7/6/05~I am currently looking into having the surgery and have an appointment tomorrow with Dr. Merola. Once I go to the orientation meeting tomorrow I can set up an appointment with him one on one. I am soooo psych. I can not wait to go through with the surgery.

I have been thinking about the surgery for 3-4 years.

Please pray for me.

I will keep everyone posted on a daily basis.

7/8/05~ Well here I am the day after my orientation seminar with Dr. Merola and I am LOVING him. He is sooooo real, down to earth and no holding back with him. LOVING HIM.

I am really set and psyched now. I came to work this morning and started making all my phone calls and appointments.

I have a one on one appointment with the WONDERFUL Dr. Merola on 8/5/05. I have an appointment with my PCP on 7/12/05. I even called my insurance company to find out exactly what I need to do to get the approval.

Again I ask all to pray for me. Without God's approval I will not get this done.

7/13/05~ Hi All ;o). I had my appoinment yesterday with my PCP. It went pretty well. **I was very nervous**. Not sure why (lol,?).

I explained to him why I was there and he did not hesitate at all. He advised once my blood work came back he will give me the clearance letter I need for my surgeon and the insurance company. Hopefully I will have the letter when I see my surgeon on 8/5/05.

I am very excited still about the surgery but very nervous all of a sudden. My husband and mother are both very supportive. So I will keep praying for the best and hopefully this time will go very quickly and before you know it I will be writing about how much weight I lost.

Please keep me in your prayers. :-)

7/14/05~ Here I am praying and trying to stay on top of things. I called AETNA (my ins company) again just to make sure I did not need a referral from my PCP and they said I did not need a referral.

The rep also advised that my employer did purchase that surgery under our plan. So as long as I meet the criteria for the surgery they will approve me.

*******From her mouth to God's ears****

I so need this. I was very excited. I think a little too excited. I am not able to sleep at night. I am constantly thinking about the surgery and my eating habit lifestyle that I need to change. I am hoping to get the surgery done by the end of this year.

Got to go back to work. xoxoxox I will keep you posted how I do.

The next appoinment I have is with the surgeon on 8/5/2005 but I have to call, next week, my PCP to get the results of my blood work and urine test. He also advised he would then send me my clearance letter.

Please pray for me....Thanks :-)

7/19/05~ Well I am playing the waiting game now. I have my first one on one with my surgeon on 8/5/05. I can not wait. Is it me or do you love this web site???????

I am on this site all day at work....Ha Ha Ha..I hope no one notices.

Today I started the Atkins diet to start coming off this weight. I am 28 years old, 5'5, 330 lbs 54.9 BMI. I would like to lose some weight before I go into surgery. My goal weight is 150 lbs. I know I can do it with God's help.

I was very nervous the other day because my husband said "I guess I better get this surgery done too." Not sure what he meant by that at the time because he is not FAT by any means but can afford to lose a little. He then said he was afraid that I would lose all this weight after the surgery and leave him (insecure-you think?) for someone else.

Let me tell everyone; I have known my husband since I was 8 and he was 9. I am now 28 and we have been married for 4 1/2 beautiful years. I have and never will think about leaving him. I definitely expressed that to him. We have been through alot together and this will be another milestone we will go through together.

Keep me in your prayers*********

7/24/05~ This is great I am loving my new page*****
I started the protein shakes and they are pretty good (can you believe that). But really they are pretty good. I tried Vanilla, Banana cream and chocolate. It is called Worlwide pure protein shake. Not bad at all. They are not meal replacements so inthe morning I'll have that and 2 hard boiled eggs. For lunch a shake and a scoop of chicken salad. For dinner a chicken breast over a salad.

Hopefully I can lose some of this weight before the surgery.

8/8/05~ Well, Well, Well here I am again...I went to see my Surgeon on 8/5/05 and absolutely fell in love. He is great. Very straight forward and very helpful.

