November 27, 2006 8 days to go

Nov 27, 2006

Everything seems to be happening so fast.  The time is flying by and it's not supposed to.

I am trying to make a list of everything that I need to bring but my brain is thinking in all different directions.  HELP!!!

My friend is going to take and download my before picture.  I don't like this greyish figure with a question mark representing me.

The only thing I am still worrying about are my dogs.  I love my husband but I don't know if he will give them the love and nurturing they are used to from me.  I know, call me crazy but they are my children.

Went to Lane Bryant today to buy some "comfortable clothes" for Mexico and for after the surgery.  If it's God's will, perhaps this will be the last time I shop there.  I have beautiful clothes in my closet in size 10 that are begging to be worn.

I don't consider myself a religous person but one of spirituality and I've decided to call the "lapband" my "Godband".

I've also decided that I am going to go to OA once I return home for support.  I know that I cannot do this by myself.

In love and light.

Nine days to go

Nov 26, 2006

Nine days to go and I just got off the phone with my dear friend who will be by my side as I get banded.

I can't believe how fast the time is going by and I have so much to do.  I've bought my toiletries.  I just need to find some comfortable sports bras (they say it's better than wearing a bra after the surgery) and some drawstring pants.

I think I am more worried about my teacup yorkie, "Andie Sinatra" and my shi-tzu "Dino Martin".  They are so used to me being around the house and I will be in Mexico for five days.  I know my husband will take good care of them.

I'm still a bit confused with the pre-op diet and how I can do this for two of the days I will be in Mexico and then the 4 week post-op.

I have to start writing down all these questions and the answers because no matter how many times I have been told I am so excited I keep forgetting.

In love and light.

About Me
miami, FL
Feb 02, 2004
Member Since

Friends 3

Latest Blog 12
Doing Great!!
Oh no, it's back!!
Feeling a bit tired
It's already been a week
An Amazing Experience
Leaving on a Jet Plane
Down to the final few days!
6 days and counting
What a day!
It's going to be a good day!!
