3 months post Op

Mar 23, 2010

Well were do I start? I'm down 64  in 3 months OMG.. My whole world is changing and I love it. Best decision I ever made. i still have a ways to go. but I'm still so motivated i will be there in no time. I'm exercising every night and loving it. never thought that would ever happen. people don't recognize me when they see me or they cant believe it. Its hard for me to believe as well. Thank you God for making this all possible.
1 comment

2 Months post Op.....OMG

Feb 21, 2010

I cant believe  I sit here today writing That Its actually 2 months since my surgery and I'm down 55 pounds. What a blessing this has been to me. I am not nearly done I have so much more to go but I am so insipred and motivated to keep on going. The feeling I have today Is amazing I wish I could bottle it up and sell it.
I love the new me and everyday learning more and more about whats to come. I can proudly say that i am jogging everyday and  I think that really helps contribute to the rapid loss.
Well Goodbye for now. talk soon

4 weeks out!!!

Jan 19, 2010

well this has been an amazing journey. 4 weeks out and I'm feeling marvelous. I have never felt better. It seems like my weight loss is rather slow compared to others that I have read but I am not discouraged, not one bit... It seems to go in spurts. but all together I'm down 37 pounds. So I'm thrilled. i'm learning about my new pouch and what i can take in and Find that its still not much. Any way I just am so happy that I Chose this road. i know that by this time next year his journey will seem like a dream so I want to document all that I can along the way. Bye for now!!!!

New Life 5 days post op

Dec 25, 2009

Good Morning,
Yep I did it!! 5 days Post op. Feeling great,and learning about my new body and how it works. Surgery was a breeze     (thank God) woke up in some pain and spent the first day uncomfortable. 2nd day got some real pain meds (vicodin) and felt fantastic walked,walked,walked to get all the trapped gas out and felt so good on day 3 opted for Tylenol only for the ride home. But quickly realized I needed more then that when I got There. So i spent Christmas up and about kinda afraid to eat not hungry at all but my husband keeps telling me I need to do it. At this point I am barely getting 20 oz of clear liquids down for the whole day. I feel so full that the thought of another sip could make me sick.
Woke up this morning feeling good I m going to focus on Protein and fluids and hopefully work my way up to my goal. I dd get on the scale and was down -17 pounds from the start so I guess we will see. So far so good.
So Happy I did this I cant be more thankful for the opportunity. I went in with a great frame of mind and I truly believe that is why I am doing so well..........Talk to you later

It all starts today!

Dec 07, 2009

I've been thinking about today for the past month. The Day i say good bye to food and hello to a new life. I start today my 2 week protein diet and I am excited. I just hope this excitement lasts the whole 2 weeks. I'm ready mentally and physically I ate my last big meal last night and went to bed knowing that today was the begining of my new slimmer life. My surgery is scheduled for Dec 22 which is 2 weeks and I have so much to do til then. Getting ready for Christmas and the surgery should make these 2 weeks fly by. I woke up earlier then usual and i weighed my self 275 the scale said. Unbelievable. this isnt the time to reflect on disapoinment but to prepare for a new me. So i leave this blog now and will catch up before my surgey.I can do anything I  set my mind to. I want this I have this......The goal is mine for the taking....BYE

About Me
Surgery Date
Nov 10, 2009
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