He recommended I see the:
Psych Evaluation
Exercise Regimen (so hopefully Aetna will approve me in 3 months instead of 6)

I already made all of my appoinments for the above for the next 2 weeks.
I have to see the surgeon in 2 months to make sure everything is going according to plan. If all is good he said we will discuss a DATE!!!!!!! Oh God yes!!!! A DATE....Sounds like music to my ears....lol

Well to next time....and keep me in your prayers...

8/17/05~ OK...So far so good! I pray it stays this way.
I saw the Nutrionist and she suggested I lose 20-30 pouds before the surgery. She gave me a reasonable diet plan that I can (think)I can stick with.
I met with the Cardiologist and had an EKG and an echogram (I think that's what its called). Pretty cool, I got to see my heart beating on the screen. He said all was good and he was sending my clearance letter to my Surgeon ASAP. So far so good....I am going to keep praying.
I have my psych evaluation next week. Then I start the exercise regimen.
If anyone has had AETNA PPO and tried to get the approval in 3 months please let me know how that went. I would love to hear from you.
Pray for me please because I really need this.

8/25/05~ I had my psych evaluation yesterday and she confirmed I am not crazy...(my husband doesn't believe her). But anyway, She said I PASSED...I was very excited...She advised she will write out the clearance letter asap and hand deliver it to my surgeon on Monday morning.
I walked around yesterday around the track 9 times. I must be very motivated. No pain no gain, right. I am suppose to do it again tomorrow.
Monday I start my exercise regimen which is 3 days a week for 3 months and Tuesday is my appoinment with the Pulmonologist.
Please keep me in your prayers....

8/31/05~ I went to the exercise regimen on 8/29/05 and it went OK. They advised I need to take a stress test before I can even begin to take the class :-(.... More delays. The class does not even begin until 9/26/05. I thought it would of started immediately..oh well...
I went to the Pulmonary doctor yesterday and he advised I am in great shape to have the surgery done. BUT (you know there was a but somewhere..lol) He suggested I have a chest X-Ray done (which I did as soon as I left his office), Sleep apnea test (already scheduled it for tomorrow night) and another Pulmonary test done with a technician (9/12/05). Then I will meet with him again on 9/29/05 for all of the results and at that time he will provide the clearance letter (GOD willing).
Nothing else to report at this time...My weight is now between 325-328. I still need to lose a few pounds before sugery.
Until next time....

9/2/05~ Man did I feel like a science project last night...LMAO... Went for my sleep apnea test last night. Wires were all over the place and they had to change my room at about 1:00 in the morning. Not sure what the results are yet. I'll find out 9/29/05. I feel like I didn't even sleep.
I got on the scale this morning and it said 322..Not sure how true that is....well I am trying to lose some weight before the surgery.
Please pray for me...I need it....

9/12/05~ I just got back from the complete Pulmonary function test. I was very light headed by the time I left there (breath in, breath out, slower, faster, hold it...). She said she will get the results to my Pulmonary doctor by the end of today. I was very happy to hear my weight was 318 (well as happy as you can get at 318...LMAO)
My PCP wrote out the letter of necessity and mailed it already. They said I should receive it today or tomorrow.
9/21/05 I have an appt with the nutrionist, stress test and a nursing evaluation with the exercise regimen all before 12pm. Still have to go to work half day after that. Trying to save my days for surgery.
Well I am waiting until next week...please keep me in your prayers!

9/22/05~ A friend of mine had a tummy tuck done on 9/20/05 I have not heard from her as of yet; hope all is well.
I have had the longest week in my life.
I am going to make this short- My step daughter (10y) was physically abused by her mother's boy friend on MD. She called us on Tuesday night to release her out of the hospital and mind you we are in NY. We drove so fast down there. We picked her up and now we have full custody.
I had my nutrionist appt yesterday which went pretty well. I also had my stress test yesterday which was a joke considering I am so stressed now.
But on the bright side, this morning I weighed in at 315 lbs.
I'll update soon.....Keep me in your prayers.....

