Jul 29, 2009

I don’t know what is wrong with me. For the past month or more, I have been hell bent of self destruction. I keep eating fast food and not sleeping on time. I have actually lost my sex drive…yes, I know, you are shocked. Frankly, I am too a little bit. I think my body just feels so abused with the high blood sugar from fast food and tiredness from not sleeping that it just doesn’t want sex. Clearly there is something going on with my subconscious that I need to get a hold of.

For the last several days, my wife has been talking to be about getting weight loss surgery. She says that she is worried about me and my health. This is the biggest she has ever seen me. She says she feels like I don’t care about “us”. I told her I cared about her, I just don’t care about me.

On an interesting note, I got a call today from my old boss. You remember him, he quit the same day I did from our former employer. Well it seems that they have a position opening up as the chief credit office of the company and he told them he knows a guy (me) who might be interested. So I was dusting off my resume all night and I will send it to him for review tomorrow. We talked for a good long while, but I’ll have to fill you in on it later since it is midnight and I am trying to go to bed “early”.


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Sep 07, 2015
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