery! God Bless! ~~Marcie

animass 19 years, 3 months ago

Dear Heavenly Father, Today I thank your for allowing me this opportunity to publicly praise Your name and give You the glory. I know the miracles You have performed in my life and so now I am boldly asking with a heart full of thanksgiving that you send a legend of angels to watch over my dear friend. Send the Comforter to whisper Your promises in their ear while they are being move to the OR room. Send Gabriel to awaken my friend when the surgery is over. And let my friend surprise all in the recovery room when they come out prasing You for the pain and knowing that the pain is there because they are alive and have come through ready to live their life according to Your will. Continue to watch over then during all phase of their recovery. And when you come in the clouds of glory may we go home to live with you. In Jesus’ holy name. Amen

Down110 19 years, 3 months ago

Best wishes for a complication free surgery and speedy recovery Shelia

thammmer 19 years, 3 months ago

Carrie, Congratulations on your surgery tommorrow. I just pray that God's peace would surround you and your family, and that your recovery would be swift!!!

Vicuna 19 years, 3 months ago

Hi, Now you are getting excited, nervous, and maybe even a little scared. All those feelings are normal. You are about to begin one of the most fantastic journey's of your life. Weight loss is a given, but the things that you will discover that never occurred to you pre-op, will astound you. I was going to list some, but the fun is in experiencing them for yourself. If you don't already know, the message board is a God send to all of us. The most wonderful support system imaginable. You are never alone in this journey because we have one another for help along the way. My thoughts and prayers will be with you in the days and months to come. Know at all times there is someone who cares about you, because we've been there and we understand. Have a wonderful journey, and enjoy those first steps! Blessed be, V

Valerie D 19 years, 3 months ago

Hi Carrie - Just wanted to say that I'm sure you will do just fine. I had my RNY on 1/26/05 and am back to work today. I do wish they wouldn't advertise all the foods I love so much on TV, though! Anyway, best of wishes on a speedy recovery and life long health.

Scottish Lass 19 years, 3 months ago

Hi Carrie Sending you my best wishes for tomorrow.I will pray you have an unevenful surgery and a speedy recovery.

stacieh 19 years, 3 months ago

Carrie, saying lots of prayers for your speedy recovery and welcome to the losing side. god bless
About Me
Surgery Date
Jan 12, 2005
Member Since