10/6/05~I had my third visit with my Nutritionist and it went pretty well. My weight is fluctuating from 315-318. I now have to see her 3 more times. I have decided not to go to the exercise regimen because it was 1. very expensive and 2. not saving me any time. So I figured I'll just go to the Nutritionist 6 times (once every month) and I had all of my other appoinments already.
I meet with my surgeon tomorrow to make sure all my paper work is in order.
I have been very busy now because my husband and I now have custody of my step daughter.
I'll update tomorrow after my appointment...:-) Keep me in your prayers.

10/8/05~ AAAAAHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!! I feel like I want to scream from excitement. I HAVE A DATE!!!!!!!!!!!! January 23, 2006 is the big date!!!!! I am sooooooooooo happy!
I saw my surgeon yesterday and all is in order and he has all my letters from ALL the doctor's I've seen. I just have to see the nutritionist 3 more times (once a month) and the same with my primary doctor. The scale said I was 320 and the surgeon was very happy with that. He said I should keep it up; so I'll try :o).

12/11/05~ Here I am playing the waiting game....I have my nutritionist appointment this Wed (12-14-05) and I meet with my PCP tomorrow (12-12-05) for a last check up.
My surgeon advised that my last nutritionist appoinmnet has to be the first week in January (Jan 3 or 4th) so they can have her report by January 6th to put the paperwork in for approval.
They scheduled me to come in on January 9th (my birthday) for the pre op. Mind you I still have not been approved as of yet.
I am praying this surgery will be approved and go smoothly. I am scheduled for 7:30 am on 1-23-06.
I have been writing a list of things I need to buy to pack for the hospital and for when I come home. This will make it easier for my husband.
Well until later

12/16/05~I spoke to the coordinator at my surgeon's office and she scheduled my pre op for Jan 18th and I also have to see the surgeon that same day.
She told me my surgery is scheduled for Jan 23 at 7:15am. She said when I go to the pre op they will tell me what to do the day before and what time to be there.
Funny thing is I am still so worried about the approval of this surgery and then she had the nerve to say that the insurance company (AETNA) is a Pisser to put it mildly. Just what I needed to hear.
Please keep me in your prayers.

12/26/05~Well, it is the day after christmas. My daughter had a great day and so did my husband. My husband asked me what I wanted for christmas and I told him I wanted some extra money to prepare myself for the surgery on 1/23/06.
So he gave me some extra money and I went to GNC today and became a member ($10).
I bought:
liquid B12
Isopure (Grape frost, protein ready to drink)
and Sylvestor Stallone's Bananna Cream Pudding

Then I went to the drug store and picked up chap stick for the hospital stay and chewable centrum.

I figure I'll buy a little at a time so it does not sit for so long. I will go next week and buy the whey (powder tasless stuff to add to my broths, soups, s/f jello etc...) and the zero carb Isopure (protein shake).
I am so excited and can not wait until the day of surgery.
I am so hooked to http://store.bariatriceating.com/ that web site is the best and is a big help.
Well until later

12/27/05~ This was way too funny but yet so true. Please read the below:

