My story is really no different than most of the weight loss patients that I have met.  I was obese as a child.  I was constantly berated by parents about my weight.  I did manage to stay between 140-150 during most of high school, college and the first few years of my marriage.  However, I was always called the heavy one.  I look at those pictures now and realize that I was not fat at all.

After the birth of my daughter my weight continued to grow.  I did many of the same diets that eveyone has tried.  I would loss some only to have it come back with extra pounds added to it.

I tried to talk to my primary doctor at one point about weightloss surgery only to have her tell me that was a waste of time.  If I really wanted to lose weight I could.  So I had her make out a diet for me to follow for 3 months.  I gained 15 lbs in that 3 month period.  I tried other diet programs and gained and gained and gained.  After a couple more years I finally convinced her to send me to a thyroid specialist.  She had done thyroid tests but only one test and it was always on the low side of normal so she kept saying that I was fine.  The thyroid specialist found that I had severe thyroid issues. After 2 years of medication there still wasn't any change in my weight and the doctor asked me about weightloss surgery.  I told her that I had considered it some years ago but had been told that it was a waste.  She had several patients who had been very successful with it so she wrote letters for me to my primary doctor and to my insurance company.

Needless to say, I finally had the surgery.  I never had a problem following surgery.  The only problem was that I was so disappointed that I had not been able to have the surgery earlier.

Would I do it again?  In a heartbeat and never look back.  I try to encourage everyone that asks me about the surgery to look into it and to consider it for themselves.

About Me
Jacksonville, FL
Surgery Date
Apr 22, 2004
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