
May 22, 2007

I don't know why i bother.  My HR representavive's answer to them now opting not to cover is- add it to my FSA (flexable spending account) account so I am not taxed on the surgery. Most emplyers are opting out of WLS now studies show, when I told her that- No, insurance companies have recently realized it is medically neceassary and are now covering it why would emplyers suddenly start mass' opting out'....she of course had no answer.
Yah ok- I will add $20,000 to my FSA account for the next 6 months so I am not taxed, pay for the sugery mysellf using FSA. Oh wait, I wont be making $20,000 in the next six months  I guess i will live in my car with my dog.  Brilliant.

the surgeon office hasnt even called  me back- the one girl said the coordinator could try and help and to leave my name and she would get back to me this afternoon. It is like because I didnt get my consultation in time I am not worth a phone call.

I really don't know why I bother.  I finally took the step to say that I need help and my reward is being shit on, yet again.  I pay an obsence amount of NY tax so that I can help to pay for all the medicaid people to go through with any type of health related surgeries just fine. I guess I should just grin and bear it?
I guess I am destined to not be normal, I sometimes don't know why God keeps me alive- every day is some from of physical pain.

bad day

May 22, 2007

We finally got the telephone number to call in regards to our new insurance. After getting the run around for quite some time this morning when I called I was told my employer opted not to take a policy that included WLS or any diagnosis that included obesity I spoke to my HR department and she is 'looking into it', but HR is paid by the CEO who is unfondly called a '300 lb gorilla' by the stockholders. (he is quite skinny it is just a metaphor) and is slowly destroying the company. I can not afford to get a new job (there is not much in the area I live in that pays enough for me to sustain my home) and since I am also in the process of cleaning up the credit my ex destroyed (he's now in jail because of it) there is no there is no way I could possibly pay for the surgery myself yet I can not live with the discomfort much longer. I continue to have numbness in my legs when sitting for long periods of time, back pain, and horrible rashes from stretched skin against skin. 
I really don't know what to do :( I have canceleld my appointment with the surgeon since I can not afford to pay.


May 15, 2007

Well we had a town hall meeting a few days ago and they informed us tht we were becoming 'unmerged' with the company that we were partnered with.
Due to this and other things, they laid off 33 people and we are switching insurance comanies t  cheaper plan. Although I am very blessed that I was not one of the 33 people, the change in insurance is quite drastic.  Since I have been vested in my company (6 years) my coverage is free but I had already met my deductible.  Now it resets.  Also my co-pay went up, and Inpatient is only 90% after dedctible.  Since I am not sure how much this whole surgery I am not sure how much that will be, and being a single homeowner I don't have much 'extra' cash.  So I probably still wil be paying at least $2,000-$3,000 out of pocket.
This is quite upsetting because the reason this is all happening is because the CEO is a complete idiot that has a history of destroying companies after he buys stock and makes some money. He has run our once nice company to the ground and continues to destroy us piece by piece.
All this insurance changing takes place on the 19th and they can not even guarantee that I will be in their system on the 29th for my surgeon appointment.  I can not change the appointment becuse they require $25 cancellation fee. Not sure what to do yet.  My stomach has been pretty much in knots for the past 5 days and i feel a lump in my throat as well.  It just seems like I am Jinxed Alot. 

Still not having much luck finding a support group within 2 hours of there and I work too many hours to travel that far.  not to mention my car is 13 years old, lol!  I checked out the chat rooms on here thinking that might be a good start but it seems they only have 1 chat room and the same 5 or 6 people are the only ones talking to each other, they dont talk about WLS- just nonsense things, and ignore people when they say hello.  So I am not sure what will happen if I dont have some sort of support 'group' but I guess we shall see.

On a good note, my brother has said he will drop me off and pick me up from the hospital.   he has no idea what I am getting done, as I do not want my family involved.  With my family comes stress and I have had a nice year away from them all.  Since they are so selfish I really don't think he will press the issue that much, to him it will just be a small inconveneince having to chaffuer me around.

Appointment for the Surgeon

May 04, 2007

Ok well I did it.  I made my appointmeent for consultation and it is scheduled on May 29th at 1:00 pm.
they are sending me out a package prior to it and a link to where I have to fill out some sheets.
She also told me that the dietician and psycologist are on site so if the doctor feels I am a candidate I can go right out of his office and see them. So there's progress :P

I also called the hospital - White Plains Hospital
After 20 mins of redirection and being transfered to a Billing line that just rang and rang and rang i called back the operator again and told her- her response' what do you want me to do'  I then asked to speak to Administration- spoke to a woman there and she put me on hold to find out then came back and  said they do accept my insurance.
Now I am nervous, I hope the customer care isnt as bad as customer service :(

Taking the first Step

May 03, 2007

My 1st blog..ever.  Never thought I would become a blog person, but here goes...

Well here I am taking the 1st step in my decision of having surgery.
I saw my PCP and she said I should see a surgeon to decide what is the best surgery for me.

Since I am doing this alone I am kind of nervous that the surgeon will look at me through $$ sunglasses  instead of really choosing what is really right for me.

Another fear is transportation to whatever hospital I go to for the surgery.  I am thinking that I probably can't drive myself, and then there is the puppy factor.  Depending upon how long i am in hospital not sure what to do with the dog.  I am thinking there probably is a bus to the hosital I go to and even if it takes me there a few hours before surgery at least i will be there :p

Well I have heard these steps I am taking now are even harder than the actual surgery so I don't feel hopeless :D

About Me
May 03, 2007
Member Since

Friends 3

Latest Blog 5
bad day
Appointment for the Surgeon
Taking the first Step