You Know You Are A WLS Patient When:
1. "I have a date" doesn't mean you are going out.
2. "I'm a loser" is a good thing.
3. "Welcome to the other side" does not mean you have died.
4. New clothes fall off the next week.
5. You are excited about "hand me downs"
6. YOU have a NEW family!
7. Hitting the "Century Mark" is a good thing!
8. You love the taste of Chewable Centrum Rugrats Vitamins or biting the head off of Wilma.
9. People start calling you tiny, and it's a good thing.
10. When the word lap has nothing to do with a strip club!!
11. When "No, I couldn't eat another bite" really has a deeper meaning!
12. When they look at you resentfully in the plus size store because you really don't belong there anymore!
13. When you have to prove you are you on your license!
14. When you start hogging the camera space and loving the pictures!
15. You want to hug everyone who is fat and give them your surgeon's card.
16. You are never without a bottle of water.
17. When people look surprised when they see how little you eat.
18. When you know all too well the definition of "dumping".
19. When you can see your feet for the first time in years!!
20. When you order a doggy bag the same time you order your meal.
21. When you count protein grams instead of calories.
22. You say "Oh, I won't have any of that, I'm full" and really mean it.
23. When the only way your nipples are where they belong is to roll them up, position them in your bra & secure them with a pony-tail holder!!! (sorry for the visual guys!)
24. Having your husband say, "Honey, I can put my arm (not arms) all the way around you!!"
25. When you go to the mall and you park in the first open space instead of circling for 20 minutes for a spot by the door.
26. You go out on a date and are really truly a "Cheap date" and not in the way that some think.....
27. When one drink makes you a flipping floozy...
28. When you run you don't hear a flapping noise.....oh wait you still do.....but at least you are running!
29. When your husband takes your breath away in a moment of passion...but not because he is squishing your tummy!
30. You feel like you have over eaten after eating half a cup of something.
31. Vitamins and calcium etc. feel like a meal.
32. When the chef comes out from the kitchen and asks you "what's the matter, don't you like the meal?"
33. You've just lost 100 pounds, and someone who hasn't seen you in a while says .... "Gee, did you change your hairstyle?"
34. When you bend over and see daylight through your thighs.
35. You can cross your legs.
36. When you ask for a sample in the deli section of a grocery store and that's your meal.
37. When you say, "I just got these clothes last week and they're already too big!"
38. Trying to cash a check and the teller says, "That's not you!"
39. Instead of the "Wonder Bra" you need a "Wonder Where They Went Bra."
40. You walk into a store and see all the weight loss products and know you will never need to buy them again.
41. When you walk by a mirror and say to yourself "Who is that girl?"
42. When people take a double look at you.
43. When you go out for the evening and feel like Cinderella.
44. When your shoe size shrinks and you start buying shoes that tie.
45. When the steering wheel in your car no longer cuts off the circulation in your tummy area.
46. When you drop food, it no longer lands on your boobs, but actually lands in your lap.
47. You can avoid the handicap stalls in public restrooms because you can now "fit" in a regular stall.
48. The thought of fitting into an airline seat no longer sends you into a panic attack.
49. When your able to tuck a blouse into your pants.
50. When you are excited to be able to go to the thrift shops and get your dressy clothes.
51. When the flight attendant doesn't reach for the seat belt extender, and you can sit by the window.
52. When people actually "see" you and talk to you, and not through you like you are invisible.
53. When you order a child's meal, and take half of it home in a doggie bag.
54. When checking for leaks doesn't mean looking at your panties!!!
55. When your spandex shorts are used for *JOGGING*, and not merely as an anti-chaffing between-the-thighs-shielding-device.
56. When your exercise equipment isn't just for drying your fine washables anymore.
57. When your child or grandchild wants to sit on your lap-and they really can!
58. When your boyfriend/spouse starts gaining weight because of eating your leftovers.
59. When you can run up a flight of stairs and don't have to stand there for 10 minutes to catch your breath.
60. You can't wait to wake up and start your day.
61. Your butt gets tired of sitting because you have no padding.
62. You go out to eat and ask if anyone wants to split a kids meal.
63. When people you know but haven't seen since before surgery DON'T know you!
64. Having to get a new driver's license because you FINALLY weigh less that what you've lied about for years!
65. You are actually bold enough to admit your weight, and even post it on the internet!!!
66. You can eat 1/4 of a chicken breast and feel like you just finished Thanksgiving dinner.
67. You actually look forward to stepping on a set of scales!
68. You are not embarrassed of anything that you have in your cart at the supermarket!
69. When you're no longer embarrassed to tell people you weigh 200 pounds (and that you weighed over 300).
70. When you will tell complete strangers intimate details of your toileting experiences.
71. Being able to hang clothes in the closet without them falling off the hanger.
72. Exercise is a good thing.
73. You leave Costco feeling like you've left an all you can eat buffet (all those free samples!).
74. When you call Lane Bryant and Catherines and ask them to take you off their list and cancel your credit card.
75. When you spend a day in your room trying on clothes you shoved to the back of the closet/dresser.
76. You buy 3 Lean Cuisines a week...and that's your total groceries.
77. Your rings keep spinning around your fingers.

