Geeze -- Long Sorrow.

May 25, 2010

Laid off unexpectedly last October.
Guess almost 4 years of working with people doesn't mean anything. Not a call from anyone.
We were house shopping but had to change to rental.
We had to walk away from our townhouse. Did Obama's plan really help anyone?
Moved in mid-November.
My Mom came to visit during Thanksgiving.
Loved planning meals for each day. Tried new recipes and added to my repitoire.
Got a really bad cold.
Richard's Mom came for Christmas and New Year's.
Loved planning meals for each day. Tried new recipes and added to my repitoire.
Had a really bad bout of flu.
Sammy got really sick and we almost lost him.
I had two and a half weeks of feeding him by tube every three hourse and giving nine medications per day.
Sick again.
Super fatugued. Not going on FB or OH.
Had septoplasty surgery in April. It was more painful and taking longer to heal than I expected.
Struggling with self doubt about a career in real estate.
Wondering if I'll be a success.
Haven't studied in 6 weeks.
Selft esteem is in the toilet. Don't even mention my weight issues.
Sick again last week, couldn't keep any food down at all. You'd think I'd lose a pound or two.

Quarterback Monday I guess.
I held all of this in until last Saturday.
I ddin't realize how much sorrow and stress was building inside. Avoiding. Pretending.
Had a huge cry (thank you for the jump start Phenomenon).
I'm feeling more in tune with my body and monitoring closely.
The flight response that emmanates from my tummy has loosened.
I'm still working on trying to get a good night's sleep but I think it will come along soon.
It's getting easier to pull up my bootstraps.

Here's hoping I've turned a corner for the better.

All prayers gratefully accepted.

Not giving up!

May 20, 2010

I've been off of the boards for some time because I've been rather depressed about having to postpone my VSG.  Just took a look at some of the forums I regularly peruse and have a renewed faith that I will still get this done.  2 days ago I was thinking I'd just come to terms with my fat but, not anymore.  I may be absent for a bit but I will check in from time to time.  Just know that I am rooting for all of my friends and glad to hear so many of you are doing great. 

Beaten to a Pulp!

May 06, 2010

Nah, just feels that way.  I have done everything possible to try to get my procedure financed but to no avail.  So much for being self employed with above average credit.  As a result I've been reluctant to come to OH as regularly as I used to.  I just don't have any questions to ask or feedback to give.  Besides, I finally got worn out from all the negative posts that kept flying around.  Perhaps others have too as there seems to be a slow down in all posts in general.  Ah well, I will go crawl into a corner and lick my wounds for a while.  I WILL get this surgery.  It's just going to take longer than I expected.


New Hope? Send Prayers Please.

Apr 29, 2010

I called one of the financing companies today that I have submitted an application to for a loan for my surgery.  They declined me and I wanted to find out why.  Lates within the past 30/60/90 days was the reason I was declined.  I asked them to check this, my credit is perfect and I don't have any lates.  Turns out they needed more information from me so I've sent it over.  Cross your fingers, pray to allah, send prayers, think good karma . . .   I am really hoping they change their decision.



Apr 21, 2010

Ahhhhhh!  I thought my CareCredit card could be used for my surgery but it can't.  Unfortunately, Dr. Almanza's office is not a participating provider.  Therefore, I'm going to be $2500 short and therefore, I can't get my surgery until I can save this amount on my own.

I am pissed, sad and dissapointed all at the same time.  I am truly tempted to just gain the 20 or so pounds I would need to meet a BMI of 35 and then have my insurance cover it.  Hagen Dazz, here I come!?!?!?


Red Tape!!

Apr 17, 2010

Ugh.  For me to get my passport, I need to get a certified copy of the last name change my mom filed back in 1974 for both of us.  Well, 2 weeks ago I sent my request--took a while to find the case number too--and I just got a response from them.  I have to send a check for the shipping costs before they'll send it to me.  I knew that extra costs would be involved.  I just didn't anticipate that I'd have to send the difference before I got my certified copy.  Although, now that I think about it, it makes perfect sense.  So, I need to send a check which will go out on Monday.  It'll probably take at least 2 weeks to get my copy back so I'm going to have to see if I can change my surgery date from April 28th to a later date.  Ugh!

Red Tape!!  Red Tape!!  Red Tape!!

Now, normally all of this wouldn't be a problem except that my boyfriend is turning 40 on June 3rd and I am planning a three day get-a-way at Disneyland to celebrate.  Let's say I can reschedule to Monday, May 10th.  I am wondering if 3 weeks post op is enough?  Will I be feeling well enough to go on rides?  I love roller coasters!!!

If not, I'll have to schedule something in mid July because my birthday is on July 1st and I 'd rather be feeling well instead of feeling like I'm recuperating still.



Apr 08, 2010

I'm actually having septoplasty surgery this coming Monday.  Figure I should give myself a little extra healing time after this surgery before I have my VSG.  Turns out lots of my instructions for this surgery are the same as for VSG.  And all of the pre-op tests--yeesh.


New Date

Apr 08, 2010

I was hoping to have my surgery on 4/19 but I just have way too much going on that week so I decided to go on the 28th.  I'm hoping the time will fly by.  Meanwhile, back to studying.


About Me
North Hollywood, CA
Surgery Date
Mar 23, 2010
Member Since

Friends 27

Latest Blog 8