Until Later...keep me in your prayers!

1/3/06~Today I went to my last nutritionist appoinment. She will finish the report and forward to my surgeon so they can send it to my insurance company. Whew, coming towards the finish line. Now the waiting for the insurance approval. I am trying to keep a positive attitude and keep praying that I will be approved, immediately. Oh, Happy New Years, to any one reading this. I got so caught up in this.
I asked about a liquid diet but she said I did not have to do it right now. My pre op is on Jan 18 and if I have to do any cleansing they will let me know there.
She only mentioned the post op care:
Vitamins (chewable centrum {2}, liquid B12, tums{2})
protein shakes
Instant Carnation Breakfast (sugar free)
s/f jello
chicken broth
Some other stuff I do not remember right now but wrote down

Well here we go, the waiting game for the insurance approval. Cross you fingers and pray for me...I will keep you posted.

1/11/06~Well I called my Surgeon's office and they said they sent the paperwork in on Friday (1/6/06). I called the insurance company today and they put the paperwork into the system yesterday and as of right now the status is pending on their end.
I am happy to hear they have received it.
Now the waiting continues. The guy on the phone said it may take a week or two. I hope they hurry; surgery still scheduled for 1/23/06.
I went to http://store.bariatriceating.com/ and ordered some really great protein samples and shakes.
My birthday was 1/9/06 and my mother (she is so cute) gave me 3 sexy thong (panties) from Victoria Secrets. They were the cutest things (size med). I can not wait to fit into them.
LOL my husband tells me to put them on now~Yea, where? On my head! LOL He is so cute! Love him!
Well I will let you know when I get approved!

1/14/06~Grrrrrrrr! AAAAHHHHHHH! This is the worst! The waiting for the approval from the insurance company sucks! Don't they know I am scheduled for 1/23/06 and my pre op is next week on 1/18/06. I have to call them back on Tuesday (Monday is a holiday but I think I will call and try anyway) and hopefully they will tell me what I want to hear.

1/19/06~(308lbs!!) GGGRRRRR!!!!!! Still waiting to be approved! I do not believe this crap!
But anywho! I had my pre-op appt yesterday and it went pretty well. I was shocked when my surgeon told me I weighed in at 308! I have been working so hard at losing but my scale said 316 but I like their scale better (lol).
I had a chest x-ray done, blood work, urine test, cardiogram and blood pressure taken. I was there for about 3 hrs.
I sat with the surgeon for my last little questions and for him to explain everything 1 more time.
He told me what to do after for the first week post op (no vitamins, no lifting, no exercise, NO food-just liquids).
So I am ready, just doing last minute shopping for my hubby and daughter and last minute cleaning and I am read to go!
I will note once I hear from the insurance company.

1/21/06~Boy you do not know what I have been through yesterday. I was calling the insurance company all morning and still the dreaded words of "STILL PENDING" Are you F---ING kindding me!
Then my surgeons office called to say that we had to reschedule until 2/28/06~Are you F---ING kindding me!~
Then at 3:30 the surgeons office called again saying I am APPROVED~Thank you Jesus~ and the surgery was changed back to 1/23/06~Thank you Jesus~BUT I need to rush to my PCP to get the clearance letter~did that and he faxed it and I have the original~
OH! yesterday was stressful but will be well worth it! Thank you Jesus. Well, I have alot of cleaning to do so I will post again tomorrow before I go in to surgery.
I am almost on the losing side.~Thank you Jesus~

1/23/06~Surgery date is today. It is 4:10am and I am about to take my shower.
I will update once I return~hoprfully Wednesday 1/25/06.

1/26/06~I AM A LOSER!!!!
I came home yesterday from the surgery on Monday.
The surgery was 2 hours long. All I remember is joking around in the surgery room on the table and breathing in the oxygen then I woke up in the recovery room to see my husband holding my hand, my mother and my daughter.
I was dosing off iin and out and finally 3-4 hours later I got my own room.
I was told to walk around that night and to sit at the end of the bed. I was not able to do either the same day. The pain was unbearable. They had to upi my dose of morphine it was so bad.
Day 2~ I walked 6 laps around the floor, they took the catheter out, I started 2 ozs of clear liquids an hour and did not I could not get comfortable. I threw up but not sure why I was hardly drinking anything.
Day 3~ Taken off the morphine and put on percocet, walked around 10-13 laps around the floor and got to come home. The drain was taken out and felt like they were taking out my insides.
Now that I am home, WOW is the gas pain crazy. I walked around the house and out side a bit not too many liquids in just water, s/f jello and broth.

1/29/06~OK, so here I am 6 days post op still on a clear liquid diet (water, s/f jello, broth and today I will have s/f 100%juice) Gosh am I tierd of the clear liquids. I have my first post op appointment with my surgeon on Wednesday. They surgeon will move me to the next stage of pureed foods and I can not wait. I do not know how much I have lost because I have decided to stick with the surgeon's scale, so I will document it on Wednesday.

2/2/06~292!!! Well I had my first post op 1 week appt yesteday and I am now 292!!!! I am excited but I was hoping to lose more but I am satisfied. The Dr said I can start on purred and mushy foods for 3 weeks. (yum...lol) I am now on gall bladder medicine, blood pressure meds, centrum dhewables and tums...whew.
My next Dr appt is on 2/18/06 will update my weight then.

2/15/06~It has been a while. I came back to work on Monday 2/13/06 and I am soooo tierd. Everyone said I looked great and I was glowing. Not everyone knows I had the surgery so they are asking for my secret on losing weight and looking good; so I told them it is alot of work (which is true-they don't need the details).
I was really sick yesterday with the runs. Man, was my stomach (pouch) hurting. Not sure if it was something I ate. I am much better today, thank God!
I am now wearing a 18/20 but I am not trying to buy too much because in a couple of weeks they won't fit~I am not complaining...lol.
My next Dr. appt is on 2/22/06 I will updt my weight then.

2/22/06~286!!! Go me, Go me, lol. 286 is what the surgeon told me and I am ok with that and so was he. The surgeon said I am now entered phase 3 and can eat basically anything I want (low fat, and watch my portions). I had scrambled eggs this weekend and puked (nasty). But hey, it is trial and error, some things will work and others will come up~lol.
My husband is so excited. He is loving the fact that I am losing so much and points out different parts of my body everyday. He is so supportive~love him.
People in my job keep telling me how fab I look. My manager said "it looks like your losing, what are you doing, I need your secret...." I just smile and say "really, you think so, I don't see it" lol. No need to tell those haters anyway...lol.
Well, I am going to join a gym and get a personal trainer to keep me on track. I walk everyday now during my lunch break (1/2 hr on the treadmil, 2.5-3, no incline).

3/13/06~270!!!! I can not believe it 270!!!! I am so excited. I am wearing size 18 in jeans and some 14/16 in others (depends on cut). I have received so many compliments and it feels great. get my nails done often now, hair colored and cut nicely and I am loving life.

3/23/06~262!!!!!! 2 MONTH ANNIVERSARY. I can not believe how time flies when your having fun. lol. This surgery is the best thing that has ever happen to me. I really need to start posting some pictuers.
My husband has even lost 25 pounds by eating less and working out. I am so proud of him, he looks great.
I can pretty much eat about anything, except eggs (has to be egg beaters). I had jerk chicken (very spicey) and that came up.
My menu consists of the below (usually):
B~Carnation Instant Breakfast
L~sometimes 1/2 can tuna, or 1/4 cottage cheese, or nothing
S~string cheese
D~very little veggies and a 1/4 cup protein (chicken, fish...)
S~most times nothing others s/f pudding or s/f ice pop
I have been working out 5 days a week. On the bike, treadmill, weights and crunches.
I also take my vitamins (Viactiv) calcium and multi (yum yum).
And, alot of liquids.
Well next month I have my appt with my surgeon and I hope to lose alot more.

4/21/06~244!!!! Well it is almost my 3 month anniversary and I have lost 96 lbs in total and 64 lbs since surgery. I feel great. My XL clothes are too big. But, I am not complaining. I can not believe once I lose .7 more pounds I will only be obese not EXTREMELY obese or SUPER obese or even MORBIDLY obese. I will just be obese.

5/4/06~239 Only obese, not super obese and not morbidly obese, just obese! BMI is now under 40 and I feel great. I can fit into a 14/16 and my energy level is through the roooooffffff lol.
I am so excited!!!!!!!

OK, so here is my story. It has been a long time I have not been here but I need to re-group, focus and get back on track.
The last time I was here was in May 2006. That is the month I found out I was 7 weeks pregnant. PREGNANT!!!!! I was estatic, very excited. I thought I couldn't get pregnant but it happened, only 3 months after the surgery.
So, in January 2007 I gave birth to a happy, healthy 6 lb 1 oz baby boy. He is now 7 months and extremely energetic.
During my pregnancy I was very worried about me not being able to eat alot but I ate what I could and stayed taking my vitamins. It was a GREAT pregnancy....I felt fantastic....no issues, thank God.
So, like I said he is now 7 months and I am 225, and I need to get back on track to losing weight. I didn't gain anything during my pregnancy. I was up and down from 210-230.
Today I am starting to go back to basics, water, protein, logging what I eat and exercise. Time to get control again.

It has been a while but I am still in the struggle of trying to lose weight and keep it off. I am very happy that it has been 2 years, and I have been able to keep off and still been able to lose more weight even after having the baby. I finally see a 1 in front of the scale. I can not remember the last time my weight began with a 1. It is truely an unbelievable feeling and I never want to see my weight begin with a 2 ever again!
Today is my seven year wedding anniversary and my husband has been truely supportive through this whole experience and I love him for that.
My son has turned 1 and is keeping me very busy. He is definitely a blessing. And, I believe he would not have been here if I did not have this surgery so I thank GOD for him and this surgery that has given me a NEW life.
Trying to stick to basics has helped me take more weight off (protein, water and logging what I eat) and keep it off. But, I am obsessed with the scale. Thats OK though, whatever helps. I remember the days where I did not want to look at the scale at all and that was not good. My goal is still 150 and I hope to be there by the summer time but if not thats ok, as long as I do not gain anything. I will keep trying and stay motivated.

10/11/11~236 lbs

Wow Its been a long time. The obvious, I gained weight. I had my second son June of 2009 and went from 198 lbs to 263 lbs.  It is HARD to get it off this time but I am back to it. I been doing weight watchers to assist me with staying on track, measuring and logging. My goal is still 150 lbs. I must say as the years past I realize that this is a life style and not an 'easy' fix as some may say. It is a constant struggle. I always remind myself though of where I started and realize no matter how small the victory its still a victory.  So as I proceed on my weight loss journey I encourage others to remain motivated and come to terms that this is a lifestyle. God bless!

About Me
Flushing, NY
Surgery Date
Jun 15, 2005
Member Since

Latest Blog 1
